fit_regression: Search for the best regression model(s)

View source: R/data_analysis.R

fit_regressionR Documentation

Search for the best regression model(s)


fit_regression fits either a Generalized Linear Model or a betareg model to the data and search for the best model(s) given a list of predictors using the R package glmulti.


  lookup = NULL,
  census = TRUE,
  param = "N",
  vs = c("GS1"),
  count_data = c("Nextant", "Nall", "Nalleles", "N", "AM", "AF", "Subadults", "Juv",
    "nDams", "nBroods", "nProgeny", "nImmigrants", "nEmigrants", "nHarvested",
    "nSupplemented", "YrExt", "Alleles"),
  ic = "aic",
  l = 1,
  ncand = 30,
  set_size = NA,
  links = c("logit", "probit", "cloglog", "cauchit", "loglog"),
  save2disk = TRUE,
  dir_out = "DataAnalysis/FitRegression"



The long format of census (from conv_l_yr) or run (lrun, the second element) of the output from collate_run


(Optional) A look-up table where the scenario names are listed together with the (missing) variables needed to fit the regression models


Whether the input is census data


The year that has to be used in the analysis if census=TRUE


The Vortex project name


Vortex scenario name


The sequential number of the population (in integer)


The dependent variable


Character vector with independent variable(s)


Character vector with param(s) that are counts and would use a Poisson error distribution


Information criterion


Level for glmulti search: 1 main effects, 2 main effects + interactions


The threshold of candidate models after which switch to the genetic search method, default: 30


Value to be used in confsetsize (from glmulti The number of models to be looked for, i.e. the size of the returned confidence set.)


Link functions to use in the Beta regression.


Whether to save the output to disk, default: TRUE


The local path to store the output. Default: DataAnalysis/FitRegression


fit_regression fits a different type of regression model depending on the dependent variable. When this is a count (e.g. N or the number of alleles), the function will fit a Generalized Linear Model. The first fit is attempted with a Poisson error distribution and if the dispersion parameter (calculated as residual deviance / df is larger than (the somewhat arbitrary cut off of) 1.5, the model will be refitted with a quasipoisson error distribution (a message is displayed if this happens).

fit_regression establishes whether the dependent variable is a count by searching for it in count_data. If the users generated their own dependent variable (e.g. through a PS), this has to be included in count_data to indicate fit_regression that it is analysing count data.

When the number of alleles is the dependent variable (from .run files), this is rounded to integer (to meet R requirement that count data are integers) before a GLM is fitted to the data.

If param is a proportion (e.g. Gene Diversity and Inbreeding), then the function uses a Beta regression from the R package betareg (Cribari-Neto & Zeileis 2010). Different link functions are tested and the one with the lowest AIC value is selected. The selected link function is displayed on the R console and the difference in the AIC scores relative to the best link function is also displayed.

In the initial fit of the model the main and interactions effects are included.

Successively, a search for the best model is carried out. This is performed with the R package glmulti (Calcagno & de Mazancourt 2010). fit_regression will conduct an exhaustive search if ncand is less or equal to the number of candidate models, otherwise it will use a genetic search method (see glmulti documentations for more details about the search methods). When glmulti uses the genetic search method, two small files (with extension .modgen.back and .mods.back. are written in the working directory even if save2disk=FALSE.

fit_regression explicitly ignores NA.

Depending on the data, fitting several Beta regression models to complete the search may be a long (and memory hungry) process. Also, the package betareg has the limitation (at least at the moment of writing) that cannot handle analysis of data when the dependent variable takes value of either exactly 0 or 1.

See vignette for a more detailed explanation of fit_regression.


A glmulti object with the best models found.


Calcagno, V., and C. de Mazancourt. 2010. glmulti: an R package for easy automated model selection with (generalized) linear models. Journal of Statistical Software 34:1-29.

Cribari-Neto, F., and Zeileis, A. (2010) Beta regression in R. Journal of Statistical Software 34(2).


# Using Pacioni et al. example data. See ? and ?pac.lhs for more
# details.
data(, pac.lhs)

# Remove base scenario from .stdat data <- pac.lhs[!pac.lhs$ == 'ST_LHS(Base)', ]

# Use function lookup_table to obtain correct parameter values at year 0
lkup.ST_LHS <- lookup_table(, project='Pacioni_et_al',
                            pop='Population 1',
                            SVs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3', 'SV4', 'SV5', 'SV6', 'SV7'),

# Remove base scenario from .run output in long format <-[[2]][![[2]]$Scenario == 'ST_LHS(Base)', ]

reg <- fit_regression(, lookup=lkup.ST_LHS,
                      project='Pacioni_et_al', scenario='ST_LHS', popn=1,
                      param='N', vs=c('SV1', 'SV2', 'SV3'), l=2,  ncand=30,

 # Clean up of residual files written by glmulti
 # Note, in some OS (W) these files may be locked because in use by R and have
 # to be manually after the R session has been either terminated or restarted

# Example of information you can obtained once you have run fit_regression

# The formula for the best model
bestmodel <- reg@formulas[1]

# The formulae for the best 30 model
bestmodels <- reg@formulas

# List of IC values
qaicvalues <- reg@crits

# QAIC differences between the first 5 best models (stored in 'delta')
delta <- as.vector(NULL)
for (i in 1:5) {
  del <- qaicvalues[i+1] - qaicvalues[i]
  delta <- c(delta, del)

# The best model's coefficients <- coef(reg@objects[[1]])

# The model averaged coefficients
coef.all <- glmulti::coef.glmulti(reg)
coefs <- data.frame(Estimate=coef.all[,1],
                    Lower=coef.all[,1] - coef.all[,5],
                    Upper=coef.all[,1] + coef.all[,5])

# Plot IC profile
plot(reg, type='p')

# Plot of model averaged importance of terms
plot(reg, type='s')

carlopacioni/vortexR documentation built on May 6, 2022, 12:07 p.m.