knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE,
                      warning = TRUE,
                      include = FALSE,
                      message = FALSE, 
                      fig.cap = TRUE)


chld <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Raw/children_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds"))

adlt <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Raw/adults_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds"))

# Filter out pilot observations of 50 children in year 2011 and only focus on study years 2012-2017
comm_sums <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Derived/adults&chldrn_shehia_sums_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds")) %>% 
  filter(Year != 2011)

adlt_sums <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Derived/adults_shehia_sums_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds")) %>% 
  filter(Year != 2011)

chld_sums <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Derived/chldrn_shehia_sums_Unguja_Pemba_2012_2017.rds")) %>% 
  filter(Year != 2011)


The ZEST project enrolled 45 administrative regions called Shehias on the island of Pemba with the goal of eliminating urogenital schistosomiasis as a public health problem (defined as reducing the prevalence of heavy infections below $1\%$) and 45 Shehias on the island of Unguja with the goal of interrupting S. haematobium transmission (defined as reducing the number of incident cases to zero) CITE Knopp;CITE Knopp2. On each island, Shehias were randomly assigned to receive biannual MDA, biannual MDA plus snail control, or biannual MDA plus a behavioral intervention CITE Knopp CITE behavior int. Cross-sectional parasitological surveys were conducted annually from 2012-2017 in each Shehia. Data used here were acquired via a formal data request to the Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation (SCORE) and are comprised of r nrow(adlt) observations of parasite burden among adults and r nrow(chld) observations of parasite burden among school-aged children, each measured as S. haematobium eggs per 10mL urine.

The likelihood of the inverse negative binomial dispersion parameter, $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$, and mean community egg burden, $\mathcal{E}{st}$, can be estimated for each shehia, $s$, and year, $t$, from individual egg counts, $e_{ist}$, as:


While aggregation is most frequently reported and discussed in terms of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, $\kappa$, its inverse, $\alpha=1/\kappa$ has more desirable properties for statistical estimation and inference (see e.g.CITE Lloyd-Smith). Therefore results are presented in terms of $\kappa^\mathcal{E}{st}$ following trivial transformation from estimates derived using $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$.

The maximum likelihood estimate of $\mathcal{E}{st}$ is simply the empirical mean of individual egg counts, and maximum likelihood estimates of $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$ were estimated using the Brent method within the optim function in R [CITE]. Uncertainty in estimates of $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$ were derived from the Hessian matrix. Both $\mathcal{E}{st}$ and $\alpha^\mathcal{E}_{st}$ were estimated among the adult (A), child (C), and total (T) populations in each shehia-year.

Weighted generalized estimating equations (GEE) with unstructured correlation matrices of the form:


were used to estimate the relationship between aggregation and parasite burden. Weights were assigned as the inverse of the standard error of $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$. Models stratifying by population (child, adult, or total), by intervention type (MDA only, behavioral, or snail control), and by island (Pemba or Unguja) were also estimated. Results are reported in terms of the change in $\kappa$ associated with an interquartile range increase in mean egg burden in each strata, $\Delta\kappa{IQR}$. Clustered nonparametric bootstrapping was used to estimate uncertainty in estimates of $\Delta\kappa_{IQR}$ with $B=10000$ bootstrapped samples.

Because egg counts are an indirect estimate of parasite burden and may change non-linearly with parasite burden [CITE], we next seek to determine if changes in aggregation as measured by egg counts are indicative of changes in aggregation of the adult parasite population. We use approximate bayesian computation (ABC) to estimate mean community parasite burden and dispersion, denoted $W^\mathcal{D}{st}$ and $\kappa^{W\mathcal{D}}_{st}$, respectively, under three proposed data-generating mechanisms, $\mathcal{D}\in{1,2,3}$ (described below). Briefly, ABC proceeds by 1) sampling $i=1,...,n$ parameter sets from a prior distribution, $\theta^\mathcal{D}$; 2) simulating datasets, $y^\mathcal{D}_i$, from the priors under the given data generating mechanism; 3) deriving summary statistics, $\mathcal{S}(y^\mathcal{D}_i)$, from the generated data to compare to the observed data, $\mathcal{S}(y_O)$; 4) generating distance metrics, $\mathcal{d}\big(\mathcal{S}(y^\mathcal{D}_i),\mathcal{S}(y_O)\big)$, to assess the fit of the generated data to the observed data; and 5) accepting parameter sets that fall within a provided distance tolerance CITE & CITE. The accepted parameter sets thus represent an approximation of the posterior distribution of $\theta^\mathcal{D}$, but the estimation procedure does not require exact calculation of the likelihood of every proposed prior. Here, ABC was preferred to MCMC methods due to the number of estimates needed combined with the complexity of the likelihood function of the parasite population estimated from observed egg counts (see e.g. de Vlas et al and Hubbard et al).

The three data-generating mechanisms considered correspond to the "distributed together" and "distributed separately" assumptions (Cases 1 and 2) from Robert May's seminal work on schistosome mating dynamics @mayTogethernessSchistosomesIts1977 and a third mechanism (Case 3) that considers susceptibility and exposure as independent parameters. Prior parameter distributions and data generating processes that connect simulated worm burdens and egg counts to observed egg burdens are delineated in Table 1. Briefly, Case 1 assumes worms are distributed among human hosts according to a single negative binomial distribution with 1:1 sex ratio. Case 2 assumes male, $w^m$, and female, $w^f$, worms are distributed according to separate negative binomial distributions, each with mean $0.5W$. Case 3 assumes susceptibility, $S$, interpreted as the probability a given cercarial exposure will result in an adult worm, follows a gamma distribution, and cercarial exposures follow a negative binomial distribution independent of susceptibility. Worm pairing in individual hosts is then determined from a hypergeometric distribution that incorporates individual susceptibility, cercarial exposure, and 1:1 sex ratio among cercarial exposures (Table 1). The susceptibility distribution parameters are fixed, with parameters derived from previous work [@Wang2015a; @Wang2016], such that Case 3 estimation is based on the same number of parameters (3) as Case 1 and 2. Simulated egg shedding is equivalent for all three cases, with the number of eggs shed per mated worm pair per day following a negative binomial distribution with mean $m$ and dispersion $r$ (Table 1).

The observed data, $\mathcal{S}(y_O)$, used in the ABC procedure consists of the mean community egg burden, $\mathcal{E}{st}$; standard error of individual egg counts, $\mathrm{SE}{st}^\mathcal{E}$; and an adjusted egg-prevalence measure--the number of egg positive individuals squared over the number of individuals--for every shehia-year among separate child and adult populations in which at least one individual had an egg count $\gt 1$. The distribution of this adjusted prevalence measure -- as opposed to the prevalence (bounded between 0 and 1) or raw number of individuals infected (an integer) -- aligns better with the ABC estimation procedure. We used the default standardized distance metric in the R package ABC CITE to compare the observed data to $n=100,000$ simulated datasets for each Case in each eligible shehia-year, and accepted the $100$ parameter sets with the smallest estimated distance for each simulation (e.g. tolerance of $0.001$). Posterior parameter sets were then adjusted and weighted based on their distance from the observed data using the ridge regression routine in ABC. Relative fits to the observed data foor each data-generating case were compared using the Bayes factor. Posterior distributions of $W_{st}$ and $\kappa_{st}^W$ were examined as described above for $\mathcal{E}{st}$ and $\kappa^\mathcal{E}{st}$. In addition, the mating probability was estimated for every simulated dataset as the number of mated worms per worm ($2W^\phi_{st}/W_{st}$). These estimates were then compared to analytic estimates of the mating probability derived from the mean worm burden and worm dispersion parameter as derived previously @mayTogethernessSchistosomesIts1977.

