  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Intron_Vis IntronVis a package that allows users to visually differentiate between intronic and exonic regions when gene modelling with RNA-seq data.

Intron_Vis.organismDB_mod(gene1, gene2, introns): --> object that specifies the genes of interest
Intron_Vis.add_intron(plot, introns): --> The modified plot that displays intronic regions
Intron_Vis.Intron_tracker(chr): --> A dataframe containing the locations of the introns in that chromosome
Intron_Vis.transcriptDB_mod(wh, introns): --> object that specifies the genes of interest
Intron_Vis.bam_mod(wh, chr, bai, bam, introns): --> object that specifies the genes of interest

cheejus2/Intron_Vis documentation built on Dec. 8, 2019, 10:35 a.m.