Man pages for byandell/qdg
QTL directed graphs

acyclicAcyclic graph example
cyclicaCyclic graph (a) example
cyclicbCyclic graph (b) example
cycliccCyclic graph (c) example
generateGenerate graph data for examples
glxnetGenerate and graph Glx network
plot.qdgPlot a directed graph
qdgAlgoProduces a directed graph using QDG algorithm
qdg-internalUtilities for internal use with qdg library
QDG-packageImplements the QDG algorithm
qdg.perm.testConduct permutation test for LOD score of edge direction on...
qdgSEMScore directed graphs outputed by qdgAlgo using structural...
byandell/qdg documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.