+--------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Case 1 (Males and females distributed together) | Case 2 (Males and females distributed separately) | Case 3 (Explicit susceptibility and exposure) | +========+=========================================================+============================================================+===================================================================+ | Priors | $\theta^1={W_{st},\kappa^W_{st},m,r}$ | $\theta^2={W_{st},\kappa^W_{st},m,r}$ | $\theta^3={C_{st},\kappa^C_{st},\alpha_S,\beta_S,m,r}$ | | | $W_{st}\sim\mathcal{U}(1\times10^{-6},1\times10^3)$ | $W_{st}\sim\mathcal{U}(1\times10^{-6},1\times10^3)$ | $C_{st}\sim\mathcal{U}(1,1\times10^6)$ | | | $k^W_{st}\sim\mathcal{U}(1\times10^{-5},1\times10^{5})$ | $k^W_{st}\sim\mathcal{U}(1\times10^{-5},1\times10^{5})$ | $\kappa^C_{st}\sim\mathcal{U}(1\times10^{-5},1\times10^{5})$ | | | $m\sim\mathcal{U}(3,30)$ | $m\sim\mathcal{U}(3,30)$ | $\alpha_S=1$ | | | $r=1$ | $r=1$ | $\beta_S=500$ | | | | | $m\sim\mathcal{U}(3,30)$ | | | | | $r=1$ | +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Worms | $w_{ist}\sim\mathrm{NB}(W_{st},\kappa_{st})$ | See below | $s_{ist}\sim\Gamma(\alpha_S,\beta_S)$ | | | | | $c_{ist}\sim\mathrm{NB}(C_{st},\kappa^C_{st})$ | | | | | $w_{ist}\sim\mathrm{Pois}(c_{ist}s_{ist})$ | +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pairs | $w^f_{ist}\sim\mathrm{Pois}(0.5w_{ist})$ | $w^f_{ist}\sim\mathrm{NB}(0.5W_{st},\kappa_{st})$ | $c^f_{ist}\sim\mathrm{Pois}(0.5c_{ist})$ | | | $w^m_{ist}=w_{ist}-w^f_{ist}$ | $w^m_{ist}\sim\mathrm{NB}(0.5W_{st},\kappa_{st})$ | $w^f_{ist}\sim\mathrm{Hypergeometric}(c_{ist},c^f_{ist},w_{ist})$ | | | $w^\Phi_{ist}=\min(w^m_{ist}, w^f_{ist})$ | $w^\Phi_{ist}=\min(w^m_{ist}, w^f_{ist})$ | $w^m_{ist}=w_{ist}-w^f_{ist}$ | | | | | $w^\Phi_{ist}=\min(w^m_{ist}, w^f_{ist})$ | +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Eggs | $\mathcal{e}_{ist}\sim\mathrm{NB}(mw^\phi_i,r)$| | | +--------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+

All analyses were performed in R version 4.0.2 utilizing the geepack CITE, tidyverseCITE, and ABCCITE packages. All code and derived data files necessary to reproduce the analysis can be found at


boot_out <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Derived/", paste0("dispersion_change_IQR_boot10000.rds")))

boot_out$E_IQR <- apply(boot_out, 1, function(x){
  df <- get_boot_df(x[1], x[2], x[3])

  # 25th and 75th quantiles for IQR  
  egg_burden025 <- quantile(df %>% 
                              filter(! %>% 
                              pull(UF_mean), 0.25)
  egg_burden075 <- quantile(df %>% 
                              filter(! %>% 
                              pull(UF_mean), 0.75)


boot_all_est <- boot_out %>% 
  filter(Island == "All" & Treatment == "All" & Population == "All")
boot_out <- readRDS(here::here("Data", paste0("dispersion_change_IQR_boot", nboot,".rds")))

boot_out$E_IQR <- apply(boot_out, 1, function(x){
  df <- get_boot_df(x[1], x[2], x[3])

  # 25th and 75th quantiles for IQR  
  egg_burden025 <- quantile(df %>% 
                              filter(! %>% 
                              pull(UF_mean), 0.25)
  egg_burden075 <- quantile(df %>% 
                              filter(! %>% 
                              pull(UF_mean), 0.75)


boot_all_est <- boot_out %>% 
  filter(Island == "All" & Treatment == "All" & Population == "All")

strat_kap_iqr <- boot_out %>% 
  filter(Treatment != "All" & Island != "All") %>% 
  ggplot() +
    theme_classic() +
    geom_point(aes(x = Population, y = boot_meds, 
                   col = Island, shape = Treatment),
               size = 2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(x = Population, 
                      col = Island, shape = Treatment,
                      ymin = boot_loqs, ymax = boot_hiqs),
                  width = 0.2, position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
    geom_point(data = boot_all_est,
               aes(x = 0.5, y = boot_meds),
               col = "black", size = 2) +
    geom_errorbar(data = boot_all_est,
                  aes(x = 0.5, ymin = boot_loqs, ymax = boot_hiqs),
                  col = "black", width = 0.1) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#d0885f", "#2d474c")) +
    scale_shape_manual(values = c(17,18,15),
                       labels = c("MDA Only", "MDA+Snail Control", "MDA+Behavior")) +
    #scale_y_continuous(position = "right") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2) +
    labs(y = expression(Delta~kappa["IQR"]),
         shape = "Intervention")


