
Raw data

# library(adverse)
nstudies <- length(unique(bpaearmtype$`Trial name`))
nstudies_fever <- length(unique(bpaearmtype[bpaearmtype$aetype == "FEVER",]$"Trial name"))

r {nstudies_fever} out of r {nstudies} studies reported an outcome of Fever. All grades combined.


plotfn <- function(aesel){
p <- 
    bpaearmtype %>%
    filter(aetype %in% aesel) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=prop, y=`Trial name`,
           size=count, col=description, label=treatment, label2=N)) +
    facet_wrap(vars(aetype)) + 
    geom_point() +
    xlim(0,1) +
    xlab("Proportion with adverse event") +
    ylab("") +
    guides(size=FALSE) +
    theme(legend.title = element_blank())
ggplotly(p, tooltip=c("y","label","size","label2","x"))
## order buggy


Treatment groupings for analysis

Consider four alternative groupings from finer to coarser:

  1. Bisphosphonate drug, dose and delivery method. IV placebo, oral placebo and observation only distinguished.

  2. Bisphosphonate drug and delivery method.

  3. Bisphosphonate drug. IV and oral placebo grouped, but distinguished from observation only.

  4. Drug class, considering all nitrogenous bisphosphonates together. IV and oral placebo grouped, but distinguished from observation only.



dat <- bpaearmtype %>%
    filter(aetype == "FEVER") %>%
    mutate(trtadj = treatment,
           treatment =
               ifelse(addtrtclass %in% c("hormoneonly"),
                      paste(treatment, "hormone_notai", sep="_"),
           treatment0 = fct_collapse(treatment,
                                     Control=c("100","101","103","103_hormone_notai"))) %>%
    rename("study"="Trial name", "responders"="count", "sampleSize"="N") %>%
    filter(study != "Hershman 2007") %>% 
    group_by(study, reporting, treatment, description, treatment0, drug, drug0, drugdm,
             drugclass, delivery, addtrt, addtrtclass,
             pcon, ncon, rcon, trtcon) %>%
    summarise(responders=sum(responders), sampleSize=sum(sampleSize)) %>%
    mutate(prop = responders / sampleSize) %>%
    droplevels() %>%
filter(dat, study == "NSABP B-34")
dat <- filter(dat, study != "NSABP B-34")

## Study-specific data 
studies <- dat %>% select(study, reporting, addtrt, addtrtclass) %>% unique %>%
  filter(!(study=="HOBOE" & addtrtclass=="hormoneaionly")) %>% 
  filter(!(study=="ABCSG12" & addtrtclass=="hormoneaionly")) %>%
  filter(!(study=="Conte 1996" & addtrt=="622")) %>%
  mutate(chemo = as.numeric(addtrtclass %in% c("chemoonly", "mixed"))) %>%
  mutate(addtrtclass = fct_collapse(addtrtclass,
                                    "hormoneonly" = c("hormoneaionly","hormoneonly"))) %>% 
  rename(t = addtrtclass) %>%
  cbind(model.matrix(~t-1, data=.))

## conte 1996 600 vs 622 ?
## These are both chemotherapy.   Why coded 6? 
## don't know whether control arm had additional hormone + trastuzumab.  Unlikely if trial was meant to evaluate eff of pamidronate?

treatments <- bpcoding %>%
    select(-treatment) %>% 
    filter(id %in% dat$treatment) %>% 
        cbind(id="103_hormone_notai", description="Observation_hormone_notAI",
              bpcoding %>% filter(id=="103") %>% select(-id, -description, -treatment)),
        cbind(id="220_hormone_notai", description="Zoledronic_2_IV_hormone_notAI",
              bpcoding %>% filter(id=="220") %>% select(-id, -description, -treatment))
    ) %>%
    mutate(treatment = id) %>%

Networks of comparisons

Number of studies for each comparison indicated on the connecting lines.

FIXME some studies missing in new data [1] "NaTaN" "ProBONE II" "Z-FAST" These are dropped because they only have one arm [which reported AEs?] fixme bit they still have data in both arms.

par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(0,1,1,1))

net.trt <-, treatments=treatments, studies=studies)
plot(net.trt, nstudies=TRUE, layout=NULL, use.description=TRUE, main="Drug, dose, delivery")

net.drugdm <- dat %>% mutate(treatment=drugdm) %>%
plot(net.drugdm, nstudies=TRUE, layout=NULL, main="Drug, delivery")

net.drug <- dat %>% mutate(treatment=drug) %>%
plot(net.drug, nstudies=TRUE, layout=NULL, main="Drug")

net.drugclass <- dat %>% mutate(treatment=drugclass) %>%
plot(net.drugclass, nstudies=TRUE, layout=NULL, main="Drug class")

Network meta analysis models

Model assumptions

The only relative effects which can't be estimated from the data are those relating to Ibandronate. There is only one study for this drug (Body 2007) which reported data for fever. 26 out of 137 in the zoledronic acid arm reported fever, compared to 0 / 137 in the ibandronate arm. Unsure how to deal with this! Is it clinically plausible? We might be able to moderate this outlying result using some model which borrows information from other drugs which are similar to ibandronate? Or just merge all nitrogenous bisphosphonates?


