
Defines functions if_can_buy if_can_buy.default if_can_buy.tiny if_can_buy.rdf

Documented in if_can_buy

#' Test if the stock can buy
#' Test if the stock can buy or not at business day
#' @param con a tiny connection
#' @param wind_code vecter of future code list in wind_code format
#' @param buz_day int or char, format like \%Y\%m\%d, test for this day
#' @param full logi, return only wind_code can buy or total with tibble
#' @param delist_adj logi, True if delist stock canbuy
#' @details
#' if the amount equal to 0 or high price equal to low price, the stock regards can't buy that day.
#' @return
#' a tibble with stock code and flag that 1 means purchasable and 0 not
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if_can_buy(con, c('600000.SH','000001.SH'), 20110104)
#' }
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery
#' @export
if_can_buy <- function(con, wind_code, buz_day, ...) UseMethod('if_can_buy')

#' @export
if_can_buy.default <- function() return('unknown type')

if_can_buy.tiny <- function(con, wind_code, buz_day) {}

#' @export
if_can_buy.rdf <- function(con, wind_code, buz_day, full = F, delist_adj = F)
  buz_day <- dt_to_char(buz_day[1])
  send_query <- sprintf("SELECT wind_code as code, canbuy, delist FROM price_data where trade_dt = %s and wind_code in (%s) order by field(code,%s)",
                        buz_day, comb_char(wind_code), comb_char(wind_code))
  result <- dbGetQuery(con$con, send_query)
  if(nrow(result) != length(wind_code))
    stop(sprintf('%s is not in database on %s', paste0(setdiff(wind_code, result$code), collapse = ','), buz_day))
    result <- result %>% transmute(code, canbuy = ifelse(delist == 1, 1, canbuy))
    result <- result %>% select(code, canbuy)
    result <- result$code[result$canbuy == 1]
cloud-brain/backtest documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 11:17 p.m.