Man pages for cardiomoon/semMediation
Visualize the Mediation Effect for Structural Equation Modelling

addArrowsAdd covariates to arrows
addCatVarAdd dummy vars to data.frame
addCovarEquationAdd covariates to equation
add_ellipseMake an ellipse
addHposAdd horizontal position
addlabelAdd a label to the semMediation plot
addLatentNodesAdd latent nodes information to nodes
addLineAdd a line to the semMediation plot
addLinetypeAdd line type
addNodesAdd covariates to nodes
addPlusAdd '+' mark to string
addposAdd x and y position to data
addPos2add x1 position
ADHDData Set for Teacher's Intervention for ADHD
adjustNodesAdjust y position of nodes
adjustPosAdjust position for arrows
adjustPosNodesAdjust position odf nodes
adjustxposAdjust x position
angleCalculate angle
buildLabelsAdds variable labels to the Diagrammer plot function call.
casketsCASKETS dataset
catInteractionMake interaction equation with dummy categorical variable"
centerPrintPrint a string in center
changeLabelNameChange Label Names
conceptDiagramMake conceptDiagram
conceptDiagram2Make concept Diagram
condEffectDraw interact plot with moderation effect
conditionalEffectPlotMake conditional effect plot
convertPvalueconvert vector of p values to string
CorPlotDraw correlation plot
corTableMake a table with correlation
corTable2Make a table with correlation
countMCount the group names start with "M"
disasterDisaster dataset
discriminantValidityTablemake discriminant Validity Table
discriminantValidityTable2make discriminant Validity Table in flextable format
distributePosMake a positions
drawArrowsDraw arrows
drawCovarDraw covariate
drawStatDiagramdraw StatDiagram
drawtextDraw node
educationData Set for education and income
ellipseMake a data.frame fof ellipse
est2ArrowsMake arrows from estimatesTable
est2NodesMake nodes from estimatesTable
estimatesTableconvert parameterEstimates to data.frame
estimatesTable2convert parameterEstimates to flextable
estressESTRESS: Economic stress dataset
extractLatentVarExtract Latent Variables Data
extractLatentVarNameExtract Latent Variables Names
extractNumberExtract Numbers in character vectors
extractXExtract group by string
findNameconvert name with list
findNamesconvert a vector of names with list
fit2alphaMake a Cronbach alpha table
fit2dfMake a data.frame for mediationPlot
fit2df2Make a data.frame for conceptDiagram
fun2eqMake equation from function
getAspectRatioGet aspect information og a ggplot
get_endxGet end x position
getInfoGet information of a model
getOptionsGet list to string
get_startxGet start x position
glbwarmGlobal Warming dataset
interactStrmake interaction equation
jitterPosMake a positions
makeDiagramMake diagram euation
makeEquationMake mediation equations 3
makeEquation1Make mediation equations 1
makeEquation2Make mediation equations 2
makeEquation3Make mediation equations 3
makeIndirectEquationMake indirect equation
makeSameRankmake same rank
meanCenteringPerform mean centering
mediationPlotMake a data.frame for mediationPlot
mergeDataPosMerge Data with position
mergeDataPos2IndMerge Data with position for the 2nd indirect effect
mergeDataPosIndMerge Data with position for the indirect effect
modelFitGuideTableModel fit guide table
modelFitGuideTable2Model fit guide table
modelFitTableExtract model fit measures to data.frame
modelFitTable2Extract model fit measures to flextable
modelsSummaryMake Model Coef Summary
modelsSummaryTableMake Model Coef Table
moderator2posget position from moderator
modmedEquationMake moderated mediation equation
modmedSummarySummarize the moderated mediation
modmedSummaryTableMake a table summarizing the moderated mediation
myarrowDraw arrow
myarrow2Draw arrow with adjustment of a position
myflattenflatten string
myformatFormat a numeric vector
nodesNode Data Set for drawing stastical diagram of process macro...
p2asteriskConvert p values to asterisk
parrowsArrow Data Set for drawing stastical diagram of process macro...
pastecolonpaste two character with colon
pformatMake p value format
pmacroData Set for process macro A dataset for support for process...
pmacroModeldraw conceptual diagram of process macro model
pmiPMI: Presumed Media Influence dataset
print.modelSummaryS3 method print for object modelSummary
print.modmedSummaryS3 method print for an object of class modmedSummary
protestProtest dataset
regEquationMake regression equation
reliabilityTablemake reliability Table
reliabilityTable2make reliability Table in flextable format
relposget relative position og a ggplot object
removeParenthesesRemove parentheses
removePeriodremove period
removePeriodLabelsmake list of remove period
rightPrintPrint a string in center
runPmacroRun process macro shiny app
seekGroupFind group with variable name
seekGroup1Find group with variable name
seekGroup2Find group with variable name
seekNameVarsselect names of variables from list var
seekVarSeek var form covariates
selectEvenSelect characters contains even numbers
selectOddSelect characters contains odd numbers
semDiagramMake sem diagram
statisticalDiagramDraw statistical diagram
str2vectorMake character vector from string
str_detect2Extension of str_detect to list
strGroupingMake Grouping equation
str_setdiffRemove matched pattern from string
teamsTeams data set
theme_cleanMake a clean theme for ggplot
treatModeratorTreat moderator name with mean value
tripleEquationMake equation with triple interaction
tripleInteractionMake triple interaction equation
cardiomoon/semMediation documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 4:26 a.m.