Man pages for chrismheiser/lipdR
LiPD utilities for R

addCsvToMetadataLoadMerge Main. Call the individual steps of merge for each file.
askHowManyAsk if user wants to load one file or a directory with...
bagitSince we don't have a way of getting the bagit module in R,...
browseDialogOpen a file browsing gui to let the user pick a location
checkVersionCheck the version number from metadata
cleanCsvReplace all blank values in csv matrices
collectCsvsCollect csvs main. Collect and remove csv "values" fields.
collectCsvSectionCollect and remove csv from one section: Paleo or chron...
colsToListConvert column type: data frame to list Function may be...
confirmLipdVersionCheck for a LiPD version in the metadata. Create one if it...
convertDfsLstCheck / convert and fixed data frames into scalable lists
convertSMConvert from a single fixed table, to a multiple scalable...
convertVersionConvert LiPD version structure whenever necessary
createRangeCreate the range for ensemble table "number" field
createTmpDirCreate a temporary working directory
getDataLoadRetrieve and import csv and jsonld files in the current...
getDatasetNameGet data set name from metadata
getListLpdExt#' Import each of the required modules for the package #'...
getSrcOrDstAsk user where local file/folder location is.
hasDataCheck if metadata path exists. Combine path and i to check...
indexByNameLoadChange index-by-number to index-by-variableName
indexByNumberSaveMain indexing. Convert all index-by-name to index-by-number.
indexGeoMake geo semi-flat. Remove unnecessary levels between us and...
indexSectionLoadChange index-by-number for one section
indexSectionSaveIndex a single section. Paleo or Chron
isNullObChecks if an object is null/empty
listFilesGet list of csv files in current directory and below
loadLipdFileImport the data from each csv and jsonld file for given LiPD
loadLipdsMain LiPD loading function. Combines all processes into one.
mergeCsvLoadMerge CSV data into the metadata
mergeDataLoadMerge csv numeric data into the metadata columns
moveColsDownSaveRemove column names indexing. Set them to index by their...
moveColsUpGet rid of "columns" layer so that the columns data is...
moveTableUpSaveUnindex tables by name. Move to index by number.
multiLoadLoop over multiple LiPD files. Load one at a time.
multiSaveParse library of data records
parseTableParse the csv value columns from the table, then split the...
promptStringSavePrompt the user for some string entry
removeEmptyRecRemove all NA, NULL, and empty objects from the data...
removeLayersRemove CSV and metadata layer from LiPD file. Also, remove...
returnToRootReturn to preset "home" working directory
saveLipdFileMain function. Run all save sub-routines for one LiPD record
saveLipdsMain function. Loop through all LiPD records, saving, and...
setVersionSet the LiPD version field
singleLoadLoad one LiPD file. All steps
singleSaveParse one data record
stripExtensionRemove the file extension from string name
swapGeoCoordinatesAn old bug caused some geo coordinates to be reversed. This...
tableToListConvert table type: data frame to list
unindexGeoConvert geo from semi-flat structure back to original GeoJSON...
unzipperUnzip LiPD file to the temporary directory
verifyOutputFilenameCheck if output filename has invalid filename characters....
writeCsvsWrite out each CSV file for this LiPD record format:...
zipperZip a directory, and move up a level
chrismheiser/lipdR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:55 p.m.