There were r nrow(comm_sums %>% filter(UF_max == 0)) shehia-years in which no individuals had positive egg counts and r nrow(comm_sums %>% filter(UF_max == 1)) shehia-years in which the maximum individual egg count was 1 and therefore variance estimates for $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$ could not be derived. This left r nrow(comm_sums %>% filter(UF_max > 1)) observations of $\alpha^\mathcal{E}{st}$ and $\mathcal{E}{st}$, shown in Figure 1A along with the marginal estimate of $\mathbb{E}(\kappa^\mathcal{E}{st}|\mathcal{E}{st})$ from the fitted GEE. We estimate a median r round(boot_all_est$boot_meds,3) (Bootstrapped IQR: r round(boot_all_est$boot_loqs,3)-r round(boot_all_est$boot_hiqs,3)) increase in $\kappa^\mathcal{E}{st}$ associated with an IQR increase in $\mathcal{E}{st}$, implying a negative relationship between mean egg burden and aggregation. This relationship appears to be driven by dynamics in children, as there was weak evidence for a relationship between $\kappa^\mathcal{E}{st}$ and $\mathcal{E}{st}$ among adults (Fig 1B). Egg burden in adults ($IQR^A=$ r round(boot_out %>% filter(Island == "All" & Treatment == "All" & Population == "Adults") %>% pull(E_IQR), 2)) was substantially lower than in children ($IQR^C=$ r round(boot_out %>% filter(Island == "All" & Treatment == "All" & Population == "Children") %>% pull(E_IQR), 2)), however. Shehias receiving the MDA+snail control and MDA+behavior change interventions appeared to have a stronger burden-aggregation relationship (larger $\Delta\kappa{IQR}$, Fig 1B). An additional GEE model including main effects of intervention arm and island showed that reductions in $\kappa^\mathcal{E}_{st}$ were significantly larger in shehias receiving the MDA+snail control and MDA+behavioral change interventions ($p=$ r round(gee_adj_sum %>% filter(term == "InterventionSnail") %>% pull(p.value), 3) and $p=$ r round(gee_adj_sum %>% filter(term == "InterventionBehaviour") %>% pull(p.value), 3), respectively).

```r$ and $\mathcal{E}{st}$ where each point is sized according to its weight, derived as the inveerse of the standard error of $\alpha{st}$. Points are also symbolized according to their assigned intervention group--MDA only ($\filledtriangleup$), MDA+snail control ($\filleddiamond$), or MDA+behavioral intervention ($\filledmedsquare$)--and the island of the shehia. The solid black line in panel A represents the marginal estimate of $\mathbb{E}(\kappa_{st}|\mathcal{E}{st})$ from the fitted GEE. Panel B shows estimates of $\Delta\kappa{IQR}$, the change in aggregation for an interquartile range increase in community egg burden stratified by population, treatment group, and island. The black point and error bars correspond to the unstratified marginal estimate of $\Delta\kappa_{IQR}$ as in panel A. Error bars correspond to the interquartile range of estimates derived from B=5000 bootstrapped samples."}

extract legend

g_legend<-function(a.gplot){ tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot)) leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box") legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]] return(legend) }


grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(kap_e_gee_plot + theme(legend.position="none"), strat_kap_iqr + theme(legend.position="none"), nrow=2), f1_legend, widths=c(4, 1))

yOc <- chld_sums %>% 
  filter(UF_max > 1 & Year > 2011) %>% 
  mutate(UF_se = sqrt(UF_var)/sqrt(n_ppl),
         UFpos2n = UF_pos^2/n_ppl,
         Pop = "Child") %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  dplyr::select(Isl, Shehia, Intervention, Year, UF_mean, UF_se, UF_pos, n_ppl, UFpos2n, Pop)

yOa <- adlt_sums %>% 
  filter(UF_max > 1 & Year > 2011) %>% 
  mutate(UF_se = sqrt(UF_var)/sqrt(n_ppl),
         UFpos2n = UF_pos^2/n_ppl,
         Pop = "Adult") %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  dplyr::select(Isl, Shehia, Intervention, Year, UF_mean, UF_se, UF_pos, n_ppl, UFpos2n, Pop)

yO <- bind_rows(yOc, yOa)

# Couple util functions
quiet <- function(x) { 

est_case3_meanW <- function(alphaS, betaS, meanC){

est_case3_varW <- function(alphaS, betaS, meanC, alphaC){
  meanS <- alphaS*betaS
  varS <- alphaS*betaS^2
  varC <- meanC^2*alphaC+meanC

est_dispW <- function(meanW, varW){

get_abc_med_iqr <- function(abc_pars, abc_weights){
  myprobs <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
  wt <- abc_weights

  quants <- apply(abc_pars, 2, function(x) quantreg::rq(x ~ 1, tau = myprobs, 
                                                        weights = wt)$coef)

# Run on biostat computing cluster node with 24 cores ; runtime ~1.5 hours
# ----------------------------
# Data generation functions
# ----------------------------

# Generate synthetic case 1 dataset 
gen_case1_data <- function(pars, n){
  mean_W <- pars[1]    # Mean worm burden
  disp_W <- 1/pars[2]  # Aggregation of mean worm burden

# Simulate individual worm burdens  
  Ni <- rnbinom(n, mu = mean_W, size = disp_W) 

# Simulate pairing assuming male and female distributed together  
  Nf <- rpois(n, Ni*0.5)
  Nm <- Ni-Nf

  Xi <- matrixStats::rowMins(cbind(Nm,Nf))

  h <- pars[3]      # Mean daily egg release per mated female worm per 10mL urine
  r <- pars[4]      # Aggregation parameter of h assuming neg. binomial dist'n

# Simulate individual egg burdens by randomly generating egg release for each mated pair
  Ei <- rnbinom(n, mu = h*Xi, size = r)

# Get adjusted prevalence as number people egg positive squared over number people  
  E_pos2n <- sum(Ei > 0)^2/n

# Return summary statistics
  return(c(E = mean(Ei),
           E_se = sqrt(var(Ei))/sqrt(n),
           E_pos2n = E_pos2n,
           mean_W = mean(Ni),
           var_W = var(Ni),
           mean_Phi = mean(Xi),
           var_Phi = var(Xi),
           prob_Phi = (sum(Xi)*2)/sum(Ni),
           non_Phi = sum(Ni)-sum(Xi)*2))

# Generate synthetic case 2 dataset
gen_case2_data <- function(pars, n){
  mean_W <- pars[1]    # Mean worm burden
  disp_W <- 1/pars[2]     # Aggregation of mean worm burden

# Simulate pairing assuming male and female distributed separately  
  Nf <- rnbinom(n, mu = mean_W/2, size = disp_W)
  Nm <- rnbinom(n, mu = mean_W/2, size = disp_W)
  Ni <- Nf+Nm

  Xi <- matrixStats::rowMins(cbind(Nm,Nf))

  h <- pars[3]      # Mean daily egg release per mated female worm per 10mL urine
  r <- pars[4]      # Aggregation parameter of h assuming neg. binomial dist'n

# Simulate individual egg burdens by randomly generating egg release for each mated pair
  Ei <- rnbinom(n, mu = h*Xi, size = r)

# Get adjusted prevalence as number people egg positive squared over number people  
  E_pos2n <- sum(Ei > 0)^2/n

# Return summary statistics
  return(c(E = mean(Ei),
           E_se = sqrt(var(Ei))/sqrt(n),
           E_pos2n = E_pos2n,
           mean_W = mean(Ni),
           var_W = var(Ni),
           mean_Phi = mean(Xi),
           var_Phi = var(Xi),
           prob_Phi = (sum(Xi)*2)/sum(Ni),
           non_Phi = sum(Ni)-sum(Xi)*2))

# Generate case1/2 pars from priors
gen_case12_pars <- function(iterations,
                            mean_W_lo, mean_W_hi,
                            disp_W_lo, disp_W_hi, 
                            h_lo, h_hi, 
                            r_lo, r_hi){

  mean_W <- exp(runif(iterations, log(mean_W_lo), log(mean_W_hi)))
  disp_W <- exp(runif(iterations, log(disp_W_lo), log(disp_W_hi)))
  h <- exp(runif(iterations, log(h_lo), log(h_hi)))
  r <- exp(runif(iterations, log(r_lo), log(r_hi)))

  return(cbind(mean_W, disp_W, h, r))


# Generate synthetic case 3 dataset
gen_case3_data <- function(pars, n){
  susc_shape <- pars[1]    # Susceptibility shape1
  susc_rate <- pars[2]     # Susceptibility shape2

  mean_C <- pars[3]       # mean cercarial exposure
  disp_C <- 1/pars[4]      # distribution of cercarial exposures
# Individual susceptibilities  
  Si <- rgamma(n, shape = susc_shape, scale = susc_rate)

# Cercarial exposures with no correlation to susceptibility
  Ci <- rnbinom(n, mu = mean_C, size = disp_C)

# Cercarial exposures resulting in adult worm 
  Ni <- rpois(n,Ci*Si)

# Cercarial exposures which are female assuming equal sex distribution
  Fi <- rpois(n, Ci*0.5)

# Female worms from hypergeometric dist'n
  Nf <- rhyper(n, Ci-Fi, Fi, Ni)

# Male worms as worms not female  
  Nm <- Ni - Nf

# Mated pairs  
  Xi <- matrixStats::rowMins(cbind(Nm,Nf))

  h <- pars[5]      # Mean daily egg release per mated female worm per 10mL urine
  r <- pars[6]      # Aggregation parameter of h assuming neg. binomial dist'n

# Simulate individual egg burdens by randomly generating egg release for each mated pair
  Ei <- rnbinom(n, mu = h*Xi, size = r)

# Get adjusted prevalence as number people egg positive squared over number people  
  E_pos2n <- sum(Ei > 0)^2/n

# Return summary statistics
  return(c(E = mean(Ei),
           E_se = sqrt(var(Ei))/sqrt(n),
           E_pos2n = E_pos2n,
           mean_W = mean(Ni),
           var_W = var(Ni),
           mean_Phi = mean(Xi),
           var_Phi = var(Xi),
           prob_Phi = (sum(Xi)*2)/sum(Ni),
           non_Phi = sum(Ni)-sum(Xi)*2,
           mean_C = mean(Ci),
           mean_S = mean(Si),
           var_C = var(Ci),
           var_S = var(Si),
           cov_SC = cov(Si, Ci),
           cov_S2C2 = cov(Si^2, Ci^2),
           cor_SC = cor(Si, Ci)))

# Generate case 3 pars from priors
gen_case3_pars <- function(iterations,
                           susc_shape_lo, susc_shape_hi,
                           susc_rate_lo, susc_rate_hi,
                           mean_C_lo, mean_C_hi,
                           disp_C_lo, disp_C_hi, 
                           h_lo, h_hi, 
                           r_lo, r_hi){

  alpha_S <- exp(runif(iterations, log(susc_shape_lo), log(susc_shape_hi)))
  beta_S <- exp(runif(iterations, log(susc_rate_lo), log(susc_rate_hi)))
  mean_C <- exp(runif(iterations, log(mean_C_lo), log(mean_C_hi)))
  disp_C <- exp(runif(iterations, log(disp_C_lo), log(disp_C_hi)))
  h <- exp(runif(iterations, log(h_lo), log(h_hi)))
  r <- exp(runif(iterations, log(r_lo), log(r_hi)))

  return(cbind(alpha_S, beta_S, mean_C, disp_C, h, r))

# Function to return ABC fits for all three cases for a given dataset ----------
  abc_fit <- function(obs_data, priors, iterations){
  # Extract priors  
    mean_W_lo = priors[["mean_W_lo"]] 
    mean_W_hi = priors[["mean_W_hi"]]
    disp_W_lo = priors[["disp_W_lo"]]
    disp_W_hi = priors[["disp_W_hi"]]
    susc_shape_lo = priors[["susc_shape_lo"]]  
    susc_shape_hi = priors[["susc_shape_hi"]]
    susc_rate_lo = priors[["susc_rate_lo"]] 
    susc_rate_hi = priors[["susc_rate_hi"]]
    mean_C_lo = priors[["mean_C_lo"]]
    mean_C_hi = priors[["mean_C_hi"]]
    disp_C_lo = priors[["disp_C_lo"]]
    disp_C_hi = priors[["disp_C_hi"]]
    h_lo = priors[["h_lo"]]
    h_hi = priors[["h_hi"]]
    r_lo = priors[["r_lo"]]
    r_hi = priors[["r_hi"]]

  #Extact observedsummary statistics
    obs_sum <- c(obs_data[["UF_mean"]], obs_data[["UF_se"]], obs_data[["UFpos2n"]])

  # Generate parameter sets for cases 1 and 2  
    pars12 <- gen_case12_pars(iterations = iterations,
                              mean_W_lo = mean_W_lo, mean_W_hi = mean_W_hi,
                              disp_W_lo = disp_W_lo, disp_W_hi = disp_W_hi,
                              h_lo = h_lo, h_hi = h_hi,
                              r_lo = r_lo, r_hi = r_hi)

  # Generate parameter sets for case 3 
    pars3 <- gen_case3_pars(iterations = iterations,
                            susc_shape_lo = susc_shape_lo, susc_shape_hi = susc_shape_hi,
                            susc_rate_lo = susc_rate_lo, susc_rate_hi = susc_rate_hi,
                            mean_C_lo = mean_C_lo, mean_C_hi = mean_C_hi,
                            disp_C_lo = disp_C_lo, disp_C_hi = disp_C_hi, 
                            h_lo = h_lo, h_hi = h_hi, 
                            r_lo = r_lo, r_hi = r_hi)

  # Simulate data and get summary statistics
    dat1 <- t(apply(X = pars12, 1, gen_case1_data, n = obs_data[["n_ppl"]]))
    dat2 <- t(apply(X = pars12, 1, gen_case2_data, n = obs_data[["n_ppl"]]))
    dat3 <- t(apply(X = pars3, 1, gen_case3_data, n = obs_data[["n_ppl"]]))

  out_init <- tryCatch({
  # Use abc to get posteriors with ridge regression correction
    abc1 <- abc(target = obs_sum,
                param = pars12[,1:3],
                sumstat = dat1[,1:3],
                tol = 100/iterations,
                transf = "log",
                method = "ridge")

    abc2 <- abc(target = obs_sum,
                param = pars12[,1:3],
                sumstat = dat2[,1:3],
                tol = 100/iterations,
                transf = "log",
                method = "ridge")

    abc3 <- abc(target = obs_sum,
                param = pars3[,3:5],
                sumstat = dat3[,1:3],
                tol = 100/iterations,
                transf = "log",
                method = "ridge")

    abc_postpr <- postpr(target = obs_sum,
                         index = rep(c("I", "II", "III"), each = iterations),
                         sumstat = rbind(dat1[,1:3], dat2[,1:3], dat3[,1:3]),
                         tol = 100/iterations,
                         method = "mnlogistic")

