
R package for monitoring open accessibility of publications.

This package takes publication data from a single year and determines per article its open access status, using the Directory of Open Access Journals, (DOAJ), Unpaywall and the association of universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) Open Access publishing deals (an excel sheet available through the VSNU). It uses peer reviewed journal articles registered in CRIS systems as input. It was created in a collaboration between Utrecht University Library and Leiden University Library.

Documentation can be found in the Vignette folder. On 3-4 June 2020 Barbara Vreede from Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Kristina Hettne from Leiden University, The Netherlands, gave a workshop on how to use the tool, slides can be found here for reference:

Codecov test
coverage R build status

bvreede/OAmonitor documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 8:33 p.m.