TILPRED: Tumor-Infiltrating CD8+ Lymphocytes states Predictor

TILPRED is an R Package for the classification of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TILs) from single-cell RNA-seq data.

TILPRED is no longer maintained. We recommend to use instead ProjecTILs

TILPRED is a logistic regression-based classifier that reads a SingleCellExperiment object containing CD8 T cell profiles and assigns to each cell a probability score of belonging to any of the following reference CD8 TIL transcriptomic states:

In addition, it predicts proliferation/cycling in each cell, independently of the CD8 TIL subtype. TILPRED uses gene rankings only and therefore is robust to different data normalization strategies. It was tested with scRNA-seq data produced with plate-based (smart-seq2) and droplet-based (10X 5' and 3' counting) technologies.

Before computing CD8 T cell states probabilities, TILPRED will automatically detect non CD8 T cell types. Non CD8 T cells are classified based on curated gene signature enrichment into: Treg (Foxp3 Regulatory T cells), CD4T (non Treg CD4+ T cells), NKT (NK T cells), Tcell_unknown (T cells of other kinds) and Non-Tcell (for cell types other than T cells, e.g. Myeloid, B cells, NKs)

Details on the reference CD8 TIL transcriptomic states and TILPRED construction and benchmarking are available in Carmona SJ et al. 2020

NB: TILPRED classifies CD8 TILs from mouse only. TILPRED using parameter human=T will only discriminate human T cells from non-T cells

Package Installation

TILPRED requires doParallel, doRNG and the Bioconductor packages AUCell and SingleCellExperiment

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager")

To install TILPRED directly from the Git Repo use remotes

if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

Package usage

Run TILPRED on a SingleCellExperiment object containing the single-cell expression matrix of CD8 T cells

data(B16CD8TIL_SCE) # example SingleCellExperiment object
sce.pred <- predictTilState(data=B16CD8TIL_SCE)

View output


For a running example please see this R Notebook


Santiago J. Carmona, Imran Siddiqui, Mariia Bilous, Werner Held & David Gfeller (2020) Deciphering the transcriptomic landscape of tumor-infiltrating CD8 lymphocytes in B16 melanoma tumors with single-cell RNA-Seq, OncoImmunology, 9:1, DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2020.1737369

carmonalab/TILPRED documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 8:34 p.m.