    abc1_wormstats <- dat1[which(abc1$region == TRUE),4:9]
    abc2_wormstats <- dat2[which(abc2$region == TRUE),4:9]
    abc3_wormstats <- dat3[which(abc3$region == TRUE),4:9]
    abc3_parstats <- dat3[which(abc3$region == TRUE),10:16]

    list(abc1, abc2, abc3, abc_postpr,
         abc1_wormstats, abc2_wormstats, abc3_wormstats,

  error = function(cond){

    return(c(list(obs_data[["Shehia"]], obs_data[["Year"]]),


# Test function
  test_priors <- list("mean_W_lo" = 1e-6, "mean_W_hi" = 1e3,
                      "disp_W_lo" = 1e-5, "disp_W_hi" = 1e5,
                      "susc_shape_lo" = 1, "susc_shape_hi" = 1,
                      "susc_rate_lo" = 1/500, "susc_rate_hi" = 1/500,
                      "mean_C_lo" = 1, "mean_C_hi" = 1e6,
                      "disp_C_lo" = 1e-5, "disp_C_hi" = 1e5,
                      "h_lo" = 3, "h_hi" = 30,
                      "r_lo" = 1, "r_hi" = 1)

#Setup for running jobs across parallel nodes in cluster
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  n_iter <- 1e5
  cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)

  abc_results <- foreach(x=1:nrow(yO), 
                         .packages = c("tidyverse", "abc"),
                         .verbose = TRUE,
                         .options.RNG = 7491) %dorng% {

                           abc_fit(obs_data = yO[x,],
                                   priors = test_priors,
                                   iterations = n_iter) 


end.time <- Sys.time()  

end.time - start.time

saveRDS(abc_results, file = paste0("abc_fit_ridge_log_", 
                                   n_iter, "iterations", Sys.Date(), ".rds"))
abc_sims_hfix <- readRDS(here::here("Data", "abc_fit_ridge_log_hfix1e5iterations2020-09-30.rds"))

# Get posterior summaries
abc_posterior_sums_hfix <- bind_rows(lapply(abc_sims_hfix, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){

  df.out <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                       "Year" = year,
                       "Pop" = pop,
                      # case 1 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_W.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_W.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_alphaW.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
                       # case 2 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_W.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_W.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_alphaW.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
                      # case 3 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_W.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_W.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_alphaW.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_alphaW.hiq" = NA)
  } else {

  df.out <- tryCatch({
    # Process case 1 runs  
  abc_case1_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_run[[4]]$adj.values, abc_run[[4]]$weights)

# Process case 2 runs  
  abc_case2_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_run[[5]]$adj.values, abc_run[[5]]$weights)

# Process case 3 runs  
  abc_case3_pars <- abc_run[[6]]$adj.values
    abc_case3_pars <- cbind(abc_case3_pars, 
                            est_case3_meanW(alphaS = 1, betaS = 1/500, meanC = abc_case3_pars[,"mean_C"]),
                            est_case3_varW(alphaS = 1, betaS = 1/500, meanC = abc_case3_pars[,"mean_C"], alphaC = abc_case3_pars[,"disp_C"]))
      colnames(abc_case3_pars)[3:4] <- c("mean_W", "var_W")

    abc_case3_pars <- cbind(abc_case3_pars, 
                            est_dispW(abc_case3_pars[,"mean_W"], abc_case3_pars[,"var_W"]))

      colnames(abc_case3_pars)[5] <- "disp_W"

  abc_case3_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case3_pars, abc_run[[6]]$weights)

  data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
             "Year" = year,
             "Pop" = pop,
             # case 1 summary stats 
             "" = abc_case1_sum[2,"mean_W"],
             "Case1_W.loq" = abc_case1_sum[1, "mean_W"],
             "Case1_W.hiq" = abc_case1_sum[3, "mean_W"],
             "" = abc_case1_sum[2,"disp_W"],
             "Case1_alphaW.loq" = abc_case1_sum[1,"disp_W"],
             "Case1_alphaW.hiq" = abc_case1_sum[3,"disp_W"],
             # case 2 summary stats 
             "" = abc_case2_sum[2,"mean_W"],
             "Case2_W.loq" = abc_case2_sum[1, "mean_W"],
             "Case2_W.hiq" = abc_case2_sum[3, "mean_W"],
             "" = abc_case2_sum[2,"disp_W"],
             "Case2_alphaW.loq" = abc_case2_sum[1,"disp_W"],
             "Case2_alphaW.hiq" = abc_case2_sum[3,"disp_W"],
             # case 3 summary stats 
             "" = abc_case3_sum[2,"mean_W"],
             "Case3_W.loq" = abc_case3_sum[1, "mean_W"],
             "Case3_W.hiq" = abc_case3_sum[3, "mean_W"],
             "" = abc_case3_sum[2,"disp_W"],
             "Case3_alphaW.loq" = abc_case3_sum[1,"disp_W"],
             "Case3_alphaW.hiq" = abc_case3_sum[3,"disp_W"])

error = function(cond){
  data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
             "Year" = year,
             "Pop" = pop,
             # case 1 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_W.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_W.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_alphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
             # case 2 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_W.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_W.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_alphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
             # case 3 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_W.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_W.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_alphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_alphaW.hiq" = NA)





# Get summaries from actual generated data, weighted by posterior fits
abc_gendata_sums_hfix <-, lapply(abc_sims_hfix, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){
    df.out <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                         "Year" = year,
                         "Pop" = pop,
                         # case 1 summary stats 
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_corSC.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_corSC.hiq" = NA,
                         # case 2 summary stats 
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_corSC.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_corSC.hiq" = NA,
                         # case 3 summary stats 
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_corSC.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_corSC.hiq" = NA)
  } else {

  df.out <- tryCatch({
# Process case 1 runs  
  abc_case1_obs <- abc_run[[8]]
    abc_case1_obs <- cbind(abc_case1_obs, 
                           est_dispW(abc_case1_obs[,"mean_W"], abc_case1_obs[,"var_W"]))
    colnames(abc_case1_obs)[ncol(abc_case1_obs)] <- "disp_W"

  abc_case1_obs_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case1_obs, abc_run[[4]]$weights)

#Process case 2 runs    
  abc_case2_obs <- abc_run[[9]]
    abc_case2_obs <- cbind(abc_case2_obs, 
                           est_dispW(abc_case2_obs[,"mean_W"], abc_case2_obs[,"var_W"]))
    colnames(abc_case2_obs)[ncol(abc_case2_obs)] <- "disp_W"

  abc_case2_obs_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case2_obs, abc_run[[5]]$weights)

#Process case 3 runs (requires more since exposure and susceptibility are separate)
  abc_case3_obs <- abc_run[[10]]
    abc_case3_obs <- cbind(abc_case3_obs, 
                           est_dispW(abc_case3_obs[,"mean_W"], abc_case3_obs[,"var_W"]))
    colnames(abc_case3_obs)[ncol(abc_case3_obs)] <- "disp_W"

    abc_case3_obs <- cbind(abc_case3_obs, 
    colnames(abc_case3_obs)[ncol(abc_case3_obs)] <- "cor_SC"

  abc_case3_obs_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case3_obs, abc_run[[6]]$weights)

    data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
               "Year" = year,
               "Pop" = pop,
               # case 1 summary stats 
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"mean_W"],
               "Case1_obsW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1, "mean_W"],
               "Case1_obsW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3, "mean_W"],
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"disp_W"],
               "Case1_obsalphaW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1,"disp_W"],
               "Case1_obsalphaW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3,"disp_W"],
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsPhiProbW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3,"prob_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"non_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsNonPhiW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1,"non_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3,"non_Phi"],
               "" = NA,
               "Case1_corSC.loq" = NA,
               "Case1_corSC.hiq" = NA,
               # case 2 summary stats 
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"mean_W"],
               "Case2_obsW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1, "mean_W"],
               "Case2_obsW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3, "mean_W"],
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"disp_W"],
               "Case2_obsalphaW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1,"disp_W"],
               "Case2_obsalphaW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3,"disp_W"],
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsPhiProbW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3,"prob_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"non_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsNonPhiW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1,"non_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3,"non_Phi"],
               "" = NA,
               "Case2_corSC.loq" = NA,
               "Case2_corSC.hiq" = NA,
               # case 3 summary stats 
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"mean_W"],
               "Case3_obsW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1, "mean_W"],
               "Case3_obsW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3, "mean_W"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"disp_W"],
               "Case3_obsalphaW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"disp_W"],
               "Case3_obsalphaW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"disp_W"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsPhiProbW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"prob_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"non_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsNonPhiW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"non_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"non_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"cor_SC"],
               "Case3_corSC.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"cor_SC"],
               "Case3_corSC.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"cor_SC"])
error = function(cond){
  data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
             "Year" = year,
             "Pop" = pop,
             # case 1 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_corSC.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_corSC.hiq" = NA,
             # case 2 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_corSC.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_corSC.hiq" = NA,
             # case 3 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_corSC.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_corSC.hiq" = NA)




# Get model comparison summaries
abc_fit_stats_hfix <-, lapply(abc_sims_hfix, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){
    out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                         "Year" = year,
                         "Pop" = pop,
                         "Case1_Post.Prob" = NA,
                         "Case2_Post.Prob" = NA,
                         "Case3_Post.Prob" = NA,
                         "IIItoI_BayesF" = NA,
                         "IIItoII_BayesF" = NA,
                         "IItoI_BayesF" = NA)
  } else {

    abc_fit_sum <- quiet(abc:::summary.postpr(abc_run[[7]]))


      out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                           "Year" = year,
                           "Pop" = pop,
                           "Case1_Post.Prob" = NA,
                           "Case2_Post.Prob" = NA,
                           "Case3_Post.Prob" = NA,
                           "IIItoI_BayesF" = NA,
                           "IIItoII_BayesF" = NA,
                           "IItoI_BayesF" = NA)

    } else {

    out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                         "Year" = year,
                         "Pop" = pop,
                         "Case1_Post.Prob" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob[1],
