knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


The purpose of this notebook is to recreate the python script as a R notebook. Once our results are replicated, the Bag-of-Words Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines models will be saved for future use in the final R Package/Tool.

Several steps in the python script, and earlier PDF processing, are executed with R packages available in CRAN. These packages contain similar functions to the Python packages used in the original process, but they may not be exactly equivalent. Successfully recreating the results of will help in verifying the R work flow sufficiently recreates the Python workflow.

A Note on Modifications:


This notebook uses the file training_data.xlsx as input. This file was partially manually generated to list of all identified hypotheses sentences in the training set of academic papers. This input also identifies key attributes of each extracted hypothesis.

Hypothesis Statement 26 of file dd96amj.txt was generating an error when running the python script. The error was caused by a period punctuation in the Node 1 entity associated with this hypothesis. During entity extraction, the period was causing the code to not identify a Node 1 entity within hypothesis, and therefore not replace this entity with the term Node 1.

Prior to loading the data into this notebook, this period was manually removed from the copy of this input.

Scikit Learn Models In order to have consistent results, a random seed was set and added to each applicable step.

All other modifications to the script were purely formatting driven and have no effect on the execution of the code.



Direct Library import has been moved to the script R/install.R in order to maintain consistent library management across multiple project actions.

# Import All Scripts
script_path <- "../R/"
file_paths <- list.files(path = script_path, pattern = ".R", full.names = TRUE)

# Execute All Scripts
for (file in file_paths){

# Load Libraries

Set Seed and Random States

rs <- as.integer(5590)

Python Modules

Define Python Binary

We first need to point to the python binary we are using. I have had difficultly in the best method to do this. One possible way is to define a Variable Path in the .RProfile for this project. This method has been inconsistent in it's success. Currently, using the use_python function from the Reticulate package has been successful.

use_python(python = "./../.causalityextractionnlp/bin/python")

Import Python Moducles

# General
## Numpy
np <- import("numpy")

joblib <- import("joblib")

# Modeling
## Sci-Kit Learn Model Selection
skl_ms <- import("sklearn.model_selection")

## Sci-Kit Learn Linear Models
skl_lm <- import("sklearn.linear_model")

## Sci-Kit Learn Support Vector Machines 
skl_svm <- import("sklearn.svm")

## Sci-Kit Learn Naive Bayes 
skl_nb <- import("sklearn.naive_bayes")

## Gensim
gensim <- import("gensim")


train_raw <- read_excel(path = "../data/training_data_node_punct_removed.xlsx", sheet = "training_data")


Pre-process data before creating Document Term Matrix.

train_processed <- process_data(train_raw)

Python Process

The following is the output for the preprocessing from the Python process. The R and Python preprocessing steps generate slightly different results. We'll use the Python dataset to verify downstream steps are returning equivalent results.

train_raw_py <- read.csv("../data/processed_python.csv")
train_processed_py <- train_raw_py %>% 
    sentence = str_remove_all(sentence, "'"),
    sentence = str_remove_all(sentence, ","),
    sentence = str_remove_all(sentence, "\\[|\\]")

Assign Training Dataset

train <- train_processed
# train <- train_processed_py


The following steps generates the data features through different emthods of vectorization:


input_bow <- transformation_bag_of_words(train)

# Inspect
input_bow %>% head()


input_doc2vec <- transformation_doc2vec(input_data = train)


Initialize Models

We will be evaluating the same model types for two different methods of vectorization, Bag-of-Words and Doc2Vec. Before we get to fitting these models to these datasets, we will initialize.

# Logistic Regression
lgreg <- skl_lm$LogisticRegression
lgreg_m <- lgreg(C = 1e5, random_state = rs)

# Naive Bayes
nb_m <- skl_nb$MultinomialNB()

svc <- skl_svm$SVC
svc_m <- svc(kernel = 'linear', 
             random_state = rs)


Train / Test Split

First, we split the data our target and feature sets. As we will be using Python modules for processing this data, we also need to convert our R dataframes to Python objects.

split_data <- split_train_test(input_doc2vec)
split_data <- train_test_to_python(split_data)

X_tr <- split_data$train_features
X_te <- split_data$test_features
y_tr <- split_data$train_target
y_te <- split_data$test_target

Logistic Regression

# Assign Model
model <- lgreg_m

# Train 
model <- model$fit(X = X_tr, y = y_tr)

# Predict
y_pred <- model$predict(X_te)

# Convert to Factors for Caret Package
y_pred <- as.factor(y_pred)
y_te <- as.factor(y_te)

confusionMatrix(data = y_pred, 
                reference = y_te, 
                mode = "prec_recall")

Support Vector Machines

# Assign Model
model <- svc_m

# Train 
model <- model$fit(X = X_tr, y = y_tr)

# Predict
y_pred <- model$predict(X_te)

# Convert to Factors for Caret Package
y_pred <- as.factor(y_pred)
y_te <- as.factor(y_te)

confusionMatrix(data = y_pred, 
                reference = y_te, 
                mode = "prec_recall")


Train / Test Split

First, we split the data our target and feature sets. As we will be using Python modules for processing this data, we also need to convert our R dataframes to Python objects.

split_data <- split_train_test(input_bow)
split_data <- train_test_to_python(split_data)

X_tr <- split_data$train_features
X_te <- split_data$test_features
y_tr <- split_data$train_target
y_te <- split_data$test_target

Logistic Regression

# Assign Model
model <- lgreg_m

# Train 
model <- model$fit(X = X_tr, y = y_tr)

# Predict
y_pred <- model$predict(X_te)

# Convert to Factors for Caret Package
y_pred <- as.factor(y_pred)
y_te <- as.factor(y_te)

confusionMatrix(data = y_pred, 
                reference = y_te, 
                mode = "prec_recall")

lgreg_bow_m <- model 

Support Vector Machines

# Assign Model
model <- svc_m

# Train 
model <- model$fit(X = X_tr, y = y_tr)

# Predict
y_pred <- model$predict(X_te)

# Convert to Factors for Caret Package
y_pred <- as.factor(y_pred)
y_te <- as.factor(y_te)

confusionMatrix(data = y_pred, 
                reference = y_te, 
                mode = "prec_recall")

svc_bow_m <- model 

Naive Bayes

# Assign Model
model <- nb_m

# Train 
model <- model$fit(X = X_tr, y = y_tr)

# Predict
y_pred <- model$predict(X_te)

# Convert to Factors for Caret Package
y_pred <- as.factor(y_pred)
y_te <- as.factor(y_te)

confusionMatrix(data = y_pred, 
                reference = y_te, 
                mode = "prec_recall")

nb_bow_m <- model

Export Models

# Bag-of-Words - Logistic Regression
joblib$dump(lgreg_bow_m, "./../data/output_models/log_reg_bow.pkl")

# Bag-of-Words - Support Vector Machines
joblib$dump(svc_bow_m, "./../data/output_models/svm_bow.pkl")

canfielder/CausalityExtraction documentation built on Jan. 5, 2022, 10:55 a.m.