Load required R packages


Get package demo data

The package solACE contains a demo shape file for the Little River Experimental Watershed in south‐central Georgia, United States. For the demostration example load the demo shap file into the workspace.

shape_path <- system.file("extdata", "demo.shp", package = "solACE")

shape_demo <- readOGR(shape_path)
shape_ext <- c(5100, 39800, 1088900, 1119600)
shape_crs <- "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs"

Starting a new soil project

To start a new soil project simply execute the function \code{new_soil_project()}. For the setup the user has to provide the name of the new project, the path on the hard drive where the project will be located and the shape file for which the soil data will be computed. Once the path and the project name are defined these must not be changed. A change in the project name or the location of the project folder will affect the functionality of solACE.

# pro_path <- "define:/path/for/your/project"
pro_path <- here("demo_test")

new_soil_project(project_name = "soil_demo", 
                 project_path = pro_path,
                 shape_file = shape_demo)

The new soil project is now located on the hard drive in the defined project path and is also an object in the global environment of your R session with the defined project name. The soil project is an R6 object providing now some functionality provided by the obeject internally. After the setup the following funcrtionality is given:


soil_demo$cluster_soil(n_class = 1:20)
unlink(x = soil_demo$.data$meta$project_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
soil_tmp <- soil_demo$.data
soil_demo$.data <- soil_tmp

chrisschuerz/SWATsolaR documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 2:33 p.m.