                         "Case2_Post.Prob" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob[2],
                         "Case3_Post.Prob" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob[3],
                         "IIItoI_BayesF" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF[3,1],
                         "IIItoII_BayesF" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF[3,2],
                         "IItoI_BayesF" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF[2,1])





abc_fin_df_hfix <- left_join(yO, abc_posterior_sums_hfix, by = c("Shehia", "Year", "Pop")) %>% 
  left_join(abc_gendata_sums_hfix,by = c("Shehia", "Year", "Pop")) %>% 
  left_join(abc_fit_stats_hfix, by = c("Shehia", "Year", "Pop"))

rm(abc_sims_hfix) ; gc()
#abc_fin_df <- readRDS(here::here("Data/abc_fit_1e6iterations_processed.rds"))

abc_fin_df_long_hfix <- abc_fin_df_hfix %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols =,
               names_to = c("Case", "Measure"),
               names_sep = "_")

abc_fin_df_case_long_hfix <- abc_fin_df_long_hfix %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Measure", 
              values_from = "value",
              values_fn = {first})
# Plot dispersion by mean worm burden   
abc_kap_W_chld_plot_hfix <- abc_fin_df_case_long_hfix %>%
  filter(Case %in% c("Case1", "Case2", "Case3") & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =^-1, 
             ymin = obsalphaW.loq^-1, ymax = obsalphaW.hiq^-1,
             #shape = Intervention,
             size =,
             col = Case)) +
    geom_point(alpha = 0.6) +
    theme_classic() +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#058dd6", "#cc4a49", "#7b6c7c")) +
    stat_smooth() +
    labs(y = expression(Worm~Dispersion~Parameter~(kappa[st]^W)),
         x = expression(Mean~community~worm~burden~(W[st])))

ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obskapW_obsW_child_hfix.png"),
       height = 5, width = 8)
abc_sims <- readRDS(here::here("Data", "abc_fit_ridge_log_1e5iterations2020-10-01.rds"))

# Get posterior summaries
abc_posterior_sums <- bind_rows(lapply(abc_sims, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){

  df.out <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                       "Year" = year,
                       "Pop" = pop,
                      # case 1 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_W.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_W.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_alphaW.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_h.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_h.hiq" = NA,
                       # case 2 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_W.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_W.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_alphaW.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_h.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_h.hiq" = NA,
                      # case 3 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_W.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_W.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_alphaW.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_h.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_h.hiq" = NA)
  } else {

  df.out <- tryCatch({
    # Process case 1 runs  
  abc_case1_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_run[[4]]$adj.values, abc_run[[4]]$weights)

# Process case 2 runs  
  abc_case2_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_run[[5]]$adj.values, abc_run[[5]]$weights)

# Process case 3 runs  
  abc_case3_pars <- abc_run[[6]]$adj.values
    abc_case3_pars <- cbind(abc_case3_pars, 
                            est_case3_meanW(alphaS = 1, betaS = 1/500, meanC = abc_case3_pars[,"mean_C"]),
                            est_case3_varW(alphaS = 1, betaS = 1/500, meanC = abc_case3_pars[,"mean_C"], alphaC = abc_case3_pars[,"disp_C"]))
      colnames(abc_case3_pars)[4:5] <- c("mean_W", "var_W")

    abc_case3_pars <- cbind(abc_case3_pars, 
                            est_dispW(abc_case3_pars[,"mean_W"], abc_case3_pars[,"var_W"]))

      colnames(abc_case3_pars)[6] <- "disp_W"

  abc_case3_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case3_pars, abc_run[[6]]$weights)

  data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
             "Year" = year,
             "Pop" = pop,
             # case 1 summary stats 
             "" = abc_case1_sum[2,"mean_W"],
             "Case1_W.loq" = abc_case1_sum[1, "mean_W"],
             "Case1_W.hiq" = abc_case1_sum[3, "mean_W"],
             "" = abc_case1_sum[2,"disp_W"],
             "Case1_alphaW.loq" = abc_case1_sum[1,"disp_W"],
             "Case1_alphaW.hiq" = abc_case1_sum[3,"disp_W"],
             "" = abc_case1_sum[2,"h"],
             "Case1_h.loq" = abc_case1_sum[1,"h"],
             "Case1_h.hiq" = abc_case1_sum[3,"h"],
             # case 2 summary stats 
             "" = abc_case2_sum[2,"mean_W"],
             "Case2_W.loq" = abc_case2_sum[1, "mean_W"],
             "Case2_W.hiq" = abc_case2_sum[3, "mean_W"],
             "" = abc_case2_sum[2,"disp_W"],
             "Case2_alphaW.loq" = abc_case2_sum[1,"disp_W"],
             "Case2_alphaW.hiq" = abc_case2_sum[3,"disp_W"],
             "" = abc_case2_sum[2,"h"],
             "Case2_h.loq" = abc_case2_sum[1,"h"],
             "Case2_h.hiq" = abc_case2_sum[3,"h"],
             # case 3 summary stats 
             "" = abc_case3_sum[2,"mean_W"],
             "Case3_W.loq" = abc_case3_sum[1, "mean_W"],
             "Case3_W.hiq" = abc_case3_sum[3, "mean_W"],
             "" = abc_case3_sum[2,"disp_W"],
             "Case3_alphaW.loq" = abc_case3_sum[1,"disp_W"],
             "Case3_alphaW.hiq" = abc_case3_sum[3,"disp_W"],
             "" = abc_case3_sum[2,"h"],
             "Case3_h.loq" = abc_case3_sum[1,"h"],
             "Case3_h.hiq" = abc_case3_sum[3,"h"])

error = function(cond){
  data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
             "Year" = year,
             "Pop" = pop,
             # case 1 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_W.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_W.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_alphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_h.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_h.hiq" = NA,
             # case 2 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_W.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_W.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_alphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_h.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_h.hiq" = NA,
             # case 3 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_W.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_W.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_alphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_alphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_h.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_h.hiq" = NA)





# Get summaries from actual generated data, weighted by posterior fits
abc_gendata_sums <-, lapply(abc_sims, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){
    df.out <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                         "Year" = year,
                         "Pop" = pop,
                         # case 1 summary stats 
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case1_corSC.loq" = NA,
                         "Case1_corSC.hiq" = NA,
                         # case 2 summary stats 
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case2_corSC.loq" = NA,
                         "Case2_corSC.hiq" = NA,
                         # case 3 summary stats 
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
                         "" = NA,
                         "Case3_corSC.loq" = NA,
                         "Case3_corSC.hiq" = NA)
  } else {

  df.out <- tryCatch({
# Process case 1 runs  
  abc_case1_obs <- abc_run[[8]]
    abc_case1_obs <- cbind(abc_case1_obs, 
                           est_dispW(abc_case1_obs[,"mean_W"], abc_case1_obs[,"var_W"]))
    colnames(abc_case1_obs)[ncol(abc_case1_obs)] <- "disp_W"

  abc_case1_obs_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case1_obs, abc_run[[4]]$weights)

#Process case 2 runs    
  abc_case2_obs <- abc_run[[9]]
    abc_case2_obs <- cbind(abc_case2_obs, 
                           est_dispW(abc_case2_obs[,"mean_W"], abc_case2_obs[,"var_W"]))
    colnames(abc_case2_obs)[ncol(abc_case2_obs)] <- "disp_W"

  abc_case2_obs_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case2_obs, abc_run[[5]]$weights)

#Process case 3 runs (requires more since exposure and susceptibility are separate)
  abc_case3_obs <- abc_run[[10]]
    abc_case3_obs <- cbind(abc_case3_obs, 
                           est_dispW(abc_case3_obs[,"mean_W"], abc_case3_obs[,"var_W"]))
    colnames(abc_case3_obs)[ncol(abc_case3_obs)] <- "disp_W"

    abc_case3_obs <- cbind(abc_case3_obs, 
    colnames(abc_case3_obs)[ncol(abc_case3_obs)] <- "cor_SC"

  abc_case3_obs_sum <- get_abc_med_iqr(abc_case3_obs, abc_run[[6]]$weights)

    data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
               "Year" = year,
               "Pop" = pop,
               # case 1 summary stats 
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"mean_W"],
               "Case1_obsW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1, "mean_W"],
               "Case1_obsW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3, "mean_W"],
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"disp_W"],
               "Case1_obsalphaW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1,"disp_W"],
               "Case1_obsalphaW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3,"disp_W"],
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsPhiProbW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3,"prob_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case1_obs_sum[2,"non_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsNonPhiW.loq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[1,"non_Phi"],
               "Case1_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = abc_case1_obs_sum[3,"non_Phi"],
               "" = NA,
               "Case1_corSC.loq" = NA,
               "Case1_corSC.hiq" = NA,
               # case 2 summary stats 
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"mean_W"],
               "Case2_obsW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1, "mean_W"],
               "Case2_obsW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3, "mean_W"],
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"disp_W"],
               "Case2_obsalphaW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1,"disp_W"],
               "Case2_obsalphaW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3,"disp_W"],
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsPhiProbW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3,"prob_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case2_obs_sum[2,"non_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsNonPhiW.loq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[1,"non_Phi"],
               "Case2_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = abc_case2_obs_sum[3,"non_Phi"],
               "" = NA,
               "Case2_corSC.loq" = NA,
               "Case2_corSC.hiq" = NA,
               # case 3 summary stats 
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"mean_W"],
               "Case3_obsW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1, "mean_W"],
               "Case3_obsW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3, "mean_W"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"disp_W"],
               "Case3_obsalphaW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"disp_W"],
               "Case3_obsalphaW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"disp_W"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsPhiProbW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"prob_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"prob_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"non_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsNonPhiW.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"non_Phi"],
               "Case3_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"non_Phi"],
               "" = abc_case3_obs_sum[2,"cor_SC"],
               "Case3_corSC.loq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[1,"cor_SC"],
               "Case3_corSC.hiq" = abc_case3_obs_sum[3,"cor_SC"])
error = function(cond){
  data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
             "Year" = year,
             "Pop" = pop,
             # case 1 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case1_corSC.loq" = NA,
             "Case1_corSC.hiq" = NA,
             # case 2 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case2_corSC.loq" = NA,
             "Case2_corSC.hiq" = NA,
             # case 3 summary stats 
