Man pages for coleoguy/evobir
Evolutionary Biology in R

1.fastasimulated SNP data
AncCondCalculate the mean of a continuous character at transitions...
CalcDCalculate Patterson's D-statistic
countTreesCalculate the number of times a set of topologies occur
evobiR-packageevobiR: Evolutionary Biology in R
fix.simmapFix a stochastic map with failed edges
FuzzyMatchFind Close Matches in a tree and dataset
getNeCalculate the variance effective population size
GetTipRatesCalculate the rate of evolution on the leaves of a phylogeny
horn.beetleGnatocerus measurements
hym.treePhylogenetic tree
make.simmap2Modified stochastic mapping which is resistant to model...
mite.traitphenotype data for mites
PfsaCalculate the proportion of different classes of fusions as a...
plot.phyloscaledPhylogenetic visualization of heterogenity in discrete...
ReOrderAlignmentRe-order sequences based on starting position
ResSelSelection on Residuals
SampleTreesSelect a random sample of trees
scaleTreeRatesPhylogeneitc analysis of heterogeneity in discrete character...
SlidingWindowSliding window analysis
SuperMatrixcreates a supermatrix from multiple gene alignments
trees.mite10 Phylogenetic trees
trees.nex100 Phylogenetic trees
WinCalcDCalculate Patterson's D-statistic in sliding windows
coleoguy/evobir documentation built on May 8, 2024, 6:57 p.m.