View source: R/getLevel1BGeo.R
getLevel1BGeo | R Documentation |
This function extracts Pulse Full Waveform Geolocations from GEDI gedi.level1b
getLevel1BGeo(level1b, select)
level1b |
A |
select |
A character vector specifying the fields to extract from GEDI Level1B data. If NULL, by default it will extract latitude_bin0, latitude_lastbin, longitude_bin0, longitude_lastbin, and shot_number. See details for more options. |
Additional fields to be extracted from GEDI level 1B:
all_samples_sum Sum of all values within the 10 km range window.
beam Beam number Number.
channel Channel number.
master_frac Master time, fractional part.
master_int Master time, integer part.
noise_mean_corrected Noise mean.
noise_stddev_corrected Corrected noise standard deviation.
nsemean_even Noise mean of the beam's detector channel from even sub-converter.
nsemean_odd Noise mean of the beam's odd sub-converter.
rx_energy Integrated energy in receive (RX) waveform after subtracting the noise mean.
rx_offset Time interval from first stored sample to first downloaded RX sample.
rx_open Time interval from time 0 to first stored RX sample.
rx_sample_count The number of sample intervals (elements) in each RX waveform.
rx_sample_start_index The index in the rxwaveform dataset of the first element of each RX waveform starting at 1.
selection_stretchers_x Commanded number of samples added to the algorithm section on the left.
selection_stretchers_y Commanded number of samples added to the algorithm section on the right.
shot_number Unique shot identifier.
stale_return_flag Indicates that a "stale" cue point from the coarse search algorithm is being used.
th_left_used Count values for the left threshold used in fine search where two consecutive points at or above this value indicate pulse detection.
tx_egamplitude Amplitude of the extended Gaussian fit to the transmit (TX) waveform.
tx_egamplitude_error Error on tx_egamplitude.
tx_egbias Bias of the extended Gaussian fit to the TX waveform.
tx_egbias_error Error on tx_egbias.
tx_egflag Extended Gaussian fit status flag.
tx_eggamma Gamma value of the extended Gaussian fit to the TX waveform.
tx_eggamma_error Error on tx_eggamma.
tx_egsigma Sigma of the extended Gaussian fit to the TX waveform.
tx_egsigma_error Error on tx_egsigma.
tx_gloc Location (mean) of the Gaussian fit to the TX waveform.
tx_gloc_error Error on tx_gloc.
tx_pulseflag Set to 1 if a pulse is detected in the TX waveform.
tx_sample_count The number of sample intervals (elements) in each transmit waveform.
tx_sample_start_index The index in the rxwaveform dataset of the first element of each RX waveform starting at 1.
altitude_instrument Height of the instrument diffractive optical element (DOE) above the WGS84 ellipsoid.
altitude_instrument_error Error on altitude_instrument.
bounce_time_offset_bin0 The difference between the TX time and the time at the start of the RX window.
bounce_time_offset_bin0_error Error on bounce_time_offset_bin0.
bounce_time_offset_lastbin The difference between the TX time and the time at the end of the RX window.
bounce_time_offset_lastbin_error Error on bounce_time_offset_lastbin.
degrade Greater than zero if the shot occurs during a degrade period, zero otherwise.
delta_time Transmit time of the shot, measured in seconds since 2018-01-01.
digital_elevation_model Digital elevation model height above the WGS84 ellipsoid.
elevation_bin0 Height of the start of the RX window, relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid.
elevation_bin0_error Error on elevation_bin0.
elevation_lastbin Height of the end of the RX window, relative to the WGS-84 ellipsoid.
elevation_lastbin_error Error on elevation_lastbin.
latitude_bin0 Latitude of the start of the RX window.
latitude_bin0_error Error on latitude_bin0.
latitude_lastbin Latitude of the end of the RX window.
latitude_lastbin_error Error on latitude_lastbin.
latitude_instrument Latitude of the instrument diffractive optical element (DOE) at laser transmit time.
latitude_instrument_error Error on latitude_instrument.
local_beam_azimuth Azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the laser in the local East, North, Up (ENU) frame.
local_beam_azimuth_error Error on local_beam_azimuth.
local_beam_elevation Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the laser in the local ENU frame.
local_beam_elevation_error Error on local_beam_elevation.
longitude_bin0 Longitude of the start of the RX window.
longitude_bin0_error Error on longitude_bin0.
longitude_lastbin Longitude of the end of the RX window.
longitude_lastbin_error Error on longitude_lastbin.
longitude_instrument Longitude of the instrument diffractive optical element (DOE) at laser transmit time.
longitude_instrument_error Error on longitude_instrument.
mean_sea_surface Mean sea surface height above the WGS84 ellipsoid, includes the geoid .
neutat_delay_derivative_bin0 Change in neutral atmospheric delay per height change for the start of the RX window.
neutat_delay_derivative_lastbin Change in neutral atmospheric delay per height change for the end of the RX window.
neutat_delay_total_bin0 Total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet+dry) from the TX pulse to the start of the RX window.
neutat_delay_total_lastbin Total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet+dry) from the TX pulse to the end of the RX window.
range_bias_correction The range bias applied to the range measurement.
shot_number Unique shot identifier Number.
solar_azimuth The azimuth of the sun position vector.
solar_elevation The elevation of the sun position vector.
surface_type Flags describing which surface types.
dynamic_atmosphere_correction Dynamic Atmospheric Correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect.
geoid Geoid height above WGS-84 reference ellipsoid.
tide_earth Solid Earth tides.
tide_load Load Tide - Local displacement due to Ocean Loading.
tide_ocean Ocean Tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal, and longerperiod tides.
tide_ocean_pole Oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion.
tide_pole Solid Earth Pole Tide. Rotational deformation due to polar motion.
Returns an S4 object of class data.table::data.table
containing the GEDI Full Waveform Geolocations
# specify the path to GEDI level1B data (zip file)
outdir = tempdir()
level1B_fp_zip <- system.file("extdata",
# Unzipping GEDI level1B data
level1Bpath <- unzip(level1B_fp_zip,exdir = outdir)
# Reading GEDI level1B data (h5 file)
# Extracting GEDI level1B geolocations
level1bGeo<-getLevel1BGeo(level1b,select=c("elevation_bin0", "elevation_lastbin"))
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