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsalphaW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsalphaW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsPhiProbW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsPhiProbW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_obsNonPhiW.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_obsNonPhiW.hiq" = NA,
             "" = NA,
             "Case3_corSC.loq" = NA,
             "Case3_corSC.hiq" = NA)




# Get model comparison summaries
abc_fit_stats <-, lapply(abc_sims, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){
    out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                         "Year" = year,
                         "Pop" = pop,
                         "Case1_Post.Prob" = NA,
                         "Case2_Post.Prob" = NA,
                         "Case3_Post.Prob" = NA,
                         "IIItoI_BayesF" = NA,
                         "IIItoII_BayesF" = NA,
                         "IItoI_BayesF" = NA)
  } else {

    abc_fit_sum <- quiet(abc:::summary.postpr(abc_run[[7]]))


      out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                           "Year" = year,
                           "Pop" = pop,
                           "Case1_Post.Prob" = NA,
                           "Case2_Post.Prob" = NA,
                           "Case3_Post.Prob" = NA,
                           "IIItoI_BayesF" = NA,
                           "IIItoII_BayesF" = NA,
                           "IItoI_BayesF" = NA)

    } else {

    out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                         "Year" = year,
                         "Pop" = pop,
                         "Case1_Post.Prob" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob[1],
                         "Case2_Post.Prob" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob[2],
                         "Case3_Post.Prob" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob[3],
                         "IIItoI_BayesF" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF[3,1],
                         "IIItoII_BayesF" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF[3,2],
                         "IItoI_BayesF" = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF[2,1])





# Get generated datasets to compare to observed for model assessment
abc_sumstats <-, lapply(abc_sims, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- abc_run[[3]]

  if(length(abc_run) == 4){
  out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                       "Year" = year,
                       "Pop" = pop,
                      # case 1 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_genE.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_genE.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_genEse.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_genEse.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case1_genEpos2n.loq" = NA,
                       "Case1_genEpos2n.hiq" = NA,

                      # case 2 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_genE.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_genE.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_genEse.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_genEse.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case2_genEpos2n.loq" = NA,
                       "Case2_genEpos2n.hiq" = NA,

                      # case 3 summary stats 
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_genE.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_genE.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_genEse.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_genEse.hiq" = NA,
                       "" = NA,
                       "Case3_genEpos2n.loq" = NA,
                       "Case3_genEpos2n.hiq" = NA)
  } else {

  abc_case1_ss <- abc_run[[4]]$ss 

  abc_case2_ss <- abc_run[[5]]$ss 

  abc_case3_ss <- abc_run[[6]]$ss 

  out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                       "Year" = year,
                       "Pop" = pop,
                      # case 1 summary stats 
                       "" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,1], 0.5),
                       "Case1_genE.loq" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,1], 0.25),
                       "Case1_genE.hiq" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,1], 0.75),
                       "" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,2], 0.5),
                       "Case1_genEse.loq" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,2], 0.25),
                       "Case1_genEse.hiq" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,2], 0.75),
                       "" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,3], 0.5),
                       "Case1_genEpos2n.loq" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,3], 0.25),
                       "Case1_genEpos2n.hiq" = quantile(abc_case1_ss[,3], 0.75),

                      # case 2 summary stats 
                       "" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,1], 0.5),
                       "Case2_genE.loq" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,1], 0.25),
                       "Case2_genE.hiq" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,1], 0.75),
                       "" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,2], 0.5),
                       "Case2_genEse.loq" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,2], 0.25),
                       "Case2_genEse.hiq" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,2], 0.75),
                       "" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,3], 0.5),
                       "Case2_genEpos2n.loq" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,3], 0.25),
                       "Case2_genEpos2n.hiq" = quantile(abc_case2_ss[,3], 0.75),

                      # case 3 summary stats 
                       "" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,1], 0.5),
                       "Case3_genE.loq" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,1], 0.25),
                       "Case3_genE.hiq" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,1], 0.75),
                       "" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,2], 0.5),
                       "Case3_genEse.loq" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,2], 0.25),
                       "Case3_genEse.hiq" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,2], 0.75),
                       "" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,3], 0.5),
                       "Case3_genEpos2n.loq" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,3], 0.25),
                       "Case3_genEpos2n.hiq" = quantile(abc_case3_ss[,3], 0.75))



abc_fin_df <- cbind(yO, abc_posterior_sums[,-c(1:3)], abc_gendata_sums[,-c(1:3)], abc_fit_stats [,-c(1:3)], abc_sumstats[,-c(1:3)])
#abc_fin_df <- readRDS(here::here("Data/abc_fit_1e6iterations_processed.rds"))

abc_fin_df2 <- abc_fin_df %>% 
  # Determine for Case 3 if closer to Case 1 or Case2 estimates
  mutate(Case3_diff1 = (^2,
         Case3_diff2 = (^2,
         Case3_closer = if_else(Case3_diff1 > Case3_diff2, 2, 1))

abc_fin_df_long <- abc_fin_df2 %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols =,
               names_to = c("Case", "Measure"),
               names_sep = "_")

abc_fin_df_case_long <- abc_fin_df_long %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Measure", 
              values_from = "value",
              values_fn = {first})

rm(abc_sims) ; quiet(gc())
# Plot dispersion by worm burden   
kap_W_plot <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>%
  filter(Case %in% c("Case1", "Case2", "Case3") & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =^-1, 
             #shape = Intervention,
             col = Case,
             weight = +
    stat_smooth() +
    geom_point(aes(size =,
               alpha = 0.5,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    #facet_grid(Intervention~Isl) +
    theme_classic() +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#058dd6", "#cc4a49", "#7b6c7c")) +
    labs(y = expression(Worm~Dispersion~Parameter~(kappa[st]^W)),
         x = expression(Mean~community~worm~burden~(W[st])))


#ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obskapW_obsW_child.png"), height = 5, width = 8)

# Case1 PLot ----------------------
kap_W_case1_plot <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>%
  filter(Case=="Case1" & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =^-1, 
             weight = +
    geom_point(aes(size =,
               col = "#058dd6",
               alpha = 0.3,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    stat_smooth(col = "#058dd6") +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    scale_size(range = c(1,4)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T))) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$^-1, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$^-1, na.rm = T))) +
    labs(y = expression(Worm~Dispersion~Parameter~(kappa[st]^W)),
         title = "Case 1")

# Case2 PLot ----------------------
kap_W_case2_plot <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>%
  filter(Case=="Case2" & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =^-1, 
             weight = +
    geom_point(aes(size =,
               col = "#cc4a49",
               alpha = 0.3,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    stat_smooth(col = "#cc4a49") +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.line.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    scale_size(range = c(1,4)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T))) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$^-1, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$^-1, na.rm = T))) +
    labs(x = expression(Mean~worm~burden~(W[st])),
         title = "Case 2")

# Case3 PLot ----------------------
kap_W_case3_plot <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>%
  filter(Case=="Case3" & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =^-1, 
             weight = +
    geom_point(aes(size =,
               col = "#7b6c7c",
               alpha = 0.3,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    stat_smooth(col = "#7b6c7c") +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.line.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    scale_size(range = c(1,4)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T))) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$^-1, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$^-1, na.rm = T))) +
    labs(title = "Case 3")
# Mean worm burden by aggregation for case 1
  alphaW_gee_case1 <- geeglm(log( ~ log(, id = as.factor(Shehia),
                             family = "gaussian", corstr = "unstructured",
                             weights =,
                             data = abc_fin_df_case_long %>% filter(Case == "Case1" & Pop == "Child"))

  geeW_coef1_case1 <- coef(alphaW_gee_case1)[1]
  geeW_coef2_case1 <- coef(alphaW_gee_case1)[2]

  zanz_kappa_W_gee_case1 <- function(W){

save(zanz_kappa_W_gee_case1, file = here("Data", "zanz_case1_kapW_fromW_fx.RData"))  

abc_case1_kbyw_gee <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>%
  filter(Case %in% c("Case1") & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =^-1, 
             col = Case,
             size =,
             weight = +
    geom_point(alpha = 0.6) +
    #geom_errorbar(alpha = 0.6) +
    #facet_grid(Intervention~Isl) +
    theme_classic() +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    stat_function(fun = zanz_kappa_W_gee_case1, size = 1.2, col = "#058dd6") +
    scale_color_manual(values = "#058dd6") +
    #scale_shape_manual(values = c(17,18,15)) +
    labs(y = expression(Worm~Dispersion~Parameter~(kappa[st]^W)),
         x = "Mean community worm burden (W)",
         size = "Weight")


ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obskapW_obsW_adlt.png"),
       height = 5, width = 8)
# Bayes factors (omparative estimate of model performance) for each case across observed egg burden
abc_bayesF_comp <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>% 
  filter(Case %in% c("IIItoI", "IIItoII", "IItoI") & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = UF_mean, y = BayesF, col = Case)) +
    stat_smooth() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 1) +
    geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000),
                       labels = c("0.1", "1", "10", "100", "1000"),
                       limits = c(0.1,1000)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("darkblue", "darkred", "forestgreen"),
                       labels = c("Case 3 to Case 1", "Case 3 to Case 2","Case 2 to Case 1")) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(legend.position = c(0.15,0.8),
          legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
          legend.title = element_text(size = 10)) +
    labs(x = expression(paste("Mean egg burden (\U2130"[st],")")),
         y = "Bayes Factor",
         col = "Comparison")

