
Defines functions UnitTester

Documented in UnitTester

#' Constructor of the class UnitTester
#' @param turnWarningsToErrors If set to TRUE, all warnings issued within any test method are turned into errors. The default value is TRUE.
#' @param hidePassed If set to TRUE, all passed test results are hidden in the output. The is useful when you are only interested in the failed assertions and the unexpected errors. The default value is FALSE.
#' @return an instance of UnitTester
#' @examples
#' unitTester <- UnitTester()
#' unitTester$addTest('Test 1', function() {
#'   unitTester$assertEqual(1, 1)
#' })
#' unitTester$addTest('Test 2', function() {
#'   unitTester$assertThrow(function() {
#'     stop('Error from Test 2')
#'   })
#' })
#' unitTester$runAllTests()
#' @export
UnitTester <- function(turnWarningsToErrors = TRUE, hidePassed = FALSE) {

    checkIsBoolean(turnWarningsToErrors, 'turnWarningsToErrors should be a boolean')
    checkIsBoolean(hidePassed, 'hidePassed should be a boolean')

    unitTester <- Object()

    turnWarningsToErrors <- turnWarningsToErrors
    hidePassed <- hidePassed

    unitTester$definePrivate('testMethods', list())
    unitTester$definePrivate('currentTestName', '')
    unitTester$definePrivate('numAssertionsPassed', 0)
    unitTester$definePrivate('numAssertionsFailed', 0)
    unitTester$definePrivate('numErrorsCaught', 0)
    unitTester$definePrivate('assertThrowPassed', FALSE)
    unitTester$definePrivate('assertThrowErrorMessage', '')
    unitTester$definePrivate('assertNotThrowPassed', FALSE)
    unitTester$definePrivate('assertNotThrowErrorMessage', '')

    # Add a test to this unit tester.
    unitTester$addMethod('addTest', function(this, testName, testMethod) {
      checkIsString(testName, 'testName should be a string')
      checkIsFunction(testMethod, 'testMethod should be a function')

      testMethods <- this$get('testMethods')
      oldNames <- names(testMethods)
      testMethods <- append(testMethods, testMethod)
      names(testMethods) <- append(oldNames, testName)
      this$set('testMethods', testMethods)

    # Run all tests that have been added using addTest.
    unitTester$addMethod('runAllTests', function(this) {
      if (turnWarningsToErrors) {
        options(warn = 2)

      testMethods <- this$get('testMethods')
      for (testName in names(testMethods)) {
        this$set('currentTestName', testName)
        testMethod <- testMethods[[testName]]
        }, error = function(err) {
          this$set('numErrorsCaught', this$get('numErrorsCaught') + 1)

          message <- sprintf('%s\nError: %s\n\n', testName, trimws(err))

      cat(sprintf('Number of passed assertions: %s\nNumber of failed assertions: %s\nNumber of unexpected errors: %s\n\n',

      options(warn = 0) # restore to default setting

    # Assert that two objects are (almost) equal, based on all.equal in the base package.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertEqual', function(this, expect, actual, message = NA) {
      if (!isNA(message)) {
        checkIsString(message, 'message should be a string')

      testName <- this$get('currentTestName')

      # Test result.
      result <- all.equal(expect, actual)
      passed <- isBoolean(result) && result
      if (passed) {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nPassed: expect = <%s> and actual = <%s>.\n\n', testName, toString(expect), toString(actual))
      } else if (is.na(message)) {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nFailed: expect = <%s> and actual = <%s>.\n\n', testName, toString(expect), toString(actual))
      } else {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nFailed: %s\n\n', testName, trimws(message))

      this$report(passed, message)

    # Assert that a value is NA.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertNA', function(this, value, message = NA) {
      this$assertEqual(NA, value, message)

    # Assert that a value is null.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertNull', function(this, value, message = NA) {
      this$assertEqual(NULL, value, message)

    # Assert that a value is true.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertTrue', function(this, value, message = NA) {
      this$assertEqual(TRUE, value, message)

    # Assert that a value is false.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertFalse', function(this, value, message = NA) {
      this$assertEqual(FALSE, value, message)

    # Assert that an error is thrown.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertThrow', function(this, f, message = NA) {
      if (!isNA(message)) {
        checkIsString(message, 'message should be a string')

      testName <- this$get('currentTestName')
      this$set('assertThrowPassed', FALSE)
      }, error = function(err) {
        this$set('assertThrowPassed', TRUE)
        this$set('assertThrowErrorMessage', trimws(err))

      # Test result.
      passed <- this$get('assertThrowPassed')
      if (passed) {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nPassed: assertThrow successfully caught an error <%s>.\n\n', testName, this$get('assertThrowErrorMessage'))
      } else if (is.na(message)) {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nFailed: assertThrow did not catch any error.\n\n', testName)
      } else {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nFailed: %s', testName, message)

      this$report(passed, message)

    # Assert that no error is thrown.
    unitTester$addMethod('assertNotThrow', function(this, f, message = NA) {
      if (!isNA(message)) {
        checkIsString(message, 'message should be a string')

      testName <- this$get('currentTestName')
      this$set('assertNotThrowPassed', TRUE)
      }, error = function(err) {
        this$set('assertNotThrowPassed', FALSE)
        this$set('assertNotThrowErrorMessage', trimws(err))

      # Test result.
      passed <- this$get('assertNotThrowPassed')
      if (passed) {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nPassed: assertNotThrow did not catch any error.\n\n', testName)
      } else if (is.na(message)) {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nFailed: assertNotThrow caught an error <%s>.\n\n', testName, this$get('assertNotThrowErrorMessage'))
      } else {
        message <- sprintf('%s\nFailed: %s', testName, message)

      this$report(passed, message)

    # Private method to report the result of an assertion.
    unitTester$addPrivateMethod('report', function(this, passed, message) {
      if (passed) {
        this$set('numAssertionsPassed', this$get('numAssertionsPassed') + 1)
      } else {
        this$set('numAssertionsFailed', this$get('numAssertionsFailed') + 1)

      if (!passed || !hidePassed) {

cartowong/oo documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:21 p.m.