Man pages for camposfa/plhdbR
Tools for working with the Primate Life History Database

age_first_repCalculate median, minimum, and maximum age at first...
cubroot_transA cube-root transformation for scales, e.g., color gradients.
find_bio_errorsFind problems in Biography data.
find_fert_errorsFind problems in Fertility data.
find_first_born_errorsFind mothers with no corresponding Animal.Id entry.
find_mom_id_errorsFind mothers with no corresponding Animal.Id entry.
get_age_classCalculates the age class of an animal based on its age and...
grapes-ni-grapesA "not in" operator.
load_plhdb_packages#' Loads various data munging packages.
make_survivorship_trialsConverts the stage-specific survivorship data to binomial...
plhdbRplhdbR aims to facillitate the analysis of data in the PLHDB.
plhdbR-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
pseudocensus_agesCreate pseudocensus dates and calculate ages of all animals...
read_bio_tableRead biography table from csv export.
read_fert_tableRead fertility table from csv export.
sqrt_sign_transA signed square-root transformation for scales, e.g., color...
stage_specific_fertilityCalculate stage-specific fertility Based on Bill Morris'...
stage_specific_survivalCalculate stage-specific survival Based on Bill Morris'...
camposfa/plhdbR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:02 a.m.