```r$) and worm dispersion parameter ($k^W_{st}$) from ABC estimation for Case 1 (Together, top left in blue), Case 2 (Separate, top middle in red), and Case 3 (Generalizable, top right in purple). The bottom panel shows comparisons of model fit for each case across the measured community egg burden ($E_{st}$) using the Bayes Factor, a ratio of model likelihoods in which higher values imply better fits to the observed data. All axes are log-transformed and smoothed averages are shown for figure clarity. Points in the top panels are sized in proportion to the inverse of the interquartile range of the posterior estimate of $k^W_{st}$."} (kap_W_case1_plot | kap_W_case2_plot | kap_W_case3_plot) / abc_bayesF_comp +plot_layout(heights = c(2,3))

Results of ABC estimation of the mean worm burden, aggregation parameter and mating probability are shown for children. The same figures for estimation among adult populations can be found in the supplement. (Supp Figures 4-6). All three data-generating mechanisms considered produced summary statistics that matched the observed summary statistics from ZEST well (Supp Fig 1). Examination of the Bayes factors comparing the fit of each Case shows that the generalizable Case 3 performs better than both the canonical Case 1 and Case 2, though Case 2 does appear to perform about as well (Bayes Factor $\approx1$) at lower parasite burdens (Fig 2). Case 1 estimates of $W_{st}$ and $\kappa^W_{st}$ exhibited a similar pattern to $\mathcal{E}_st$ and $\kappa^\mathcal{E}_{st}$, namely increasing aggregation (indicated by decreasing $\kappa$) with decreasing measures of burden (Fig 1 and Fig 2). However, Case 2 estimates showed the opposite effect of decreasing aggregation with decreasing worm burden (Fig 2). Finally, Case 3 estimates appear similar to a mixture of Case 1 and Case 2 results, with one cluster of estimates appearing to exhibit Case 1-like dynamics and another exhibiting Case 2--like dynamics (Fig 2). Further examination of each of these clusters reveals that Case 1-like dynamics recovered from Case 3 estimation occur more frequently in Shehia-years with higher egg burdens, prevalences, and standard errors, while Case 2-like dynamics are recovered at lower egg burdens, prevalences, and standard errors (Supp Fig 2). Additionally, comparison of the estimated mean worm burden from each data-generating case to the observed mean egg burden shows that Case 3 estimates are more similar to Case 1 estimates at higher burdens, but closer to Case 2 estimates at lower burdens (Supp Fig 3).  

