
Defines functions setup_parallel_tmle

Documented in setup_parallel_tmle

#' @title Setup TMLE to run in parallel
#' @description
#' Starts a cluster and sets up TMLE and SuperLearner to use the cluster
#' so that TMLE is conducted in parallel rather than using only one core.
#' @param parallel "multicore", "doParallel", or "doSNOW"
#' @param max_cores Restrict how many many cores will be used on a machine,
#'   rather than using all available cores. Useful if each core needs to use a
#'   substantial amount of memory.
#' @param allow_multinode If T, will create a multinode cluster if it finds
#'   multiple machines listed in the "SLURM_NODELIST" environmental variable.
#'   If F, it will only use the current node even if multiple nodes are
#'   detected.
#' @param env Environment in which to save the functions, defaulting to the
#'   global environment. Set to NULL to disable.
#' @importFrom parallel clusterEvalQ
#' @export
#' @seealso parallelize, tmle_parallel, gen_superlearner
# TODO: add examples to the code, document return object.
setup_parallel_tmle = function(parallel = "multicore", max_cores = NULL,
                               allow_multinode = TRUE, env = .GlobalEnv) {

  # Start cluster.
  cl = ck37r::parallelize(type = parallel, max_cores = max_cores,
                            allow_multinode = allow_multinode)

  # If we find multiple nodes and allow_multinode is T, switch to snow.
  # TODO: update ck37r::parallelize() to make this easier.

  # If using doSNOW, export SuperLearner::All()
  # TODO: fix the need for this by improving SuperLearner package.
  if (foreach::getDoParName() == "doSNOW") {
    # Load the SuperLearner package on all workers so they can find
    # SuperLearner::All().
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(SuperLearner))

    # clusterExport(cl, SuperLearner::All)

  # Create SuperLearner function.
  sl_functions = ck37r::gen_superlearner(parallel = parallel, cluster = cl)

  # Create a run_tmle function that automatically uses this parallel setup.
  run_tmle = function(...) {
    ck37r::tmle_parallel(..., sl_fn = sl_functions$sl_fn)

  # Save cl and run_tmle as variables in the environment for easier usage.
  if (!is.null(env)) {
    assign("cl", cl, envir = env)
    assign("run_tmle", run_tmle, envir = env)

  # Compile results into a list.
  results = list(
    cluster = cl,
    run_tmle = run_tmle,
    sl_functions = sl_functions

ck37/ckTools documentation built on July 23, 2024, 10:33 p.m.