View source: R/getLevel2BPAVDProfile.R
getLevel2BPAVDProfile | R Documentation |
This function extracts the Plant Area Volume Density (PAVD) Profile from GEDI Level2B data.
level2b |
A GEDI Level2B object (output of |
Characteristics. Flag indicating likely invalid waveform (1=valid, 0=invalid).
beam Beam identifier
shot_number Shot number
algorithmrun_flag The L2B algorithm is run if this flag is set to 1 indicating data have sufficient waveform fidelity for L2B to run
l2b_quality_flag L2B quality flag
delta_time Transmit time of the shot since Jan 1 00:00 2018
lat_lowestmode Latitude of center of lowest mode
lon_lowestmode Longitude of center of lowest mode
elev_highestreturn Elevation of highest detected return relative to reference ellipsoid
elev_lowestmode Elevation of center of lowest mode relative to reference ellipsoid
height_lastbin Height of the last bin of the pgap_theta_z, relative to the ground
pavd_z Plant Area Volume Density profile
Returns an S4 object of class data.table::data.table containing the Plant Area Volume Density Index.
# Specifying the path to GEDI level2B data (zip file)
outdir = tempdir()
level2B_fp_zip <- system.file("extdata",
# Unzipping GEDI level2A data
level2Bpath <- unzip(level2B_fp_zip,exdir = outdir)
# Reading GEDI level2B data (h5 file)
# Extracting GEDI Plant Area Volume Density (PAVD) Index
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