test_ws <- exp_seq(1e-3,100,200)

phi_pred <-"W" = test_ws,
                                "Phi_k005" = sapply(test_ws, phi_Wk, k = 0.05),
                                "Phi_dynak" = mapply(phi_Wk, test_ws, zanz_kappa_W_gee_case1(test_ws)),
                                "Phi_case2k005" = sapply(test_ws, phi_wk_sep, k = 0.05),
                                "Phi_case2dynak" = mapply(phi_wk_sep, test_ws, zanz_kappa_W_gee_case1(test_ws))))
# Case1 mate prob plot ----------------------
abc_case1_mate_prob <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>% 
  filter(Case=="Case1" & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =, 
             size = +
    geom_point(col = "#058dd6",
               alpha = 0.3,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          legend.position = "none") +
    scale_size(range = c(1,4)) +
    ylim(c(0,1)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T))) +
    labs(title = "Case 1")

# Case2 mate prob plot ----------------------
abc_case2_mate_prob <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>% 
  filter(Case=="Case2" & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =, 
             size = +
    geom_point(col = "#cc4a49",
               alpha = 0.3,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 9.5),
          axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          legend.position = "none") +
    scale_size(range = c(1,4)) +
    ylim(c(0,1)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T)))+
    labs(y = expression(Mating~probability~(Phi[st])),
         title = "Case 2")

# Case3 mate prob plot ----------------------
abc_case3_mate_prob <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>% 
  filter(Case=="Case3" & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =, 
             size = +
    geom_point(col = "#7b6c7c",
               alpha = 0.3,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          legend.position = "none") +
    scale_size(range = c(1,4)) +
    ylim(c(0,1)) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(min(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T),
                                  max(abc_fin_df_case_long$, na.rm = T)))+
    labs(x = expression(Mean~worm~burden~(W[st])),
         title = "Case 3")
# Figure is quite busy, so separate out into observations and mating probabilities
abc_w_mate_prob_obs <- ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = abc_fin_df_case_long %>% filter(Case %in% c("Case1", "Case2", "Case3") & Pop == "Child"),
             aes(x =,
                 y =, 
                 col = Case,
                 size =,
             alpha = 0.6,
             show.legend = FALSE) +
    #facet_grid(Intervention~Isl) +
    theme_classic() +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(0.05, 200)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#058dd6", "#cc4a49", "#7b6c7c")) +
    ylim(c(0,1)) +
    labs(y = expression(Mating~Probability~(Phi(W, kappa))),
         x = "Mean community worm burden (W)")


ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obs_mate_prob_among_children_points_only.png"),
       height = 5, width = 8)
mate_prob_lines <- phi_pred %>% 
  pivot_longer(Phi_k005:Phi_case2dynak) %>% 
  mutate(kap_dyna = if_else(grepl("dynak", name), "Dynamic", "Constant"),
         Case1_2 = if_else(grepl("case2", name), "Case2", "Case1")) %>% 
  filter(Case1_2 == "Case1") %>% 
  ggplot() +
    geom_line(aes(x = W, y = value, lty = kap_dyna),
              size = 1.2) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(0.05, 200)) +
    ylim(c(0,1)) +
    labs(y = expression(Mating~Probability~(Phi(W, kappa))),
         x = expression(Mean~worm~burden~(W[st])))

abc_w_mate_prob_lines <- mate_prob_lines +
    stat_smooth(data = abc_fin_df_case_long %>% filter(Case %in% c("Case1", "Case2", "Case3") & Pop == "Child"),
                aes(x =, y =, col = Case)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#058dd6", "#cc4a49", "#7b6c7c")) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 14,hjust = 0.5))# + labs(title = "Observed and Estimated\nMating Probability")


ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obs_mate_prob_among_children_lines_only.png"),
       height = 5, width = 8)
abc_w_mate_prob_lines_strat <- mate_prob_lines +
    stat_smooth(data = abc_fin_df_case_long %>% filter(Case %in% c("Case1", "Case2", "Case3") & Pop == "Child"),
                aes(x =, y =, col = Case)) +
    facet_grid(Intervention~Isl) +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(legend.position = "None") +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"),
                       limits = c(0.05, 200)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#058dd6", "#cc4a49", "#7b6c7c")) +
    ylim(c(0,1)) +
    labs(y = expression(Mating~Probability~(Phi(W, kappa))),
         x = "Mean community worm burden (W)")


ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obs_mate_prob_among_children_lines_only_strat_isl_int.png"),
       height = 5, width = 8)
unmated_pairs <- abc_fin_df_case_long %>%
  filter(Case %in% c("Case1", "Case2", "Case3") & Pop == "Child") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x =,
             y =, 
             #ymin =, ymax =,
             #shape = Intervention,
             col = Case,
             weight =,
             size = +
    geom_point(alpha = 0.6) +
    #geom_errorbar(alpha = 0.6) +
    #facet_grid(Intervention~Isl) +
    theme_classic() +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty=2, size = 1.2) +
    scale_x_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_y_continuous(trans = "log",
                       breaks = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100),
                       labels = c("0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100")) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("#058dd6", "#cc4a49", "#7b6c7c")) +
    stat_smooth() +
    labs(y = "Number of unmated worms per person",
         x = "Mean community worm burden (W)") +
    guides(size = FALSE)


ggsave(here("Plots", "abc_obs_unmated_worms_among_children.png"),
       height = 5, width = 8)
(abc_case1_mate_prob / abc_case2_mate_prob / abc_case3_mate_prob) | abc_w_mate_prob_lines# + plot_layout(ncol = 2, widths = c(2,3))

Figure 3 shows the mating probability extracted for all three data-generating cases from the best fit datasets generated in ABC estimation for every Shehia-year. These estimates are also compared to analytic predictions of the mating probability for both static aggregation ($\kappa = 0.05$, Fig 3 black solid line) and dynamic aggregation ($\kappa=f(W)$, Fig 3 black dashed line). These analytic predictions align well with empirical Case 1 and Case 3 estimates at high mean worm burdens, but underestimate the mating probability at lower mean worm burdens. Hybridization of Case 1 and Case 2 like dynamics recovered from Case 3 estimates are apparent once again, with Case 3 mating probability estimates similar to Case 1 estimates at high mean worm burdens, and resembling Case 2 estimates at lower mean worm burdens. This leads to uncertain mating probability estimates as the main determinant appears to be whether Case 1 or Case 2 like dynamics are dominant, rather than the mean worm burden or aggregation parameter from which analytic estimates are derived.

cmhoove14/SchistoDynAgg documentation built on Dec. 14, 2021, 2:12 p.m.