
Defines functions extract_tidy_models.mediation_model extract_tidy_models extract_model.mediation_model extract_model extract_models.mediation_model extract_models

Documented in extract_model extract_models extract_tidy_models

#' @title Extracts models from a mediation_model object
#' @description When conducting a joint-significant test, different models are
#'   fitted to the data. This function helps accessing the models used in an
#'   object of class `mediation_model`.
#' @param mediation_model An object of class `mediation_model`.
#' @return A list of `lm` objects.
#' @family extract functions
#' @examples
#' data(ho_et_al)
#' ho_et_al$condition_c <- build_contrast(ho_et_al$condition,
#'                                        "Low discrimination",
#'                                        "High discrimination")
#' my_model <-
#'   mdt_simple(data = ho_et_al,
#'              IV = condition_c,
#'              DV = hypodescent,
#'              M = linkedfate)
#' extract_models(my_model)
#' @export

extract_models <- function(mediation_model) {

#' @export

extract_models.mediation_model <- function(mediation_model) {
    purrr::pluck(mediation_model, "js_models")

#' @title Extracts a single model from a mediation_model object
#' @description When conducting a joint-significant test, different models are
#'   fitted to the data. This function helps you access the models used in an
#'   object of class `mediation_model`.
#' @seealso [`extract_models`] to access a list of every model
#'   relevant to joint-significance testing.
#' @param mediation_model An object of class `mediation_model`.
#' @param step An integer or a string corresponding to the model to extract.
#' @return An `lm` object.
#' @family extract functions
#' @examples
#' data(ho_et_al)
#' ho_et_al$condition_c <- build_contrast(ho_et_al$condition,
#'                                        "Low discrimination",
#'                                        "High discrimination")
#' my_model <-
#'   mdt_simple(data = ho_et_al,
#'              IV = condition_c,
#'              DV = hypodescent,
#'              M = linkedfate)
#' extract_model(my_model, step = "X -> M")
#' @export

extract_model <- function(mediation_model, step = NULL) {

#' @export

extract_model.mediation_model <- function(mediation_model, step = NULL) {
  if (is.null(step)) {
    error_message <-
      "You forgot to specify the `step` argument.
    Did you mean to use extract_models() instead?"

    stop(call. = FALSE, error_message)
  else {
    purrr::pluck(mediation_model, "js_models", step)

#' @title Extracts models from a mediation object as a data frame
#' @description When conducting a joint significant test, different models are
#' fitted to the data. This function helps you access the models  used in an
#' object of class `mediation_model`.
#' @param mediation_model An object of class `mediation_model`.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @family extract functions
#' @examples
#' data(ho_et_al)
#' ho_et_al$condition_c <- build_contrast(ho_et_al$condition,
#'                                        "Low discrimination",
#'                                        "High discrimination")
#' my_model <-
#'   mdt_simple(data = ho_et_al,
#'              IV = condition_c,
#'              DV = hypodescent,
#'              M = linkedfate)
#' extract_tidy_models(my_model)
#' @export

extract_tidy_models <- function(mediation_model) {

#' @export

extract_tidy_models.mediation_model <- function(mediation_model) {
  purrr::pluck(mediation_model, "js_models") %>%
    purrr::map_df(~broom::tidy(.x), .id = "model")

cedricbatailler/JSmediation documentation built on March 4, 2024, 12:52 p.m.