
#' Coefficient Alpha
#' This calculates coefficient alpha for a given matrix or data.frame. Note that the matrix or data.frame should be at the item level and that it needs to be numeric not characters or factors.
#'@param data A matrix or data.frame containing the item level responses
coef_alpha <- function(data){
  k <- ncol(data)
  item <- sum(apply(data, 2, var))
  tot <- var(rowSums(data))
  rel <- k / (k - 1) * (1 - item/tot)

#' Kuder-Richardson 20
#' This calculates Kuder-Richarson 20 for a given matrix or data.frame. Note that the matrix or data.frame should be at the item level and that it needs to be numeric not characters or factors. KR-20 is appropriate for dichotomously scored items, \code{coef_alpha} is appropriate for non-dichotomous items.
#' @param data A matrix or data.frame containing the item level responses
#' @export
kr20 <- function(data){
  k <- ncol(data)
  item <- sum(apply(data, 2, mean)*(1-apply(data, 2, mean)))
  tot <- var(rowSums(data))
  rel <- k / (k - 1) * (1 - item/tot)

#' Spearman Brown Correction: Split - Half
#' This calculates the Spearman Brown correction for a split half only. 
#' @param x The correlation of the two split halves
#' @export
spear_half <- function(x){
  half <- 2 * x / (1 + x)

#' New test length given a desired reliability
#' The calculates what the length of a test should be given your desired reliability, your present reliability, and the current length of the test.
#' @param desired Desired reliability
#' @param present Current reliability
#' @param test_length Current test length
#' @export
new_length <- function(desired, present, test_length){
  new <- desired * (1 - present) / (present * (1 - desired)) * test_length

#' Standard error of measurement
#' This calculates the standard error of measurement given the standard deviation of your total scores and your current reliabilty
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of total test scores
#' @param reliablity Current reliability
#' @export
sem <- function(sigma, reliability){
  sem <- sqrt(sigma) * sqrt(1 - reliability)

#' Standard error of difference
#' Calculate the standard error of difference given the SEM of two tests or the reliablity of two tests and the standard deviation of the total test scores
#' @param sem1 Either the SEM or reliablity of the 1st test
#' @param sem2 Either the SEM or reliability of the 2nd test
#' @param type Either sem, if specifying SEMs or r, if specifying reliability estimates
#' @param sigma The standard deviation of the test scores if reliablity estimates were provided
sed <- function(sem1, sem2, type = "sem", sigma = NULL){
  if(type == "sem")
    sed <- sqrt(sem1^2 + sem2^2)
  if(type == "r")
    sed <- sigma * sqrt(2 - sem1 - sem2)
cddesja/validateR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:33 p.m.