zplyr: zplyr: Zachary Burchill's personal package

zplyrR Documentation

zplyr: Zachary Burchill's personal package


The zplyr package has nothing to do with "plyr" or "dplyr", the name was just a bad joke.

zplyr is a collection of personal functions that I, Zach Burchill, have found useful in my grad studies. This package was created before the big tidyverse update, when it got all that cool non-standard evaluation rlang stuff that makes it so easy to jive with the rest of the tidyverse.

Furthermore, much of this code was written early in my grad career, when I wasn't as familiar with what R packages were out there, and when I pretty much sucked. I did learn a lot about nse and R documentation and package creation making this, however.

Foo functions

The foo functions ...

burchill/zplyr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 11:01 a.m.