Man pages for cemordaunt/comethyl
An R Package for Weighted Region Comethylation Network Analysis

adjustRegionMethAdjust Methylation Data for Principal Components
annotateModuleAnnotate Module Regions
comethylcomethyl: An R package for weighted region comethylation...
enrichModuleAnalyze Module Functional Enrichment with GREAT
filterCpGsFilter BSseq Objects by Coverage
filterRegionsFilter Regions
getCorCalculate Correlations
getCpGsRead Bismark CpG reports
getCpGtotalsGet Total CpGs at Different Coverage Cutoffs
getDendroPerform Hierarchical Clustering
getGeneListExtract a Gene List from Annotated Regions
getMEtraitCorCalculate Correlation Statistics Between Module Eigennodes...
getModuleBEDGet a Module BED file
getModulePreservationCalculate Module Preservation
getModulesIdentify Modules of Comethylated Regions
getPCsCalculate Top Principal Components
getRegionMethGet Region Methylation Data
getRegionsGenerate Regions from CpGs
getRegionTotalsGet Region Totals at Different Cutoffs
getSoftPowerEstimate Soft Power Threshold
listOntologiesGet Ontologies Available in GREAT
plotCpGtotalsVisualize Total CpGs at Different Coverage Cutoffs
plotDendroPlot a Dendrogram
plotEnrichmentPlot Functional Enrichment Results
plotHeatmapPlot a Heatmap with Dendrograms
plotMethTraitPlot Module Methylation Values By a Sample Trait
plotMEtraitCorPlot a Heatmap of Correlations Between Module Eigennodes and...
plotMEtraitDotVisualize a Module Eigennode - Trait Correlation as a Dot...
plotMEtraitScatterVisualize a Module Eigennode - Trait Correlation as a Scatter...
plotModulePreservationVisualize Module Preservation
plotRegionDendroPlot Region Dendrograms
plotRegionStatsPlot Histograms of Region Statistics
plotRegionTotalsVisualize Region Totals at Different Cutoffs
plotSDstatsPlot Heatmaps of Region Standard Deviation vs Features
plotSoftPowerPlot Soft Power Fit and Connectivity
cemordaunt/comethyl documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:47 p.m.