
Defines functions scale_y_mlb scale_x_mlb scale_fill_mlb scale_color_mlb

Documented in scale_color_mlb scale_fill_mlb scale_x_mlb scale_y_mlb

# Color and Fill Scales ---------------------------------------------------

#' Scales for MLB Team Colors
#' @description These functions map MLB team names to their team colors in
#'   color and fill aesthetics
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::scale_fill_manual
#' @param type One of `"primary"` or `"secondary"` to decide which colortype to use.
#' @param values If `NULL` (the default) use the internal team color vectors. Otherwise
#'   a set of aesthetic values to map data values to. The values
#'   will be matched in order (usually alphabetical) with the limits of the
#'   scale, or with `breaks` if provided. If this is a named vector, then the
#'   values will be matched based on the names instead. Data values that don't
#'   match will be given `na.value`.
#' @param guide A function used to create a guide or its name. If `NULL` (the default)
#'   no guide will be plotted for this scale. See [ggplot2::guides()] for more information.
#' @param alpha Factor to modify color transparency via a call to [`scales::alpha()`].
#'   If `NA` (the default) no transparency will be applied. Can also be a vector of
#'   alphas. All alpha levels must be in range `[0,1]`.
#' @name scale_mlb
#' @return A discrete ggplot2 scale created with [ggplot2::scale_color_manual()] or
#'   [ggplot2::scale_fill_manual()].
#' @aliases NULL
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(mlbplotR)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' team_abbr <- valid_team_names()
#' # remove league logos from this example
#' team_abbr <- team_abbr[!team_abbr %in% c("AL", "NL", "MLB")]
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   random_value = runif(length(team_abbr), 0, 1),
#'   teams = team_abbr
#' )
#' ggplot(df, aes(x = teams, y = random_value)) +
#'   geom_col(aes(color = teams, fill = teams), width = 0.5) +
#'   scale_color_mlb(type = "secondary") +
#'   scale_fill_mlb(alpha = 0.4) +
#'   theme_minimal() +
#'   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
#' }

#' @rdname scale_mlb
#' @export
scale_color_mlb <- function(type = c("primary", "secondary"),
                            values = NULL,
                            aesthetics = "colour",
                            breaks = ggplot2::waiver(),
                            na.value = "grey50",
                            guide = NULL,
                            alpha = NA) {

  type <- rlang::arg_match(type)

    values <- switch(type,
                     "primary" = primary_colors,
                     "secondary" = secondary_colors

  if(!is.na(alpha)) values <- scales::alpha(values, alpha = alpha)

    values = values,
    aesthetics = aesthetics,
    breaks = breaks,
    na.value = na.value,
    guide = guide

#' @rdname scale_mlb
#' @export
scale_colour_mlb <- scale_color_mlb

#' @rdname scale_mlb
#' @export
scale_fill_mlb <- function(type = c("primary", "secondary"),
                           values = NULL,
                           aesthetics = "fill",
                           breaks = ggplot2::waiver(),
                           na.value = "grey50",
                           guide = NULL,
                           alpha = NA) {

  type <- rlang::arg_match(type)

    values <- switch(type,
                     "primary" = primary_colors,
                     "secondary" = secondary_colors

  if(!is.na(alpha)) values <- scales::alpha(values, alpha = alpha)

    values = values,
    aesthetics = aesthetics,
    breaks = breaks,
    na.value = na.value,
    guide = guide

# Axis Scales -------------------------------------------------------------

#' Axis Scales for MLB Team Logos
#' @description
#'   `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#'   `scale_x_mlb()` and `scale_y_mlb()` have been superceded in favor of `element_*_logo()` functions
#'   These functions map MLB team names to their team logos and make
#'   them available as axis labels
#' @details The scale translates MLB team abbreviations into raw image
#'   html and places the html as axis labels. Because of the way ggplots are
#'   constructed, it is necessary to adjust the [`theme()`] after calling this
#'   scale. This can be done by calling [`theme_x_mlb()`] or [`theme_y_mlb()`]
#'   or alternatively by manually changing the relevant `axis.text` to
#'   [`ggtext::element_markdown()`]. However, this will only work if an underlying
#'   dependency, "gridtext", is installed with a newer version than 0.1.4
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::scale_x_discrete
#' @param size The logo size in pixels. It is applied as height for an x-scale
#'   and as width for an y-scale.
#' @name scale_axes_mlb
#' @return A discrete ggplot2 scale created with [ggplot2::scale_x_discrete()] or
#'   [ggplot2::scale_y_discrete()].
#' @aliases NULL
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(mlbplotR)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' team_abbr <- valid_team_names()
#' # remove league logos from this example
#' team_abbr <- team_abbr[!team_abbr %in% c("AL", "NL", "MLB")]
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   random_value = runif(length(team_abbr), 0, 1),
#'   teams = team_abbr
#' )
#' if (utils::packageVersion("gridtext") > "0.1.4"){
#'   # use logos for x-axis
#'   ggplot(df, aes(x = teams, y = random_value)) +
#'     geom_col(aes(color = teams, fill = teams), width = 0.5) +
#'     scale_color_mlb(type = "secondary") +
#'     scale_fill_mlb(alpha = 0.4) +
#'     scale_x_mlb() +
#'     theme_minimal() +
#'     # theme_*_mlb requires gridtext version > 0.1.4
#'     theme_x_mlb()
#'   # use logos for y-axis
#'   ggplot(df, aes(y = teams, x = random_value)) +
#'     geom_col(aes(color = teams, fill = teams), width = 0.5) +
#'     scale_color_mlb(type = "secondary") +
#'     scale_fill_mlb(alpha = 0.4) +
#'     scale_y_mlb() +
#'     theme_minimal() +
#'     # theme_*_mlb requires gridtext version > 0.1.4
#'     theme_y_mlb()
#' }

#' @rdname scale_axes_mlb
#' @export
scale_x_mlb <- function(...,
                        expand = ggplot2::waiver(),
                        guide = ggplot2::waiver(),
                        position = "bottom",
                        size = 12) {

  position <- rlang::arg_match0(position, c("top", "bottom"))

    labels = function(x) {
      logo_html(x, type = "height", size = size)
    expand = expand,
    guide = guide,
    position = position

#' @rdname scale_axes_mlb
#' @export
scale_y_mlb <- function(...,
                        expand = ggplot2::waiver(),
                        guide = ggplot2::waiver(),
                        position = "left",
                        size = 12) {

  position <- rlang::arg_match0(position, c("left", "right"))

    labels = function(x) {
      logo_html(x, type = "width", size = size)
    expand = expand,
    guide = guide,
    position = position
camdenk/mlbplotR documentation built on June 15, 2024, 6:27 a.m.