Man pages for byandell/qtlview
Visualization of QTL Scans for Multiple Traits

add.phenosCreate genetic and physical list of maps object.
annotationCreate trait.annotation object
aug.scanonePlot 1-D scan of LOD and/or means
bestscanMake 1-D scans from best patterns
build36NCBI build 36 data for Affymetrix 5K Mouse Kit
cistransCreate and plot cis-trans map
complodComposite LOD plot across multiple groups
mapsCreate genetic and physical list of maps object.
multtraitPlot 1-D scan of LOD and/or means
mygeno.imageimage of genotypes
myplotPlot 1-D scan of LOD and/or means
permsCreate list of scanone perm objects.
byandell/qtlview documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:53 a.m.