
Defines functions MATCH

Documented in MATCH

#' Get Matched Units Given Certain Covariate Combination
#' @param FLAME_object object returned by applying the FLAME algorithm
#'   (\code{\link{FLAME_bit}} or \code{\link{FLAME_PostgreSQL}} or
#'   \code{\link{FLAME_SQLite}})
#' @param cov_name a vector of covariate names
#' @param cov_val  a vector of covariate values, where the value position should match cov_name position
#' @examples
#' data(toy_data)
#' result <- FLAME::FLAME_bit(data = toy_data, holdout = toy_data)
#' FLAME::MATCH(FLAME_object = result, cov_name = c("X1", "X2"), cov_val = c("2", "2"))
#' @return data frame with all matched units
#' @export

MATCH <- function(FLAME_object, cov_name, cov_val) {

  if (typeof(cov_name) != "character") {
    stop("Please specify cov_name as a vector with character data type")

  if (typeof(cov_val) != "character") {
    stop("Please specify cov_val as a vector with character data type")

  len <- lengths(FLAME_object[[1]])
  index <- which(len == length(cov_name))

  # If there are no matches for the number of covariates, then return strings
  if (length(index) == 0) {
    return("There are no matched units for such combination")

  cov_matched <- FLAME_object[[1]][[index]] # which covariates were used for matching

  # If covariate names provided are not used for matching, then return strings
  if(!identical(sort(cov_matched), sort(cov_name))) {
    return("There are no matched units for such combination")

  if (length(cov_val) != length(cov_name)) {
    return("Length of covariate names does not match with length of covariate values")

  # Sort the covariate values by column order
  cov_val_sort <- cov_val[match(cov_matched,cov_name)]
  cov_val_sort <- as.data.frame(t(cov_val_sort), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(cov_val_sort) <- cov_matched

  df <- FLAME_object[[4]]
  df <- df[df$matched == length(cov_name),]

  if (length(cov_matched) == 1) {
    L <- sapply(1:nrow(df), function(x) identical(unlist(df[x,cov_matched]),as.character(unlist(cov_val_sort))))
  } else{
    L <- sapply(1:nrow(df), function(x) identical(unlist(df[x,cov_matched]),unlist(cov_val_sort)))

  if (nrow(df[L,]) == 0) {
    return("no CATE for such combination is available using this procedure")
  else {
    return_df <- df[L,-(ncol(df)-1)]
    row.names(return_df) <- NULL

#cov_name <- c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x9")
#cov_val <- c(0,0,0,1,1,0)
#Match(result_bit, cov_name, cov_val)
#Match(result_PostgreSQL, cov_name, cov_val)
chiarui424/FLAME documentation built on Sept. 16, 2019, 8:43 a.m.