# Internal documentation -------------------------------------------------------
# The function estimates the standard errors of the indicators
standardError.est <- function(b, xclass, classes, burnin, samples, bw, evalpoints, adjust, threshold,
custom_indicator, upper, weights, oecd) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = b, style = 3)
results.kernel <- NULL
for (i in 1:b) {
if (is.null(weights) & is.null(oecd)) {
boot_samp <- xclass[sample(length(xclass), size = length(xclass), replace = TRUE)]
boot_weights <- weights
oecd_weights <- oecd
if (!is.null(weights) & is.null(oecd)) {
bdata <- data.frame(xclass, weights)
boot_index <- sample(1:nrow(bdata), size = nrow(bdata), replace = TRUE)
boot_data <- bdata[boot_index, ]
boot_samp <- boot_data$xclass
boot_weights <- boot_data$weights
oecd_weights <- oecd
if (!is.null(weights) & !is.null(oecd)) {
bdata <- data.frame(xclass, weights, oecd)
boot_index <- sample(1:nrow(bdata), size = nrow(bdata), replace = TRUE)
boot_data <- bdata[boot_index, ]
boot_samp <- boot_data$xclass
boot_weights <- boot_data$weights
oecd_weights <- boot_data$oecd
if (is.null(weights) & !is.null(oecd)) {
bdata <- data.frame(xclass, oecd)
boot_index <- sample(1:nrow(bdata), size = nrow(bdata), replace = TRUE)
boot_data <- bdata[boot_index, ]
boot_samp <- boot_data$xclass
boot_weights <- weights
oecd_weights <- boot_data$oecd
density.est <- dclassICD(
xclass = boot_samp, classes = classes,
burnin = burnin, samples = samples, bw = bw,
evalpoints = evalpoints, adjust = adjust, upper = upper,
weights = boot_weights, oecd = oecd_weights
Indicators.run <- NULL
for (j in (burnin + 1):dim(density.est$resultX)[2]) {
Indicators.run <- cbind(Indicators.run, indicators.est(
x = density.est$resultX[, j],
threshold = threshold,
custom_indicator = custom_indicator,
weights = density.est$resultW[, j]
results.kernel <- rbind(results.kernel, rowMeans(Indicators.run))
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
se.boot <- apply(results.kernel, 2, function(x) {
sqrt(mean((x - mean(x))^2))
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