
Defines functions schedule_node add_single_send_receive add_send_receive successors predecessors proc_finish_time transfer_cost data_ready_time which_processor scheduleTaskList

Documented in scheduleTaskList

# Mon May  7 11:41:11 PDT 2018
# This is a direct implementation of Sinnen's definitions in 'Task
# Scheduling for parallel Systems'
# I'll try to adhere to the convention that 'time' refers to the relative
# timeline starting with the beginning of the computation at 0, and 'cost'
# means an absolute time required to do some smaller step. 

#' Minimize Expression Start Time
#' Implementation of "list scheduling".
#' This is a greedy algorithm that assigns each expression to the earliest
#' possible processor.
#' This function is experimental and unstable. If you're trying to actually
#' speed up your code through parallelism then consider using the default
#' method in \code{\link{schedule}} for data parallelism.
#' This function rewrites code to use task parallelism.
#' Task parallelism means two or more processors run different R
#' expressions simultaneously.
#' @references Algorithm 10 in \emph{Task Scheduling for Parallel
#' Systems}, Sinnen (2007)
#' @export
#' @rdname scheduleTaskList
#' @param graph \linkS4class{TaskGraph} as returned from \code{\link{inferGraph}}
#' @param nWorkers integer maximum number of processors
#' @param orderFun function that takes in a \code{graph} and
#'  returns a permutation of \code{1:length(graph@code)} that respects the
#'  topological ordering of the graph.
#' @param timeDefault numeric time in seconds to execute a single
#'  expression. Expression times default to this value, with a warning, if
#'  we can't find \code{time} from \code{graph}.
#' @param sizeDefault numeric default size of objects to transfer in bytes
#' @param overhead numeric seconds to send any object
#' @param bandwidth numeric speed that the network can transfer an object
#'  between processors in bytes per second. We don't take network
#'  contention into account. This will have to be extended to account for
#'  multiple machines.
#' @return schedule object of class \code{TaskSchedule}
#' @examples
#' code <- parse(text = "a <- 100
#'      b <- 200
#'      c <- a + b")
#' g <- inferGraph(code)
#' s <- scheduleTaskList(g)
#' plot(s)
scheduleTaskList = function(graph, platform = Platform(), data = list()
    , orderFun = orderBottomLevel
    , timeDefault = 10e-6
    , sizeDefault = as.numeric(utils::object.size(1L))
    , overhead = 8e-6
    , bandwidth = 1.5e9

    nWorkers = platform@nWorkers

    # TODO: Change this to handle the out of memory case.
    if(nWorkers == 1L) return(SerialSchedule(graph = graph))

    procs = seq(nWorkers)
    tg = graph@graph

    if(!is(graph, "TimedTaskGraph")){
        warning(sprintf("Graph isn't a TimedTaskGraph, so expression times are unknown.
Defaulting to a value of %f seconds for every statement.", timeDefault))
        graph = TimedTaskGraph(graph
            , time = rep(timeDefault, length(graph@code)))

    exprTime = time(graph)
    node_permutation = orderFun(graph)

    # Initialize by scheduling the first expression on the first worker.
    schedule = list(
        eval = data.frame(processor = 1L
            , start_time = 0
            , end_time = exprTime[node_permutation[1]]
            , node = node_permutation[1]
        transfer = data.frame(start_time_send = numeric()
            , start_time_receive = numeric()
            , end_time_send = numeric()
            , end_time_receive = numeric()
            , proc_send = integer()
            , proc_receive = integer()
            , varname = character()
        # origin_node is the expression number that defined `varname`, so
        # that together (origin_node, varname) can uniquely identify
        # variables and avoid requirement of single static assignment
            , origin_node = integer()
            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    # It would be easier if we know every variable that every worker has
    # after every expression and transfer. Then we could see what they
    # need, and where they can possibly get them. SSA could help by
    # eliminating duplicated variable names. For the moment I will assume
    # the variable names are unique.

    for(node in node_permutation[-1]){
        allprocs = lapply(procs, data_ready_time
                , node = node, graph = tg, schedule = schedule
                , overhead = overhead, bandwidth = bandwidth
                , sizeDefault = sizeDefault

        start_times = sapply(allprocs, `[[`, "time")

        # Pick the winner, choosing lower numbers in ties
        earliest_proc = which.min(start_times)

        # Update schedule with necessary transfers
        schedule = allprocs[[earliest_proc]]$schedule

        schedule = schedule_node(earliest_proc
                , node = node, schedule = schedule
                , node_time = exprTime[node]

    new("TaskSchedule", graph = graph
        , evaluation = schedule$eval
        , transfer = schedule$transfer
        , nWorkers = as.integer(nWorkers)
        , overhead = overhead
        , bandwidth = bandwidth

