Man pages for ccpluncw/ccpl_R_chMorals

ch.createRandomizedOverlapsFileA function to randomize the relation between the probe names...
ch.filterOverlapsByQuantileA function to filters the choice data by value overlaps using...
ch.getMoralsItemColumnNamesA function to create a vector of the column names containing...
ch.getMoralsItemsInAllOverlapsA function to get an ordered, non-duplicate list of the...
ch.getMoralsItemsInOverlapA function to get the Items in a single Overlap
ch.getMoralsRTaxisNameA function to get the RT axis label
ch.getPromptsA function to extract the unique prompts from a choice...
ch.globalFilterByQuantileA function to filter RT data based on the coefficient of...
ch.mergeChoiceDataWithOverlapsDataA function to prepare the morals data for analysis
ch.moralsAnalyzeLearningEffectA function to analyze learning effects
ch.moralsDataCleanA function to cleans the choice data for analysis
ch.moralsDataPrepA function to prepare the morals data for analysis
ch.moralsDprimeAnalysisA function to calculate a dPrime analysis on the Morals data.
ch.moralsEquateItemStringsForNumberQuantDatasetA function to equate the probe 1 and probe 2 strings when...
ch.moralsFilterDataA function to filter the morals data for analysis
ch.moralsFilterDataQA function to filter the morals data for analysis using...
ch.moralsGetAndPlotDirOverlapA function to get and plot directional overlaps by quantity.
ch.moralsGetAndPlotQuantDirOverlapA function to get and plot directional overlaps by quantity.
ch.moralsGetDirOverlapByGrpA function to get the average directional overlap by group.
ch.moralsGetDirOverlapForAllProbesA function to calculates the directional overlap for all...
ch.moralsGetProbNoA function to assess the participants bias to say no as a...
ch.moralsGetQuantityPhitA function to get the predicted p(hit)Quant: that is,...
ch.moralsGrpRTpHitA function to analyze the group Morals data
ch.moralsItemChoiceAnalysisA function to graph the response choice pattern per item in...
ch.moralsItemRTpHitA function to analyze the Morals data by item
ch.moralsModelOvrlpPredPhitQA function to fit and plot a model whereby p(hit)quantity...
ch.moralsPlotDprimeBetaFitsA function to plot the dPrime and Beta by OverlapRound for...
ch.moralsPlotFitsByGrpsA function to plot multiple model fits on one graph
ch.moralsPlotLearningEffectA function to plot learning effects
ch.moralsPlotsByGrpsAndGetModelsA function to analyze the Morals data by grouping variables
ch.moralsPlotSnRTpHitFitsA function to plot the subject fits
ch.moralsQuantAnalyisA function to analyze the quantity variation in morals data.
ch.moralsQuantsToGrpsA function to equate the probe 1 and probe 2 strings when...
ch.moralsRmLearningEffectA function to remove a learning function from data
ch.moralsRTpHitFitA function to fit the RT and pHit function to morals data
ch.moralsSnRTpHitA function to analyze the Morals data by subject
ch.moralsXXYPlotFitsByGrpA function to plot multiple model fits on one graph
ch.readMoralsDBfileA function to read the morals dbfile
ch.rmLearningBySNA function remove the learning effect on RT by Subject
ccpluncw/ccpl_R_chMorals documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 3:30 p.m.