
# returns a reference to robustR environment if it is present / or was created,
# fails otherwise
#' @export
robustRenv.must.exist <- function(env=globalenv())
    if(exists(x = ".robustR.env", envir = env)) {
        if(!is.environment(env$.robustR.env)) {
            stop("Conflict: object \'.robustR.env\' is present but is not an environment")
    } else {
        cat("creating the environment \".robustR.env\" ... ")
        # env$.robustR.env <- new.env()
        env$.robustR.env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = globalenv())
        cat(" done\n")
    get(x = ".robustR.env",envir = env)

# returns a reference to robustR environment if it is present, fails otherwise
#' @export
checkRobustR.env <- function(env=globalenv())
    if(!exists(".robustR.env", envir = env)) stop(".robustR.env missing!")
    get(x = ".robustR.env",envir = env)

# Function description:
# robustRSetup is used to create the main 'communication channel' across all
# the components of the framework.
# The framework can be adjusted for any function that uses parallel processing
# (with minimum adjustments to those functions). Those functions must be able
# to accept 'user.functions' and could save intermediary state of its internals
# The default object that is saved is named "result" (see defaults below).
#' @export
robustRSetup <- function( backup.func       = backupResult,
                          backup.cfgFile    = "redisWorker.conf", # FIXME: rename to "redisNode.conf" ----
                          backup.jobDir     = "testFailSafe",
                          backup.jobPrefix  = "fubee",
                          backup.objectName = "result",
                          backup.debugFlag  = TRUE,
                          output.objectName = "results",
                          redisHost         = "", #"192.168.x.x",
                          redis.flush       = FALSE,
                          script.commDir    = "c:/R/work",
                          script.commFile   = "scrComm.RData",
                          script.testCrash  = FALSE,
                          ## FIXME: deprecate this (below) -- make all processes
                          ## read all base paths from a config file !!! then
                          ## simply append the job backup folder !!!
                          master.backupPath = "//host/shared/testFailSafe")
    # do NOT use references to internal var's of .robustR.env in main code body!
    # this environment is used as a channel of communication for ensuring
    # smooth and carefree "user experience" ;)
    robustRenv.must.exist() # creates the environment if not present
    # --in-->[_]
    .robustR.env$backup.func       = backup.func    # function to save backups
    .robustR.env$backup.cfgFile    = backup.cfgFile # path for each worker
    .robustR.env$backup.jobDir     = backup.jobDir  # dir appended to path
    .robustR.env$backup.jobPrefix  = backup.jobPrefix   # prefix to find all completed runs
    .robustR.env$backup.objectName = backup.objectName  # can be used within ANY function
    .robustR.env$backup.debugFlag  = backup.debugFlag   # separate file with extra debug info
    .robustR.env$output.objectName = output.objectName  # final combined object name
    .robustR.env$redisHost         = redisHost       # IP addr. of redis server
    .robustR.env$redis.flush       = redis.flush   # delete queue & flush @end
    .robustR.env$script.commDir    = script.commDir  # comm.chnl "robustR <--> fragileR"
    .robustR.env$script.commFile   = script.commFile # script communic'n file name
    .robustR.env$script.testCrash  = script.testCrash # crash to test stability of the main master process
    .robustR.env$master.backupPath = master.backupPath # path to backups as
    # seen by master (taking in consideration OS conventions, like "//host/path"
    # or local to master path, such as '/home/user/shared/Rbackup', etc. )
    # [_]--out->
    # < ...empty... >

# creates a new robustR environment and returns a reference to it
#' @export
robustRReset <- function(env=globalenv())
    cat("robustRReset(): function entry\n")
    if(exists(x = ".robustR.env", envir = env)) {
        if(!is.environment(env$.robustR.env)) {
            stop("Conflict: object \'.robustR.env\' is present but is not an environment")
        env$.robustR.env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = globalenv())
    } else {
        cat("creating the environment \'.robustR.env\' ... ")
        # env$.robustR.env <- new.env()
        env$.robustR.env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = globalenv())
        cat(" done\n")
    cat("robustRReset(): function exit\n")
    get(x = ".robustR.env",envir = env)

# to be loaded using inside the script within the loop
#' @export
saveWorkspace <- function(workspaceFileFullPath)
    cat("saveWorkspace(): function entry\n")

    cat("saving workspace to", workspaceFileFullPath, "\n")

    rc <- try( save.image(workspaceFileFullPath),
               silent = TRUE )
    if(inherits(rc,"try-error")) {
        rc <- -1
        cat("failed saving workspace to", workspaceFileFullPath, "\n")
    } else {
        rc <- 0
        cat("workspace saved to", workspaceFileFullPath, "\n")

    cat("saveWorkspace(): function exit\n")
    # rc==0 == 'ok' critical error otherwise
#' @export
loadWorkspace <- function(workspaceFileFullPath)
    cat("loadWorkspace(): function entry\n")

    cat("loading workspace from", workspaceFileFullPath, "\n")

    rc <- try( load(workspaceFileFullPath, verbose = TRUE, envir = .GlobalEnv),
               silent = TRUE )
    if(inherits(rc,"try-error")) {
        rc <- -1
        cat("failed loading workspace from", workspaceFileFullPath, "\n")
    } else {
        rc <- 0
        cat("workspace loaded from", workspaceFileFullPath, "\n")

    cat("loadWorkspace(): function exit\n")
    # rc==0 == 'ok' critical error otherwise

# Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25139247/how-to-crash-r
#' @export
crashMe <- function()
    cat("crashMe(): function entry\n")
    # eat <- function() { for(i in seq(1000)) assign(paste0("var",i),vector(length=i^5)) }
    # eat()
        install_github("jdanielnd/crash") # FIXME: must run if required only
    cat("crashMe(): crashing now!\n")
    crashMe <- cfunction(body="::abort();")
cloudcello/rfintools documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:17 p.m.