getPCs: Calculate Top Principal Components

View source: R/Examine_Region_Methylation.R

getPCsR Documentation

Calculate Top Principal Components


getPCs() calculates the top principal components for region methylation data, and then saves it as a .rds file.


  mod = matrix(1, nrow = ncol(meth), ncol = 1),
  save = TRUE,
  file = "Top_Principal_Components.rds",
  verbose = TRUE



A numeric matrix, where each row is a region and each column is a sample. This is typically obtained from getRegionMeth().


A matrix giving the model matrix being used to fit the data. See below for an example.


A logical(1) indicating whether to save the matrix.


A character(1) giving the file name (.rds) for the saved matrix.


A logical(1) indicating whether messages should be printed.


getPCs() uses to identify the number of top principal components and then svd() to calculate them, after centering methylation values within each gene. This is the same approach used by sva::sva_network(). More information on the function and approach is given in the documentation and publications related to the sva package.


A numeric matrix, where each row is a sample and each column is a principal component.

See Also

  • getRegionMeth() to extract region methylation values.

  • adjustRegionMeth() to adjust region methylation values using these top PCs.

  • getMEtraitCor() to compare these top PCs to sample traits.

  • getDendro() and plotDendro() to generate and visualize dendrograms.

  • getSoftPower() and plotSoftPower() to estimate the best soft-thresholding power and visualize scale-free topology fit and connectivity.

  • getModules() to build a comethylation network and identify modules of comethylated regions.


## Not run: 

# Get Methylation Data
meth <- getRegionMeth(regions, bs = bs, file = "Region_Methylation.rds")

# Adjust Methylation Data for Top PCs
mod <- model.matrix(~1, data = pData(bs))
PCs <- getPCs(meth, mod = mod, file = "Top_Principal_Components.rds")
methAdj <- adjustRegionMeth(meth, PCs = PCs,
                            file = "Adjusted_Region_Methylation.rds")

# Compare Top PCs to Sample Traits
MEtraitCor <- getMEtraitCor(PCs, colData = colData, corType = "bicor",
                            file = "PC_Trait_Correlation_Stats.txt")
PCdendro <- getDendro(PCs, distance = "bicor")
PCtraitDendro <- getCor(PCs, y = colData, corType = "bicor", robustY = FALSE) %>%
        getDendro(transpose = TRUE)
plotMEtraitCor(PCtraitCor, moduleOrder = PCdendro$order,
               traitOrder = PCtraitDendro$order,
               file = "PC_Trait_Correlation_Heatmap.pdf")

# Assess Sample Similarity
getDendro(methAdj, distance = "euclidean") %>%
         plotDendro(file = "Sample_Dendrogram.pdf", expandY = c(0.25,0.08))

# Select Soft Power Threshold
sft <- getSoftPower(methAdj, corType = "pearson", file = "Soft_Power.rds")
plotSoftPower(sft, file = "Soft_Power_Plots.pdf")

# Get Comethylation Modules
modules <- getModules(methAdj, power = sft$powerEstimate, regions = regions,
                      corType = "pearson", file = "Modules.rds")

## End(Not run)

cemordaunt/comethyl documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:47 p.m.