Man pages for carlopacioni/vortexR
Post Vortex Simulation Analysis

collate_datCollate Vortex .dat or .stdat output files into one...
collate_one_datCollate one local Vortex output file into a data.frame
collate_proc_dataCollate processed data generated by any of the 'collate'...
collate_runCollate Vortex .run output files
collate_yrCollate Vortex .yr output files
CompileIterCompile iterations from one .yr file
conv_l_yrConvert 'census' data into long format
df2diskSave a data.frame as both Rdata and CSV
dot_plotDot plots of mean Vortex parameters
fit_regressionSearch for the best regression model(s)
get_file_pathsReturn file paths of files matching a pattern in a directory
line_plot_yearLine plots of Vortex parameters vs years
line_plot_year_midLine plots of Vortex parameters vs years
lookup_tableSummary table of simulation parameters
m_scatterGenerates a matrix of scatter plots
NadultsCalculate the harmonic mean of the total number of adults
NeCalculate the effective population size (Ne)
pac.clasCollated results from Vortex scenarios - Pacioni et al....
pac.clas.lookupLook-up table
pac.clas.NadultsHarmonic mean of adults and population sizes
pac.clas.NeEffective population size
pac.clas.pairwResults of pairwise comparisons of simulation scenarios
pac.lhsCollated results from Vortex scenarios - Pacioni et al.... results from Vortex scenarios - Pacioni et al....
pac.yrCollated results from Vortex scenarios - Pacioni et al....
pairwisePairwise comparisons and ranks of scenarios
PextinctCumulative probability of extinction at the end of the...
PrefixAndRepeatReturn a prefixed and repeated string of character
pvalCalculates p-values from z-values
rRecCalculate the mean recovery rate (Pacioni et al 2017) and...
se2sdStandard Error from a vector
SSMD_matrixGenerate a SSMD matrix with all possible pairwise comparisons
sta.evy5Collated results from Vortex scenarios - Campbell et al...
sta.evy5.b11Collated results from Vortex scenarios - Campbell et al...
sta.mainCollated results from Vortex scenarios - Campbell et al...
vortexRvortexR: an R package for Post Vortex Simulation Analysis
carlopacioni/vortexR documentation built on May 6, 2022, 12:07 p.m.