
Defines functions PCsearch

Documented in PCsearch

#'  Demonstrate the Search for New Principal Component Axes
#'  Shiny application to demonstrate the search for the 1st two principal components
#'  for a randomly generated set of data.
#'  @return  None.  A web page opens with the application running.
#'  @author Bryan A. Hanson, David T. Harvey
#' @import shiny
#' @import markdown
#' @importFrom graphics abline legend points segments text title
#' @importFrom stats runif var
#' @export PCsearch

PCsearch <- function() {

  # ui.R ----
  ui <- fluidPage(

    # App title ----
    titlePanel("Searching for the Principal Component"),
    # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----

      # Sidebar panel for inputs ----
          inputId = "rot_axes",
          label = "Angle to rotate test axis:",
          min = 0,
          max = 90,
          value = 15,
          step = 0.5
          inputId = "show_all_PC1",
          label = "Show all projections on proposed PC1",
          value = FALSE
          inputId = "x_center",
          label = "Ellipse center x value:",
          min = -5,
          max = 5,
          value = 0,
          step = 0.5
          inputId = "y_center",
          label = "Ellipse center y value:",
          min = -5,
          max = 5,
          value = 0,
          step = 0.5
          inputId = "x_range",
          label = "Ellipse x range:",
          min = 4,
          max = 20,
          value = 10,
          step = 1
          inputId = "y_range",
          label = "Ellipse y range:",
          min = 4,
          max = 20,
          value = 4,
          step = 1
          inputId = "rot_ellipse",
          label = "Angle to rotate initial ellipse:",
          min = 0,
          max = 45,
          value = 30,
          step = 1
          inputId = "seed",
          label = "seed",
          value = 31
          inputId = "n",
          label = "No. of data points",
          value = 20

      # Main panel for displaying outputs ----

        # Output: Tabset ----
          type = "tabs",
          tabPanel("Plot", plotOutput(outputId = "PCPlot", width = "700px", height = "700px")),
          # tabPanel("Plot", plotOutput(outputId = "PCPlot")),
          tabPanel("Parameters", uiOutput("parameters")),
          tabPanel("User Guide", uiOutput("user_guide"))

  # server.R ----
  server <- function(input, output, session) {

    # get local files (addResourcePath did not work here)
    # app.css is identical to markdown.css but 'body' is commented out as it
    # was overriding the main container
    www <- system.file("www", package = "LearnPCA")
    p_file <- paste(www, "parameters.md", sep = "/")
    ug_file <- paste(www, "user_guide.md", sep = "/")
    css_file <- paste(www, "app.css", sep = "/")

    output$parameters <- renderUI({
      HTML(markdown::markdownToHTML(p_file, stylesheet = css_file))

    output$user_guide <- renderUI({
      HTML(markdown::markdownToHTML(ug_file, stylesheet = css_file))

    output$PCPlot <- renderPlot({
        rot_ellipse = input$rot_ellipse,
        x_center = input$x_center,
        y_center = input$y_center,
        x_range = input$x_range,
        y_range = input$y_range,
        rot_axes = input$rot_axes,
        seed = as.integer(input$seed),
        n = as.integer(input$n),
        show_all_PC1 = input$show_all_PC1,
        shiny = TRUE

  # Run the app ----
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
bryanhanson/LearnPCA documentation built on May 2, 2024, 6:21 p.m.