elementR_repSample: object elementR_repSample

elementR_repSampleR Documentation

object elementR_repSample


The R6Class object elementR_repSample contains the main information needed for the filtration of a batch of replicates from the same sample.




An R6Class generator object


As a subclass object, the elementR_sample object already contains all fields and methods from the elementR_rep. Moreover, it also contains items specifically designed for sample filtration.


The elementR_repSample object inherits from the elementR_rep.



A character string indicating the type of the considered batch (here, "sample")


A character string corresponding to the processing mode of averaging ("raster" or "spot")


A list containing the data to average of each replicate of the considered sample (dataOutlierFree for spot mode and dataNorm for raster mode)


A matrix containing the average and the standard deviation per chemical element of the dataOutlierFree of the final replicates (i.e. chosen to be part of the final calculation)


A list containing the realigned dataNorm of the final replicates (i.e. chosen to be part of the final calculation)


A matrix corresponding to the average values of the data contained in rep_dataIntermRaster


a vector which contains (1) laser diameter, (2) laser speed, (3) which point to keep


a matrix of the final data without correlated points



Aim: set rep_type2; Arguments: x = a character string indicating spot or raster mode

Realign2(data, pas)

Aim: Realign data; Arguments: data = a list of matrix corresponding to the data to realign, pas = the step of time between two consecutive analysis within data of the considered sample; Output: data = a list of matrix containing the realigned data


Aim: set rep_dataFiltre; Arguments: x = a logical value corresponding to the choice of user to correct or not the machine drift


Aim: set rep_dataFinalSpot; Arguments: x = the matrix to set


Aim: create and return an intermediate matrix containing the average and the standard deviation per chemical element for all sample replicates; Output: outputTab = a matrix with two lines corresponding to the average and the standard deviation per chemical element for all sample replicates

intermStepRaster(decalage, input, outliers, replace)

Aim: create and return an intermediate matrix containing realigned data for all sample replicates; Inputs: decalage = a vector indicating the translation to operate, input = the data to realign, outliers = a list of outliers, replace = the value to replace in case of outlier, Output: outputList = a list of matrix containing realigned data for all sample replicates


Aim: set setRep_dataIntermRaster; Arguments: x = the list of matrix to set


Aim: set rep_dataFinalRaster


Aim: create and set the field rep_data by filling it with the elementR_sample objects corresponding to sample replicates included in this batch


Aim: set rep_autoCorrel, Input: x = the value to set


Aim: set rep_dataFinalRasterNonCorr

RealignCol(dat1, dat2, col, step)

Aim: realign two tables according to a chosen column (based on a convolution); Inputs: dat1 & dat2 = matrix to realign, col = the column to realign, step = the step between two consecutive analysis; Outputs: the realign data

RealignColList(listRealig, col, step)

Aim: realign a list of matrix according to a chosen column (based on a convolution); Inputs: listRealig = a list of matrix to realign, col = the column to realign, step = the step between two consecutive analysis; Outputs: the realign data

RealignAll(dat1, dat2, step)

Aim: realign a list of matrix according to all columns (based on a convolution); Inputs: dat1 & dat2 = matrix to realign, step = the step between two consecutive analysis; Outputs: the realign data

RealignListAll(listRealig, step)

Aim: realign a list of matrix according to all columns (based on a convolution); Inputs: listRealig = a list of matrix to realign, step = the step between two consecutive analysis; Outputs: the realign data

See Also

elementR_rep. elementR_repStandard.


## create a new elementR_sample object based on the "filePath" 
## from a folder containing sample replicate

filePath <- system.file("Example_Session/samples/Sample_1", package="elementR")

sampleBatch <- elementR_repSample$new(filePath)

## Display the data contained in this batch


charlottesirot/elementR documentation built on March 8, 2024, 5:13 a.m.