
To create a simple, Syberia-like package that turns a list of functions into a report object for a particular Syberia model, similar to how Syberia turns a list of stages into a model object.


The Syberia report list has six distinct stages.


Specify the s3 path to your Syberia model.

Raw Data

A list of s3 paths, with each path corresponding to a single data set that makes up the raw data for your analysis. This will not be altered by the report, but may be called using get_set(list="raw_data")

Scored Data

A list of lists, where each list has the s3path to the original data set as the first element, and a list of optional scoring parameters as the second. The parameters are passed to Syberia's model$predict() method.


This is the main section. A list of executable functions that adds various calculations/elements to your report. Could be functions to calculate AUCs, make histograms, diagnostic plots, etc. Whatever your report needs.


Where to write out the report in s3 when you are finished


   model = 's3path/to/your/model' #Let's say a glmnet model

  ,raw_data = list(
     training = 's3path/original/training/data'

  ,scored_data = list(
      training = list('s3path/original/training/data', list(on_train=TRUE))
     ,training_min = list('s3path/original/training/data', list(on_train=TRUE,s='lambda.min'))
     ,training_custom = list('s3path/original/training/data', list(on_train=TRUE,s=1.579416e-03))

  ,report = list(
      "AUC Calc " = list(get_aucs, c('training','training_min','training_custom'))
     ,"Coefs" = list(get_coef_glmnet, s=c('lambda.1se','lambda.min',1.579416e-03))
     ,"Metadata" = list(
     ,"Deciles" = list(make_decile_tables, c('training','training_min','training_custom'))

  ,save = 'path/to/my/saved/report'


Environments and Saving

A quick note on the inner-workings. The function make_report_env is responsible for establishing an environment named .ReportEnv, as well as several sub-environments. Everything relevant to the report is kept here, including the list that specifies how to construct the report, the individual functions, and the functions used for testing. Setting the options syberiaReports.library and syberiaReports.tests in your .Rprofile will determine where reporting functions and test functions are drawn from.

Writing syberiaReports Functions

syberiaReports functions have some special requirements. First, every function must contain a parameter called location. The parameter takes in a string that represents where in the report the output of the function will be stored. E.g. location = 'scores$auc' writes the output to report$scores$auc. The function that actually takes a location and writes the output to that location is add_element, and every function should append results to the report object using it (although I suppose you you can parse it all manually if you really want to).

Writing syberiaReports Tests

syberiaReports tests also have some special requirements. First, they must be functions. Second, they cannot have the same name as the function they're testing (doing so will likely cause some heavy recursion problems). Third, errors must be raised via the testthat::expect_ functions, otherwise error messages reported may not be helpful.

christiantillich/syberiaReports documentation built on July 24, 2019, 1:56 p.m.