
# -----------------------------
# SchistoDynAgg ABC model comparisons using posterior probabilities and bayes factor
# Chris Hoover
# -----------------------------



abc_sims <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Derived/abc_fit_rejection_4cases_hrg_fixed_1e+06iterations.rds"))
yO <- readRDS(here::here("Data/Derived/ABC_yO_data.rds"))

# Get posterior summaries ----------------------
# First remove shehia-years with failed convergence. Generally because of no infection in community
abc_successes <- sapply(1:length(abc_sims), function(s){
  ifelse(length(abc_sims[[s]]) == 4, NA, s)

abc_sims2 <- abc_sims[na.omit(abc_successes)]

# Get model comparison summaries ------------------------
abc_mod_comp <-, lapply(abc_sims2, function(abc_run){
  shehia <- as.character(abc_run[[1]])
  year <- as.integer(abc_run[[2]])
  pop <- as.character(abc_run[[3]])
    abc_fit_sum <- quiet(abc:::summary.postpr(abc_run[[8]]))
    if("mnlogistic" %in% names(abc_fit_sum)){
      Probs  = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$Prob
      BayesF = abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic$BayesF
    } else {
      Probs  = abc_fit_sum$Prob
      BayesF = abc_fit_sum$BayesF
    # if(is.null(abc_fit_sum$mnlogistic)){
    #   out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
    #                        "Year" = year,
    #                        "Pop" = pop,
    #                        "Case1_Post.Prob" = NA,
    #                        "Case2_Post.Prob" = NA,
    #                        "Case3_Post.Prob" = NA,
    #                        "Case4_Post.Prob" = NA,
    #                        "IIItoI_BayesF" = NA,
    #                        "IIItoII_BayesF" = NA,
    #                        "IItoI_BayesF" = NA,
    #                        "IVtoI_BayesF" = NA,
    #                        "IVtoII_BayesF" = NA,
    #                        "IVtoIII_BayesF" = NA)
    # } else {
      out.df <- data.frame("Shehia" = shehia,
                           "Year" = year,
                           "Pop" = pop,
                           "Case1_Post.Prob" = Probs[1],
                           "Case2_Post.Prob" = Probs[2],
                           "Case3_Post.Prob" = Probs[3],
                           "Case4_Post.Prob" = Probs[4],
                           # Reference to case 1
                           "IItoI_BayesF" = BayesF[2,1],
                           "IIItoI_BayesF" = BayesF[3,1],
                           "IVtoI_BayesF" =  BayesF[4,1],
                           # Reference to case 2
                           "ItoII_BayesF" = BayesF[1,2],
                           "IIItoII_BayesF" = BayesF[3,2],
                           "IVtoII_BayesF" =  BayesF[4,2],
                           # Reference to case 3
                           "ItoIII_BayesF" =  BayesF[1,3],
                           "IItoIII_BayesF" =  BayesF[2,3],
                           "IVtoIII_BayesF" =  BayesF[4,3],
                           # Reference to case 4 (redundant, but ok),
                           "ItoIV_BayesF" =  BayesF[1,4],
                           "IItoIV_BayesF" =  BayesF[2,4],
                           "IIItoIV_BayesF" =  BayesF[3,4])
  #   }
  # }

        file = here::here("Data/Derived/abc_mod_comps.rds"))
cmhoove14/SchistoDynAgg documentation built on Dec. 14, 2021, 2:12 p.m.