hy.prior <- mtc.hy.empirical.lor(outcome.type="semi-objective",
scale <- 5
mod.trt <- mtc.model(net.trt, type="grouptreat", likelihood="cjbinom", link="logit", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, basetrt="103")
mod.drugdm <- mtc.model(net.drugdm, type="grouptreat", likelihood="cjbinom", link="logit", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, basetrt="Observation")
mod.drug <- mtc.model(net.drug, type="grouptreat", likelihood="cjbinom", link="logit", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, basetrt="Observation")
mod.drugclass <- mtc.model(net.drugclass, type="grouptreat", likelihood="cjbinom", link="logit", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, basetrt="Observation")

fit.trt <-
fit.drugdm <-
fit.drug <-
fit.drugclass <-

Relative treatment effects

Estimates from each of the four network meta-analysis models, compared with direct data, for the comparisons where there is direct data.


dres <- direct.tidydata("drug,dose,delivery"=fit.trt, "drug, delivery"=fit.drugdm, "drug"=fit.drug, "drug class"=fit.drugclass, groups=c("id","drugdm","drug","drugclass"))

p <- ggplot(dres, aes(x=comp, y=est, col=mod)) +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), col="gray") + 
  geom_point(aes(), position=position_dodge(-0.4)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper),
                width=0, position=position_dodge(-0.4)) +
    theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans="log", limits=c(0.08, 12),
                       breaks=c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10)) + 
    ylab("Relative odds of fever") + xlab("")

# note for ggplotly to work, y=est has to be in main aes 

The four alternative ways of grouping effects of similar treatments appear to give a similar fit to the data, according to standard methods of statistical model comparison (DIC)

dicres <- t(sapply(list(fit.trt, fit.drugdm, fit.drug, fit.drugclass),
rownames(dicres) <- c("trt", "drugdm", "drug", "drugclass")

Absolute rates of fever

To produce the absolute event rate under each treatment:

Posterior mean and 95% credible intervals


## todo list stuff. learn broom? 
mods <- list("drug,dose,delivery"=fit.trt,
             "drug, delivery"=fit.drugdm,
             "drug class"=fit.drugclass)

bres <-,
                c(mods, list(groups=c("id","drugdm","drug","drugclass"))))

datsumm <- dat %>% group_by(treatment) %>%
  summarise(r=sum(responders), n=sum(sampleSize)) %>%
  mutate(p = r/n)
ci <- binom.confint(datsumm$r, datsumm$n, methods="logit")

datsumm <- datsumm %>%
    mutate(l95=ci$lower, u95=ci$upper) %>%
    rename(med=p) %>%
    mutate(mod = "direct") %>% 
    select(l95, med, u95, treatment, mod) %>%
    bind_rows(bres) %>%
    mutate(mod = factor(mod, levels=c("direct", names(mods)))) %>%
    mutate(description = treatments$description[match(treatment, treatments$id)])

p <- ggplot(datsumm, aes(x=description, y=med, col=mod)) +
  coord_flip() + 
  geom_point(aes(), position=position_dodge(-0.4)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=l95, ymax=u95),
                width=0, position=position_dodge(-0.4)) +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
  ylab("Probability of fever") +
    xlab("Treatment ID") + xlab("") + 
    ylim(0, 1)

Influence of additional treatment

The figure below illustrates the event rate under "observation only" for each study, with studies grouped in the plot according to the additional treatment(s) given. The network meta-analysis model was used, so that estimates could be obtained for studies which did not include an "observation only" control group.

So we could calculate predicted baseline event rates either by

blabs <- sprintf("bstudy[%s]", 1:nrow(fit.trt$model$network$studies))
sam <- as.matrix(fit.trt[["samples"]][,blabs])
res <-, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)))))
colnames(res) <- c("l95","med","u95")
res <- cbind(res, net.trt$studies) %>% arrange(t) 

p <- ggplot(res, aes(y=med, ymin=l95, ymax=u95, x=t, label=study, label2=addtrt)) +
  coord_flip() + 
  geom_pointrange(position=position_jitter(width=0.15, height=0)) +
  ylim(0,0.4) +
  ylab("Predicted event rate under control") +
  xlab("Additional treatment")

Influence of reporting quality

Similarly plot predicted event rate under control against reporting quality category.

