Man pages for ccpluncw/ccpl_R_chutils

as2A more robust form of the R 'as' function.
bufferPads an object to a desired length, either with replicates of...
cbind.fillCombine arbitrary data types, filling in missing rows.
ch.addLegendA function to add a legend to a plot
ch.AICA function calculate the AIC from a model fit
ch.altLogTransformA function to log transform a variable that contains 0s...
ch.altRootTransformA function to transform a variable that contains 0s and/or...
ch.BICA function calculate the BIC from a model fit
ch.binNumbersA function bin a vector of numbers
ch.calculateDprimeStatsA function to calculate D Prime statistics
ch.capwordsCapitalize first letter Function
ch.extractDFbyGroupsA function to extract a subsetted dataframe returned the...
ch.filterDataBetweenA function to filter data between two thresholds
ch.filterGrpBtwnA function to filter data between two thresholds grouped by a...
ch.filterGrpByNA function to filter data based on the number of elements.
ch.filterGrpByQuantileA function to filter data based on the quantile value.
ch.get67diffLtysA function to create 67 different line type values for...
ch.getDprimeVarianceA function to get the variance from a d prime
ch.getGrpIndexA function to get the df.grpIndex required to create legend...
ch.getHSVcolorsA function to create unique hsv colors to be plotted
ch.getHSVincrementA function to calculate the increment for HSV color based...
ch.getLearningEffectA function to assess the learning effect in data
ch.getLmModela function to return an LM model that can be evaluated (i.e,...
ch.getNormalizedResidualsA function calculate the normalized residuals (resid/sd) from...
ch.getPhitModela function to return a p(Hit) model that can be evaluated...
ch.getPlotAxisMinMaxA function calculates the min and max values for a plot axis
ch.getPlotLegendValsA function to create unique color and line type values for up...
ch.getProbMaxThis function calculates probMax for chMaxAveComb based on...
ch.getRowsByColItemsFilesA function to extract the rows in FileA that contain the...
ch.ICA function calculate the AIC and BIC from a model fit
ch.ICfromRSSA function calculate the AIC and BIC from a residual sum of...
ch.logisticA function to fit a logistic function
ch.mergeDataInDirMerge all the files in a directory
ch.newDirNew Subdrectory Function
ch.numberVectorToGrpsA function to bin quantities into categories.
ch.permutePermutation Function
ch.pHVOfitFits the p(HVO) function for the choice experiment
ch.pHVOfit.oldFits the p(HVO) function for the choice experiment
ch.plot.learningA function to plot the learning effect in data
ch.plot.lmGraph function for Values Experiment
ch.plot.pHitGraph function for Values Experiment
ch.plotTwoLinearFitsA function to fit and plot two linear function one over the...
ch.propVarA function calculate the variance of a proportion
ch.R2A function calculate the r square from a model fit
ch.rbindA function to append a temporary dataframe to the end of...
ch.reducedChiSqA function calculate the reduced Chi Square from a model fit
ch.removeBadSNsA function to remove bad subjects' data from a dataframe
ch.resize_jpgA function to resize images.
ch.rgammaA function to generate random numbers from a gamma...
ch.rmLearningEffectA function to remove a learning function from data
ch.round_anyNew Rounding Function
ch.roundUpNiceA function to round pretty
ch.RSSA function calculate the residual sum of squares from a model...
ch.RTfitFits the p(HVO) function for the choice experiment
ch.stringSeqA function to create a sequence of string names
ch.stripPlotByGrpA function to plot a strip chart by groups.
ch.subsetDFbyGroupsA function to subset a dataframe by the factorial combination...
ch.summariseByA function to summarize a dataframe one grouping variable
ch.TSSA function calculate the total sum of squares from a vector
ch.updateRpackageA function to update an R package
ch.ZtestDprimeEqualZeroA function tests whether a dPrime is significantly Greater...
coalesceA more versatile form of the T-SQL 'coalesce()' function.
countA more versatile form of the T-SQL 'count()' function.
insertRowsInserts a matrix into another matrix.
lenAllows finding the 'length' without knowledge of...
rollApplyApplies a function over a rolling window on any data object.
rowApplyApplies a function row-wise on any data object.
rowsAllows row indexing without knowledge of dimensionality or...
vectorizeVectorize a scalar function to work on any R object.
ccpluncw/ccpl_R_chutils documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 1:17 a.m.