elementR-package: A Shiny Application for Reducing Elemental LA-ICPMS Data from...

elementRR Documentation

A Shiny Application for Reducing Elemental LA-ICPMS Data from Solid Structures


Aims to facilitate the reduction of elemental microchemistry data from solid-phase LA-ICPMS analysis (laser ablation inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry). The elementR package provides a reactive and user friendly interface for conducting all steps needed for an optimal data reduction while leaving maximum control for user.


Charlotte Sirot, Francois Guilhaumon, Franck Ferraton, Audrey Darnaude, Jacques Panfili, Amber Child


Charlotte Sirot <charlott.sirot@gmail.com>


Calculations of elementR procedures are based on a consensus of the literature:

  • Elsdon & Gillanders. Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on otolith chemistry: challenges for determining environmental histories of fish. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 59, 2002.

  • Fowler et al. Experimental assessment of the effect of temperature and salinity on elemental composition of otolith using laser ablation ICPMS. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 52, 1995.

  • Milton & Chenery. The effect of otolith storage methods on the concentrations of elements detected by laser-ablation ICPMS. J. of Fish Biology, Vol. 53, 1998.

  • Thorrold et al. 1998. Accurate classification of juvenile weakfish Cynoscion regalis to estuarine nursery areas based on chemical signatures in otoliths. Marine Ecology Press Series, Vol. 173, 1998.



charlottesirot/elementR documentation built on March 8, 2024, 5:13 a.m.