No evidence of higher baseline event rates from studies with more complete reporting.

p <- ggplot(res, aes(y=med, ymin=l95, ymax=u95, x=reporting, label=study)) +
  coord_flip() + 
  geom_pointrange(position=position_jitter(width=0.15, height=0)) +
  ylim(0,0.4) +
  ylab("Predicted event rate under control") +
  xlab("Reporting quality")

## Fit meta-regression model with covariate(s) on baseline rate 
mod.trtcov <- mtc.model(net.trt, type="grouptreat", likelihood="cjbinom", link="logit", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, basetrt="103", basereg=list(variables=c("chemo")))
fit.trtcov <-

## todo test extended code to put covariates on baseline 
## Slightly better fit and DIC for model with covariate.
## But why is pd not bigger?  tight prior? 
sam <- exp(as.matrix(fit.trtcov[["samples"]][,"beta[1]"]))
quantile(sam, c(0.025, 0.975))

bayesplot::mcmc_trace(fit.trtcov[["samples"]], pars="beta[1]")

blabs <- sprintf("bstudy[%s]", 1:nrow(fit.trt$model$network$studies))
sam <- as.matrix(fit.trt[["samples"]][,blabs])

dicres <- t(sapply(list(fit.trt, fit.trtcov),
rownames(dicres) <- c("trt", "trtcov")

Between-study heterogeneity in relative effects

Limited amount of information to investigate between-study heterogeneity in the relative treatment effects. There are 6 studies each which compared Zol 1 IV and observation, and Zol 2 IV and observation. Estimated odds ratios from these are plotted below.

Heterogeneity here seems driven by small counts, unlikely to be enough information to determine any predictors of heterogeneity.

Each other direct comparison has at most 2 studies (see network plots above).

zdfn <- function(zname){ 
    direct <- direct.comparisons(fit.trt)
    oid <- match("Observation",net.trt$treatments$description)
    zid <- match(zname,net.trt$treatments$description)
    zdat <- direct %>% filter(con==oid & act==zid)
    study <- net.trt$studies[zdat$sid,]
    r0 <- zdat$conr + 0.5
    r1 <- zdat$actr + 0.5
    n0 <- zdat$conn + 0.5
    n1 <- zdat$actn + 0.5
    p1 <- r1/n1; p0 <- r0/n0
    sd1 <- sqrt(1/r1 + 1/n1)
    sd0 <- sqrt(1/r0 + 1/n0)
    lor <- qlogis(p1) - qlogis(p0)
    lorse <- sqrt(sd1^2 + sd0^2)
    u95 <- exp(lor + qnorm(0.975)*lorse)
    l95 <- exp(lor - qnorm(0.975)*lorse)
    or <- exp(lor)
    label <- sprintf("\n%s/%s treatment\n%s/%s control\naddtrt=%s:%s",
                     zdat$actr, zdat$actn, zdat$conr, zdat$conn, study$addtrt, study$t)
    data.frame(study, trt=zname, r1, r0, n1, n0, p1, p0, lor, or, l95, u95, label)

zdf <- rbind(zdfn("Zoledronic_acid_1_IV"), 
             zdfn("Zoledronic_acid_2_IV")) %>% arrange(trt, study)

p <- ggplot(zdf, aes(x=study, y=or, label=label, ymin=l95, ymax=u95)) +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ trt) + 
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept=1), col="gray") + 
  geom_pointrange() +
  scale_y_continuous(trans="log", breaks=c(0.1,0.2,0.5,1,2,3,5,10,20,100)) +
  ylab("Ratio in odds of fever, vs observation only") + 

ggplotly(p, tooltip="label")

Consistency assumption


## split single node
mod.trtsplit <- mtc.model(net.trt, type="nodesplitgrouptreat", likelihood="cjbinom", link="logit", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, t1="210", t2="220")
fit.trtsplit <-

bayesplot::mcmc_trace(fit.trtsplit[["samples"]], pars=c("", "d.indirect"))
bayesplot::mcmc_areas_ridges(fit.trtsplit[["samples"]], pars=c("", "d.indirect"))

## split all nodes with direct and indirect evidence 
nsc <- mtc.nodesplit.comparisons(net.trt)
modall.trtsplit <- mtc.nodesplitgrouptreat(net.trt, comparisons=nsc, likelihood="cjbinom", om.scale=scale, hy.prior=hy.prior, link="logit")
summ <- summary(modall.trtsplit)


## Examine the direct vs indirect OR itself <- sapply(modall.trtsplit[1:9], function(x){unlist(x$samples[,""])})
d.indirect <- sapply(modall.trtsplit[1:9], function(x){unlist(x$samples[,"d.indirect"])})
dvsind <- apply( - d.indirect, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
dvsind <-
names(dvsind) <- c("l95","est","u95")
dvsind$comp <- rownames(dvsind)

ggplot(dvsind, aes(x=comp, y=est, ymin=l95, ymax=u95)) +
  geom_pointrange() +
  scale_y_continuous(trans="log", breaks=c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10)) +
  ylab("Odds ratio (direct / indirect)") + xlab("") + 

dicres <- t(sapply(modall.trtsplit,
dicres # small DIC improvements from some consistency models
## could also assess contribution of points to DIC 
## Priors
## * LOR scale 5. default data-based one 4.19 = max observed LOR
## * prior SD for LOR set to 15 times scale.
## * prior SD for reg coeffs set to scale.
## * prior for REs on effects.
## * logistic uniform for baseline log odds.
## * cov effs for baseline? same as for drug effs, 15scale # # baseline REs: t_4(0,1) as in gelman wiki. N(0,1)T(0,) allows between study SD for baseline log OR between 0.03, 2.2. qlogis(c(0.05, 0.95)) is -3 to 3 on log OR scale. would be SD of 2.

chjackson/adverse documentation built on June 16, 2022, 4:53 p.m.