# SAVE/LOAD ----
#' Saving and Loading GluonTS Models
#' GluonTS models require a special storage process that saves / loads the
#' recipe used to recreate a model to / from a directory that the user
#' defines.
#' @param object A fitted model object
#' @param path A directory to store the GluonTS model files
#' @param overwrite Whether or not to allow overwriting a GluonTS model's directory. Default: FALSE.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(tidymodels)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(timetk)
#' model_fit <- nbeats(
#' # User Defined (Required) Parameters
#' id = "id",
#' freq = "M",
#' prediction_length = 24,
#' # Hyper Parameters
#' epochs = 1,
#' num_batches_per_epoch = 4
#' ) %>%
#' set_engine("gluonts_nbeats") %>%
#' fit(value ~ date + id, m750)
#' # Saves the related files needed to recreate the model
#' model_fit %>% save_gluonts_model(path = "/dir_nbeats_model/")
#' # Loads the model
#' load_gluonts_model(path = "/dir_nbeats_model/")
#' }
#' @export
save_gluonts_model <- function(object, path, overwrite = FALSE) {
# Check Class
is_acceptable_class <- c("workflow", "model_fit") %>%
purrr::map_lgl(.f = function(cl) inherits(object, cl)) %>%
if (!is_acceptable_class) {
rlang::abort("'object' must be class 'workflow' or 'model_fit'.")
# Check Path
path_extension <- fs::path_ext(path)
if (path_extension != "") {
msg <- glue::glue("'path' should be a directory only. Found extension: {path_extension}. No file extensions are permitted.")
# If directory exists, check if OK to overwrite
if (!overwrite) {
if (fs::dir_exists(path)) {
msg <- glue::glue("A directory exists at path: {path}. Use 'overwrite = TRUE' to overwrite.")
# If No Directory, create it
if (!fs::dir_exists(path)) {
# 1. Save the modeltime model
rds_path <- fs::path(path, "modeltime_model.rds")
saveRDS(object, file = rds_path)
# 2. Save (Serialize) the GluonTS model
pathlib_path <- pkg.env$pathlib$Path(path)
if (inherits(object, "workflow")) {
# Is workflow
object$fit$fit$fit$models$model_1$serialize(path = pathlib_path)
} else {
# Is parsnip model_fit
object$fit$models$model_1$serialize(path = pathlib_path)
msg <- glue::glue("\n\nModel saved at path: {path}")
#' @rdname save_gluonts_model
#' @export
load_gluonts_model <- function(path) {
# Check Path
path_extension <- fs::path_ext(path)
if (path_extension != "") {
msg <- glue::glue("'path' should be a directory only. Found extension: {path_extension}. No file extensions are permitted.")
# 1. Load the modeltime model
rds_path <- fs::path(path, "modeltime_model.rds")
object <- readRDS(file = rds_path)
# 2. Load (Deserialize) the GluonTS model
pathlib_path <- pkg.env$pathlib$Path(path)
model_gluon <- pkg.env$gluonts$model$predictor$Predictor$deserialize(path = pathlib_path)
# 3. Recombine the modeltime model and the gluon model
if (inherits(object, "workflow")) {
# Is workflow
object$fit$fit$fit$models$model_1 <- model_gluon
} else {
# Is parsnip model_fit class
object$fit$models$model_1 <- model_gluon
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