# Which Processor Is Assigned to this node in the schedule?
which_processor = function(node, schedule)
    e = schedule$eval
    e[e$node == node, "processor"]

data_ready_time = function(proc, node, graph, schedule, overhead, bandwidth, sizeDefault)
    # Transfer from predecessors to current node
    preds = predecessors(node, graph)

    # Not sure we need this
    # No predecessors
    #if(length(preds) == 0L){
    #    return(proc_finish_time(proc, schedule))

    other_procs = sapply(preds, which_processor, schedule)

    # Let the processors that aren't busy start transferring first
    busy_last = order(sapply(other_procs, proc_finish_time, schedule))
    preds = preds[busy_last]
    other_procs = other_procs[busy_last]

    # Update the schedule
    for(p in preds){
        schedule = add_send_receive(proc, node_from = p, node_to = node
                , graph = graph, schedule = schedule
                , overhead = overhead, bandwidth = bandwidth
                , sizeDefault = sizeDefault

    # Now the node is ready to run on proc
    # Pass the updated schedule along so we don't need to compute it again.
    list(time = proc_finish_time(proc, schedule), schedule = schedule)

# Time to transfer required data between nodes
# Def 4.4 p. 77
# This is the place to include models for latency.
# @param tg_row is a single row from a task graph
transfer_cost = function(tg_row, overhead, bandwidth, sizeDefault)
    if(nrow(tg_row) > 1) stop("Did not expect multiple transfers here.")

    # I don't like the nesting [[1]] here, but this keeps it extensible.
    size = tg_row[["value"]][[1]][["size"]]
    if(is.null(size)) size = sizeDefault

    size / bandwidth + overhead

# Time when the processor has finished all scheduled tasks
proc_finish_time = function(proc, schedule)
    t_eval = schedule$eval[schedule$eval$processor == proc, "end_time"]
    trans = schedule$transfer
    t_send = trans[trans$proc_send == proc, "end_time_send"]
    t_receive = trans[trans$proc_receive == proc, "end_time_receive"]
    max(t_eval, t_send, t_receive, 0)

# The nodes which must be completed before node can be evaluated
predecessors = function(node, graph)
    unique(graph[graph$to == node, "from"])

# The nodes that immediately depend on node
successors = function(node, graph)
    unique(graph[graph$from == node, "to"])

# Account for the constraint from one node to another, and return an
# updated schedule.
add_send_receive = function(processor, node_from, node_to, graph, schedule
        , overhead, bandwidth, sizeDefault)
    # TODO: This will probably break if we evaluate the same node multiple
    # times, but that's a future problem.
    from = schedule$eval[schedule$eval$node == node_from, ]
    proc_receive = processor
    proc_send = from$processor

    # If both nodes are already on the same processor then the data / state
    # is available and this function is a non op.
    if(proc_send == proc_receive){

    # One expression can define multiple variables simultaneously, ie. 
    # a = b = 5
    tg_from_to = graph[(graph$from == node_from) & (graph$to == node_to), ]
    for(i in seq(nrow(tg_from_to))){
        schedule = add_single_send_receive(tg_from_to[i, ], schedule
            , proc_send, proc_receive
            , overhead, bandwidth, origin_node = node_from
            , sizeDefault = sizeDefault)

add_single_send_receive = function(tg_from_to, schedule
    , proc_send, proc_receive
    , overhead, bandwidth
    , origin_node
    , sizeDefault
    varname = tg_from_to[, "value"]

    if(nrow(schedule$transfer) >= 1){
        # If the variable has already been transferred then there is no
        # need to transfer it again.
        sent = schedule$transfer[
                schedule$transfer$varname == varname &
                schedule$transfer$origin_node == origin_node, ]

        if(nrow(sent) >= 1){

    start_time_send = proc_finish_time(proc_send, schedule)
    tc = transfer_cost(tg_from_to, overhead, bandwidth, sizeDefault)

    # TODO: Hardcoding in 0 latency here and other places. Will need to fix
    # this when running on actual distributed machines.
    start_time_receive = max(proc_finish_time(proc_receive, schedule), start_time_send)

    this_transfer = data.frame(start_time_send = start_time_send
            , end_time_send = start_time_send + tc
            , start_time_receive = start_time_receive
            , end_time_receive = start_time_receive + tc
            , proc_send = proc_send
            , proc_receive = proc_receive
            , varname = varname
            , origin_node = origin_node
            , stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    schedule$transfer = rbind(schedule$transfer, this_transfer)

# Assign node to processor as the last step in the schedule, and
# return the updated schedule. All dependencies in the task graph should
# be satisfied at this point.
schedule_node = function(processor, node, schedule, node_time)
    start_time = proc_finish_time(processor, schedule)

    this_task = data.frame(processor = processor
            , start_time = start_time
            , end_time = start_time + node_time
            , node = node

    schedule$eval = rbind(schedule$eval, this_task)
clarkfitzg/makeParallel documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 2:35 a.m.