

#' Constructor of the class Student.
#' The Student class extends the Person class.
#' @return an instance of Student
Student <- function(name, age, studentID) {

  Precondition()$checkIsString(name, 'name should be a string')
  Precondition()$checkIsNumeric(age, 'age should be numeric')
  Precondition()$checkIsString(studentID, 'studentID should be a string')

  # object to return
  student <- Person(name, age)$extend()

  # private field
  studentIDKey <- student$definePrivate('studentID', studentID) # studentIDKey = 'studentID'

  # add private method
  student$addPrivateMethod('getStudentID', function(this) {
    this$get(studentIDKey) # same as this$get('studentID')

  # add public method
  student$addMethod('hiddenStudentID', function(this) {
    id <- this$getStudentID()
    gsub(pattern = ".", replacement = "x", x = as.character(id))

  # override
  student$overrideMethod('getName', function(this, parentMethod) {

cartowong/oo documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:21 p.m.