Man pages for chrisbrunsdon/caricRture
'Sketchy' style maps with R

all_irelandGeneralised NUTS3 regions for the island of Ireland...
bssBaltic Soil Survey
caricRtureA tool set for creating 'stylised' maps and other graphics.
choro_sketch_itDraw a sketchy choropleth map
clone_dataClone data from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
contract_itContract polygons in an object
curve_it'Curvify' polygon-based objects.
dilate_itDilate (expand) polygons in an object
fuse_dataFuse data from to Spatial object
generalise_itGeneralise an object
get_fontsInstall some Google handwriting-style fonts
hand_compassSketchy compass with 'handwritten' font
hand_legendSketchy legend with 'handwritten' font
hand_textText with 'handwritten' font
hand_titleTitle with 'handwritten' font
hole_chopRemove internal holes in polygons
hull_itMake all polygons in an object convex
londonhpHouse price data for Greater London
make_backdropMake an OpenStreetMap, Stamen or other map backdrop
make_canvasCreate a new canvas
outline_itFind the outline of a group of polygons
plot_itPlotting function - pipeline friendly
RAGeneralised NUTS3 regions for Ireland
sketch_itSketchy drawing of a SpatialPolygons or...
small_chopCut out small islands and enclaves
tidy_itTidy up an object with overlapping polygons
to_osmTransform to OpenStreetMap (*Google Mercator*) Projection
chrisbrunsdon/caricRture documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:52 p.m.