Man pages for brucosper/RadialGO
A Radial Tree Visualization of Gene Ontology Enrichment

buildEdgeDFBuild a data frame of edges from the nodes. NOTE: Due to a...
buildLabelCreate a text label describing the GO term and its score
buildNodeDFBuilds a node data frame from the top GO terms using the...
checkInputCheck input values for correct format and type
generateGraphGenerate the graph visualization of GO enrichment scores
getEdgeColorDetermine what color the edge should take in the graph.
getSubgraphNodesGenerate the subgraph implied by the list of nodes passed in.
rebuildGOIDRebuild a GO ID string from its number
reduceGraphRemoves nodes from the graph which have a p-value above the...
serverShiny app server function
brucosper/RadialGO documentation built on Dec. 8, 2019, 10:32 a.m.