mincriterion.check: Checks and updates the input in 'mincriterion'

View source: R/estbounds.R

mincriterion.checkR Documentation

Checks and updates the input in mincriterion


This function checks and updates the input from the user in the mincriterion function. If there is any invalid input, the function will be terminated and error messages will be printed.


mincriterion.check(data, lpmodel, norm, solver)



An data frame or a matrix.


The lpmodel object.


The norm used in the optimization problem. It can be either a 1-norm or a 2-norm. See the details section of estbounds for a list of accepted strings.


The name of the linear and quadratic programming solver that is used to obtain the solution to linear and quadratic programs. The solvers supported by this package are cplexAPI, gurobi, limSolve and Rcplex.


Returns the updated parameters back to the function mincriterion. The following information are updated:

  • data

  • lpmodel

  • solver

  • solver.name

  • norm

conroylau/lpinfer documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 4 a.m.