scAUCscore: Calculate CD8 TIL states enrichment scores (required to run...

View source: R/scAUCscore_function.R

scAUCscoreR Documentation

Calculate CD8 TIL states enrichment scores (required to run predictTilState function)


scAUCscore This function evaluates a logistic regression model to predict the state of individual CD8 tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (mouse or human) based on their transcriptomes (scRNA-seq data)


scAUCscore(sce, nCores = 1, sigs, aucMaxRank = 1500)



number of cores to use in parallel calculation of gene rankings


single-cell expression matrix. Only gene expression ranks in each cell will be used and therefore any cell-to-cell normalization method used is not relevant (e.g. UMI counts, CPM, TPM, TMM)

carmonalab/TILPRED documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 8:34 p.m.