solver_abc_kui: Artificial Bee Colony Solver (Kui Version)

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References

View source: R/solver_abc_kui.R


Solves a instance of the 3-GCP problem using the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) implementation described in Kui et al., 2016.





the graph to be solved, represented by a list where G$V is the number of nodes, and G$E is a |E|x2 matrix of edges.


the number of function evaluations. The solver will stop after this number has been exceeded.


a list with arguments for the method. The list must contain the following names:

  • pop: Integer > 0. The size of the solution set X

  • onlooker: Integer > 0. The number of solutions chosen in step 2 of the algorithm.

  • scout: Integer > 0. The number of solutions chosen in step 3 of the algorithm.

  • limit: Integer > 0. Minimum number of iterations without improvement before a solution will be considered for step 3.

  • c: Number of elements in a solution exchanged during a mutation step.


The ABC algorithm begins with a random set of solutions X, and at every iteration performs the following three steps:

In addition, in step 1 and 2, for every pair of selected individuals x_i and x_j, we calculate a "random similarity" value (S <- 1 - runif(1) * sum(x_i != x_j) / length(x_i)). If S is lower than a random value between 0 and 1, we discard that particular mutation. This should in theory weight the algorithm towards performing mutations on individuals that are more similar to each other., x_j, c) generates a new individual as follows: 'c' elements are choosen randomly from x_j, and copied into x_i.


A list with three names:


Kui Chen, Hitoshi Kanoh, "A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Similarity for Graph Coloring Problems", Proceedings of the 5th TPNC, 2017

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