Man pages for bvreede/OAmonitor
Scoring Open Accessibility of Publications at Dutch Universities

api_to_dfMine an API and save the results in a data frame
apply_customApply custom labels to a data frame
apply_doajAdd DOAJ data to publications data frame
apply_matchesAdd all VSNU, UPW, DOAJ matches to the data frame
apply_upwAdd Unpaywall data to publications data frame
apply_vsnuAdd VSNU data to publications data frame
check_infoScreen for sufficient information
classify_oaClassification of papers
clean_doiClean DOIs
clean_issnClean ISSNs
column_renameRenaming columns to standard names
custom_labelGenerate the custom label column
deduplicateDeduplication of publication entries
doaj_apiMining the DOAJ API
extract_uniquesExtract unique values without NAs
full_reportGenerate a full report
get_customRead the custom file
get_doajGet DOAJ data from indicated source
get_upwGet Unpaywall data from indicated source
get_vsnuRead and clean VSNU data
hoop_reportReport for HOOP areas
individual_reportsGenerate many individual reports
number_to_issnTurn string (length 8) into ISSN
open_cleanOpen and clean up source data
open_dfOpen a single file to
open_everythingOpen all files and return a dataframe
process_doajProcess DOAJ API result
read_extDetermines format and reads in tabular data
report_to_alluvialTurn classification data into an alluvial diagram
report_to_dataframeGenerate a report
report_to_imageTurn classification data into a barplot
save_dfSave dataframes in data/clean
select_columnsKeep only specific columns in a data frame
system_id_checkChecking system ID columns for duplicate
upw_apiMining the Unpaywall API
bvreede/OAmonitor documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 8:33 p.m.