
Defines functions VisTextNetD3

# I envision that many people will use this package inductively- that is, they will visualize large networks and then want to explore who is connected and why. To this
# end, I've implemented a d3js style interactive plot that lets people mouse-over
# nodes to figure out which documents they represent.

VisTextNetD3<-function(text_network, alpha=.25, height = NULL, width = NULL, bound = FALSE, zoom = FALSE, charge = -30){
  if (igraph::has.multiple(text_network))
    stop("This disparity filter does not yet support multiple edges")
  if (is.null(V(text_network)$name)){
    text_network <- set_vertex_attr(text_network, "name", value = as.character(1:vcount(text_network)))
  #create network backbone 
  e <- cbind(igraph::as_data_frame(text_network)[, 1:2 ], weight = E(text_network)$weight)
  # in
  w_in <- graph.strength(text_network, mode = "in")
  w_in <- data.frame(to = names(w_in), w_in, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  k_in <- degree(text_network, mode = "in")
  k_in <- data.frame(to = names(k_in), k_in, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  e_in <- e %>%
    left_join(w_in, by = "to") %>%
    left_join(k_in, by = "to") %>%
    mutate(alpha_in = (1-(weight/w_in))^(k_in-1))
  # out
  w_out <- graph.strength(text_network, mode = "out")
  w_out <- data.frame(from = names(w_out), w_out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  k_out <- degree(text_network, mode = "out")
  k_out <- data.frame(from = names(k_out), k_out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  e_out <- e %>%
    left_join(w_out, by = "from") %>%
    left_join(k_out, by = "from") %>%
    mutate(alpha_out = (1-(weight/w_out))^(k_out-1))
  e_full <- left_join(e_in, e_out, by = c("from", "to", "weight"))
  e_full <- e_full %>%
    mutate(alpha = ifelse(alpha_in < alpha_out, alpha_in, alpha_out)) %>%
    select(from, to, alpha)
  E(text_network)$alpha <- e_full$alpha
  pruned <- delete.edges(text_network, which(E(text_network)$alpha >= alpha))
  pruned <- delete.vertices(pruned, which(degree(pruned) == 0))
  # make degree for labelling most popular nodes
  V(pruned)$degree <- degree(pruned)
  # remove isolates
  isolates <- V(pruned)[degree(pruned)==0]
  pruned <- delete.vertices(pruned, isolates)
  lc <- cluster_louvain(pruned)
  members <- membership(lc)
  text_d3<-igraph_to_networkD3(pruned, group=members, what = "both")
  forceNetwork(Links = text_d3$links, Nodes = text_d3$nodes,
               Source = 'source', Target = 'target', 
               NodeID = 'name', Group="group", 
               height = height, width = width, 
               bounded = bound, 
               zoom = zoom,
               charge = charge)
cbail/textnets documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 10:42 a.m.