BrcFmri: BrcFmri constructor.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


BrcFmri makes a new BrcFmri instance.


BrcFmri(data2d, id, parcellation)



A matrix representing an fMRI


An identification string


A BrcParcellation object


A BrcFmri dataype represents a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan. It is a list with three named components:

  1. data2d, the fMRI data matrix. Each column represents a voxel, or 3-dimensional pixel, in the fMRI. Each row represents a time step. Thus, one column of data2d is the time series for a single fMRI voxel, and one row of data2d is an fMRI image at one point in time.

  2. id, an identification string. It is not guaranteed to be unique or nonempty—those depend on how the BrcFmri object is constructed. Typically this field would be used to cross-reference the MRI with a dataframe containing phenotype information.

  3. parcellation, a BrcParcellation datatype. This contains the information necessary to transform the two-dimensional data2d matrix into the four-dimensional series of volumes useful for visualization.

Because BrcFmri is a dataype, not an object there are no accessor functions. You can get its components directly with the $ operator.'

If you are trying to make a new BrcFmri instance, the buildBrcFmri function will build the required parcellation argument for you and wire everything together. If you only have the four-dimensional fMRI data, then the data4dTo2d function will transform it for you.


A new BrcFmri instance.

See Also

BrcParcellation, buildBrcFmri, data4dTo2d

cdgreenidge/brcbase documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:40 p.m.