
# file unit_tests.R
# author Carl Boettiger <>
# date 2011-11-16
# license BSD
# test the performance of SDP_by_simulation 

# Define all parameters 
delta <- 0.1      # economic discounting rate
OptTime <- 50     # stopping time
sigma_g <- 0.2      # Noise in population growth
gridsize <- 100   # gridsize (discretized population)
sigma_m <- .2  # 
sigma_i <- .2 # 
interval <- 1

# Chose the state equation / population dynamics function
f <- BevHolt 
pars <- c(2,4)  
K <- (pars[1]-1)/pars[2] 
xT <- 0 
e_star <- 0

# Choose grids 
x_grid <- seq(0, 2*K, length=gridsize)  # population size
h_grid <- x_grid  # vector of havest levels, use same res as stock

SDP_Mat <- determine_SDP_matrix(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, sqrt(sigma_g^2+sigma_m^2))
int_SDP_Mat <- integrate_SDP_matrix(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, sigma_g, sigma_m, sigma_i)
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpu=4)
sim_SDP_Mat <- SDP_by_simulation(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, sigma_g, sigma_m, sigma_i, reps=999)

x <- matrix(NA, length(x_grid), 10) 
x[,1] <- 0
x0 <- .2
x[which.min(abs(x_grid - x0)),1] <- 100
y <- x
z <- x

plt <- function(i){
  barplot(x[,i], col=rgb(0,0,1,.5))
  barplot(y[,i], add=T, col=rgb(1,0,0,.5))
  barplot(z[,i], add=T, col=rgb(0,0,1,.5))

for(i in 1:9){
  x[,i+1] <- t(sim_SDP_Mat[[1]]) %*% x[,i]
  y[,i+1] <- t(SDP_Mat[[1]]) %*% y[,i]
  z[,i+1] <- t(int_SDP_Mat[[1]]) %*% z[,i]

png("test1.png"); plt(2);
png("test2.png"); plt(5);
upload("test*.png", script="unit_tests.R", tag="PDG_Control")
cboettig/pdg_control documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:10 p.m.