create_cert_md: Generates a Markdown file for a certificate based on a...

View source: R/utils_render_cert_md.R

create_cert_mdR Documentation

Generates a Markdown file for a certificate based on a specified template, filling in details about the paper, authors, codecheck information, and the certificate images if available. The resulting Markdown file is later rendered to HTML.


Generates a Markdown file for a certificate based on a specified template, filling in details about the paper, authors, codecheck information, and the certificate images if available. The resulting Markdown file is later rendered to HTML.


create_cert_md(cert_id, repo_link, download_cert_status)



A character string representing the unique identifier of the certificate.


A character string containing the repository link associated with the certificate.


An integer (0 or 1) indicating whether the certificate PDF was downloaded (1) or not (0).

codecheckers/codecheck documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 8:41 a.m.