
#' AnomAuth
#' A dataset containing panel data assessments of individuals Anomia and Authoritarianism.
#' @format data frame with 2722 rows, 14 columns. Column Y1 represents anomia, 
#' Y2 Authoritarianism, dTx the time interval for measurement occasion x.
#' @source See \url{https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2012-09124-001} for details.
#' @name AnomAuth

#' Oscillating
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package.
#' @format 200 by 21 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 11 measurement occasions and 10 measurement intervals for each of 200 individuals
#' @source See \url{https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2044-8317.2012.02043.x}
#' @name Oscillating

#' ctExample1
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 100 by 17 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 6 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness and 5 measurement intervals for each of 100 individuals.
#' @name ctExample1

#' ctExample2
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 100 by 18 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 8 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness, 
#' 7 measurement occasions of a money intervention dummy,
#' and 7 measurement intervals for each of 50 individuals.
#' @name ctExample2

#' ctExample3
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 1 by 399 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 100 observations of variables Y1 and Y2 and 199 measurement intervals, for 1 subject.
#' @name ctExample3

#' ctExample4
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 20 by 79 matrix containing 20 observations of variables 
#' Y1, Y2, Y3, and 19 measurement intervals dTx, for each of 20 individuals.
#' @name ctExample4

#' ctExample1TIpred
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 100 by 18 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 6 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness, 1 measurement of number of friends,
#' and 5 measurement intervals for each of 100 individuals.
#' @name ctExample1TIpred

#' ctExample2level
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 100 by 18 matrix containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 8 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness, 
#' 7 measurement occasions of a money intervention dummy,
#' and 7 measurement intervals for each of 50 individuals.
#' @name ctExample2level

#' datastructure
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 2 by 15 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 
#' 3 measurement occasions of manifest variables Y1 and Y2, 
#' 2 measurement occasions of time dependent predictor TD1, 
#' 2 measurement intervals dTx, and 2 time independent predictors 
#' TI1 and TI2, for 2 individuals.
#' @name datastructure

#' longexample
#' Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
#' @format 7 by 8 matrix containing ctsem long format data, for two subjects, 
#' with three manifest variables Y1, Y2, Y3, 
#' one time dependent predictor TD1, two time independent predictors TI1 and TI2, 
#' and absolute timing information Time.
#' @name longexample

#' ctstantestdat
#' Generated dataset for testing \code{\link{ctStanFit}} from ctsem package.
#' @format matrix
#' @name ctstantestdat

#' ctstantestfit
#' Dummy fit for testing functions from ctsem package.
#' @format ctStanFit object
#' @name ctstantestfit
cdriveraus/ctsem documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 2:08 a.m.